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Governance and Societies


States remain essential pillars of the international system, even if they are not the only players. Governance is a local, national and international issue.

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Date de publication
September 2024

The Influence of Strategic Subnational Diplomacy in International Relations

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Global communication network concept © metamorworks/

The international engagement of cities and local governments has increased and diversified recently. Mainly understood by the public as the cultural and academic ties cultivated within the sister-city framework, these connections now bear deeper and more strategic implications. 

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Migration and Cohesion in Europe: a Challenge, not a Contradiction

Date de publication
06 May 2019

The eighth position paper of the Daniel Vernet Group addresses immigration, integration and cohesion in Europe where migration is often perceived as a threat to cohesion within societies and also among states. In the paper, the Daniel Vernet Group argues that migration and cohesion are not contradictory. However, Germany and France need to develop common approaches in order to encourage the finding of European answers to these challenges.

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The Niger-Libya Border: Securing It without Stabilising It?

Date de publication
30 November 2018

Often described as an “ungoverned area”, the Niger-Libya border is nevertheless at the centre of major economic, political and security challenges. Both the Libyan authorities and the Nigerien state are struggling to establish tight control over this particularly isolated area. 

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Tackling the Root Causes of Displacement: the German Discourse

Date de publication
11 March 2019

In Germany, an important role is ascribed to development policy when considering the question of how to deal with the causes of displacement and irregular migration. Development policy seeks to enable (potential) migrants to enjoy brighter prospects in their countries of origin through job creation measures so that they do not embark on the dangerous journey to Europe (or Germany) in the first place.

Migration Flows and Policies: India at a Turning Point

Date de publication
01 October 2014

India hosts millions of economic migrants from neighboring countries, especially Nepal and Bangladesh. It is also a haven for large refugee communities from Tibet or Sri Lanka. In the past years, India’s dynamic economic growth has brought in new types of migrants: young European graduates, entrepreneurs and highly skilled Indian migrants returning home.

Emerging Markets and Migration Policy: China

Date de publication
01 July 2014

China’s development has given rise to massive flows of both domestic migration and international emigration.

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Immigration: Europe in the Face of an Italian Crisis

Date de publication
20 July 2018

Since the Italian election held on March 4th, 2018, immigration policy has become a hotter-than-ever issue both at national and European level. The Aquarius incident has brought to light the question of European solidarity regarding immigration issues.

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European Union Partnerships with African Countries on Migration: A Common Issue with Conflicting Interests

Date de publication
20 March 2018

Since 2015 and the refugee crisis, the dialogue between the European Union (EU) and African countries on migration issues has assumed a new intensity. 

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Five theses on the "refugee crisis" in Germany

Date de publication
31 May 2018

The term "refugee crisis" is not uncontroversial in Germany; it is indeed accused of presenting the refugees as being responsible for the crisis. The events that have occurred since the summer of 2015 should rather be called "crisis of the authorities", given that Germany could have anticipated the massive increase in the number of refugees. The use of the term "refugee crisis" in this article is axiologically neutral and reflects its present common use in politics, the media and specialised literature.

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Macron, Diplomat: A New French Foreign Policy?

Date de publication
13 April 2018

How can we define Emmanuel Macron’s foreign policy since he took office? After Nicolas Sarkozy’s brazen style of “gutsy diplomacy” and François Hollande’s “normal diplomacy”, the eighth president of the Fifth Republic seems to have opted for an agile classicism. In substance, he makes no claim to any radical break with the past, but sees his approach as being in line with historical tradition.

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Trump, un an après. Un monde à l'état de nature ?

Date de publication
02 November 2017

In the week following Trump’s election, Ifri published a study to identify the likely changes in U.S. foreign policy. From the outset, this election appeared as a change in the U.S.’ trajectory, with consequences on the power relations and functioning of the international system.

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Ifri, a foundation recognized as being of public utility, relies largely on private donors – companies and individuals – to guarantee its sustainability and intellectual independence. Through their funding, donors help maintain the Institute's position among the world's leading think tanks. By benefiting from an internationally recognized network and expertise, donors refine their understanding of geopolitical risk and its consequences on global politics and the economy. In 2024, Ifri will support more than 70 French and foreign companies and organizations.

Ramses Conference
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Satellite floating in space
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Ramses Conference