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Governance and Societies


States remain essential pillars of the international system, even if they are not the only players. Governance is a local, national and international issue.

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Date de publication
September 2024

The Influence of Strategic Subnational Diplomacy in International Relations

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Global communication network concept © metamorworks/

The international engagement of cities and local governments has increased and diversified recently. Mainly understood by the public as the cultural and academic ties cultivated within the sister-city framework, these connections now bear deeper and more strategic implications. 

Migration in Eastern Africa: Regional Challenge, Global Issue

20 October 2017

An interview with Jeffrey LABOVITZ, International Organization for Migration (IOM) Nairobi Regional Director

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Between aging and migrations: the difficult German equation

Date de publication
14 June 2017

The decision of German Chancellor Angela Merkel to welcome over one million refugees in the years 2015 and 2016 had been interpreted by some to be a strategic choice to cope with the demographic problems that Germany is facing: the expected decline in the population, especially in its work force, as well an ageing population. 

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Foreign Policy Challenges for the Next French President

Date de publication
31 March 2017

France’s current presidential campaign has created an unprecedented situation fuelled by revelations and a total absence of restraint, but it has not truly taken account of the disruptions of the last year: Brexit, the attempted coup in Turkey, the election of Donald Trump, the recapturing of Aleppo by Bashar al-Assad, Xi Jinping’s declarations about “economic globalization”, or the behavior of North Korea. The debate, or rather its absence, can be looked at in two ways.

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Europe and Refugees in 2015: A Crisis of Memory?

Date de publication
21 December 2016

Contrary to other immigration societies such as the United States, Canada or Australia, migrations is not a core element of European narratives on shared identity. Each country maintains a very particular understanding of his migratory past and on the extent to which it should become part of the national narrative. The question of a European memory of migration therefore struggles to emerge.

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Le monde selon Trump. Anticiper la nouvelle politique étrangère américaine

Date de publication
16 November 2016

What will become of US foreign policy under Donald Trump? A selection of Ifri researchers has come together to offer their thoughts on this question. Our experts cover an array of topics through 14 contributions, ranging from the future Sino-American relations, through US engagement in the Middle East, to the prospects of a renewed transatlantic relationship. This analysis intends to help readers anticipate the outcomes of this election in order to facilitate decision-making.

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Recruitment procedures of foreign workers in France. The point of view of French companies

Date de publication
26 May 2015

Study on migration policies’ impact on recruitment procedures of foreign workers in France.

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Are private companies agents in the implementation of French immigration policies?

Date de publication
02 October 2015

Migration policies and rules applying to the recruitment of foreign workers impact HR and recruitment processes of French private companies. Administrative procedures are both complex and time consuming for they might require extra actions from those employees in charge of the recruitment process. The difficult access to clear information coupled with the impossibility to anticipate the outcome of recruitment procedures hinders economic objectives of firms and impacts their competitiveness.

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Calais: French asylum system out of gas or failure of the European asylum policy?

Date de publication
24 October 2016

The Calais’ camp demolition operation that has begun on October 24th 2016 is the most significant ever conducted. It follows numerous failed or aborted attempts to dismantle the shanty town and relocalize its inhabitants. 

Right of asylum: history of a European failure

Date de publication
20 August 2015

Since the April 2015 shipwrecks in the Mediterranean, the right of asylum has become a priority in European talks. However, states have remained reluctant and sometimes hostile to measures of solidarity recommended by the European Commission. Such tensions raise the question of the European Union’s capacity to enforce a European asylum policy.

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Refugees and European borders in the aftermath of Paris’ terror attacks

Date de publication
25 November 2015

Just a day after the murderous attacks that killed 129 people and wounded about 350 more in Paris and St Denis on November 13th 2015, the word spread that a Syrian passport had been found near the body of one of the Stade de France’s attacker.

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Ifri, a foundation recognized as being of public utility, relies largely on private donors – companies and individuals – to guarantee its sustainability and intellectual independence. Through their funding, donors help maintain the Institute's position among the world's leading think tanks. By benefiting from an internationally recognized network and expertise, donors refine their understanding of geopolitical risk and its consequences on global politics and the economy. In 2024, Ifri will support more than 70 French and foreign companies and organizations.

Ramses Conference
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Satellite floating in space
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Ramses Conference