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The electoral process sets the pace for democratic life and international news. In some countries, elections are no more than a façade for democracy.

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Neither Left nor Right, but Both? The Sahra Wagenknecht Alliance (BSW) in the Wake of European Elections

Date de publication
02 July 2024

The 2024 European elections not only provided the occasion for a new German party, the “Bündnis Sahra Wagenknecht” (BSW), to emerge but also to obtain 6.2% of the vote.

Populism and International Relations

Date de publication
07 June 2024

Populism is flourishing, in Europe and elsewhere: a populist holds power today in Argentina and perhaps tomorrow in the United States. What does its spread say about our societies? And how is it shaping them, where populists rule? Do their economic policies stand any chance of success? Do their foreign policies have a greater impact on the world around them or at home? If “Trump 2.0” comes to be, will he have a free hand? If so, what can we expect?

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The Major Challenges of Ahmed Bola Tinubu's Nigerian Administration

Date de publication
03 April 2024

Voter turnout for Nigeria's presidential elections in February-March 2023 has never been so low since the country's return to democracy in 1999. Nigeria's new president, Ahmed Bola Tinubu, must now reassure voters that Africa's leading economy is capable of putting the lie to a persistent image of a country in decline.

AfD’s Foreign Policy Between Disengagement in the West and Partnership in the East

Date de publication
21 March 2024

The Alternative for Germany (AfD) was formed in 2013 in the context of the currency crisis as an “alternative” to the Merkel government’s policy of rescuing the euro. Since then, the party’s platforms for the European elections in 2014, 2019 and 2024 have become increasingly radical. 


“Broken” Franco-German tandem needs Tusk and Trump

15 March 2024

As the vital relationship between Franco-German leaders Olaf Scholz and Emmanuel Macron appears “broken”, hopes for a sustainable fix rest on the Weimar Triangle and even the return of an old nemesis.

Türkiye’s Stifled Ambitions

Date de publication
07 June 2023

As its elections have unfolded this spring, Türkiye has again shown itself to be symptomatic of the times. Across the world, numerous political regimes oscillate between democratic forms of government and an authoritarian concentration of power; impressive periods of growth give way to inflation and recession; and international deregulation gives rise to widespread diplomacy in an effort to juggle a myriad of shifting political loyalties. Faced with the war in Ukraine, Ankara is playing a strong hand by enlarging its areas of presence and intervention. Türkiye is more important to its partners than ever, independent of its eventual domestic trajectory.

Western discourse predicted the advent of Chinese dominance in the very short term, but events have taken a rather different turn. The drivers that enabled the unprecedented growth of recent decades seem to have run out of steam. Moreover, the outcome of Beijing’s economic strategies is still uncertain, in a context shaped primarily by U.S. policies. China’s influence in the future will be considerable, but the direction its rebound will take remains unclear.

For Europeans, the events in Ukraine and the thorny issue of the Sino-American rivalry cannot paper over the other security problems we face: On what common vision of our history and future will we build the Europe of tomorrow? Has drug trafficking already changed the nature of our societies? Can we afford to turn away from instances of destabilization in Africa, from the Horn to the Sahel?

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Political Coalitions in Turkey in the Run-Up to the 2023 Elections

Date de publication
03 May 2023

The year 2023, already marked by a deadly double earthquake in the south-east of the country in February, is the year of the centenary of the Republic, but above all an election year for Turkey.

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Balancing Security and Innovation: Opposition's View on Turkey's Digital Policies

Date de publication
26 April 2023

The upcoming presidential and parliamentary elections in Turkey on May 14, 2023, are expected to be closely contested. Polls suggest that the ruling AK Party-led People’s Alliance will lose its majority in parliament, resulting in a hung lower house. 

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What Is the Future of Trumpism?

Date de publication
06 March 2023

Donald Trump's presidency allowed the most radical wing of the Republicans to seize hold of the party.

United States: The Uncertain Empire

Date de publication
13 March 2023
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Balancing Security and Innovation: Opposition's View on Turkey's Digital Policies

Date de publication
26 April 2023

The upcoming presidential and parliamentary elections in Turkey on May 14, 2023, are expected to be closely contested. Polls suggest that the ruling AK Party-led People’s Alliance will lose its majority in parliament, resulting in a hung lower house. 

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Emmanuel Macron: The Preferred Choice for Taipei and Beijing

Date de publication
15 April 2022

The second round of the French presidential election on April 24 will decide whether Emmanuel Macron, the incumbent president, or Marine Le Pen, the leader of the far right nationalist party Rassemblement national (national gathering), will become president of the French Republic for the next five years.

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A Protest Made in Algeria

Date de publication
02 April 2019

Since February 22, thousands and then millions of Algerians have taken to the streets every Friday to protest against the fifth term of their ailing eighty-two-year-old president, Abdelaziz Bouteflika.

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Ramaphosa’s Presidency: What Has Changed?

Date de publication
07 May 2019

On the eve of the 25th anniversary of democracy in South Africa, the African National Congress (ANC) still holds power in a nearly hegemonic way. Nevertheless, the popularity of the party is decreasing while economic and social inequalities are deeply entrenched in the country.

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In Helsinki, Putin Can Grant Trump Great Success, of Sorts

Date de publication
03 July 2018

The July 16, 2018, face-to-face between President Trump and Russian President Vladimir Putin is both entirely natural and extremely unconventional, very encouraging and deeply disturbing.

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The Resurgence of Conflict in Mozambique. Ghosts from the Past and Brakes to Peaceful Democracy

Date de publication
04 May 2017

2016 proved to be a most challenging year for Mozambique. Small-scale conflict, which started reappearing between the government and the opposition party, the Mozambican National Resistance (Renamo), in 2013, intensified over the course of the year, whilst peace negotiations stalled. 

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South African Local Elections 2016. From One Party Dominance to Effective Plural Democracy

Date de publication
08 November 2016

The South African political landscape experienced a shock from an unlikely source; the country’s local government elections on August 3, 2016 representing the last tier of government and often overlooked in favour of national and provincial polls. 

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Trump's Vice President: Attempting to heal the Republican rift

Date de publication
21 July 2016

The announcement of Mike Pence as Republican presidential nominee Donald Trump’s running mate on July 15 was decidedly lackluster, if not downright awkward. Far from his normal persona of self-assurance to the point of hubris, Trump seemed uncomfortable and even nervous throughout, shifting plans and issuing contradictory statements in the days leading up to his running mate’s finalization.

As Pence’s name began to circulate last week, Trump signaled his malaise by insisting that the leaks were not a “final, final decision,” revealing his inability to confidently stick to Pence. Trump cancelled his first joint event with Pence scheduled for Friday, citing a desire to pay tribute to the victims of the attack in Nice, France the day prior; regardless, Trump drew attention back to himself and announced his choice on Friday evening anyway, via Twitter. Insiders reported that Trump sought assurance from advisors that Pence was the man for the job, even as Trump’s campaign fielded a last-minute appeal from New Jersey Governor Chris Christie.

The selection of Pence represents Trump committing himself to the Republican Party and its unification. Alliance building is Trump’s strategy, but drawing in Republicans is risky as it requires shunning others. A polarizing candidate is what Trump feels his campaign needs but comes with the unease of sacrificing his ability to say or do whatever he pleases, Trump’s characteristic trademark.

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Hillary Clinton's Email "Scandal": How Will It Affect the Election?

Date de publication
15 June 2016

With the Democratic Presidential Nomination in sight, Hillary Clinton must still contend with a continuous conversation about her email practices. How will this scandal, or non-scandal, affect the presidential race yet to come? A look at the perspectives of the American constituency and pending investigations may predict Clinton's likely future... and the future of the American presidency.

Algeria: Cosmetic Change or Actual Reform?

Date de publication
09 July 2012

Algeria has emerged as something of an “exception” across the Middle East and North Africa (MENA) region, and while the recent elections have been marred by widespread allegations of fraud, the results have effectively consolidated the regime’s grip on power thus ensuring its complete monopoly over the country’s reform process.


Germany's FDP holds Strong Cards in Post-Election Haggling

27 September 2021

Buoyant from its best election result in 10 years, Germany's liberal FDP party looks set to play a outsized role in coalition negotiations to form the next government.


Macron takes a risk in courting Trump, but has little to show for it

22 April 2018

PARIS — President Emmanuel Macron was put on the spot this year in front of a room full of journalists when one asked, provocatively: Which man is more dangerous, North Korea’s leader, Kim Jong-un; or Donald J. Trump?


Abe dissolves Japan Parliament ahead of snap elections

28 September 2017

On Thursday, Japanese Prime Minister Shinzo Abe dissolved Japan’s parliament, the starting pistol for the snap elections he called a year early to get over a “national crisis.”


From Russia, with love

22 April 2017

Russia is trying to “sow chaos” in Europe by betting big on Marine Le Pen and France's far right.


Moscow Eyes the French Elections

29 March 2017

With just a few weeks left until French voters head to the polls, far-right presidential candidate Marine Le Pen made her way to Moscow for a surprise meeting with Russian President Vladimir Putin.  


Emmanuel Macron aide blames Russia for hacking attempts

13 February 2017

Russia watchers say Moscow is deploying considerable resources to swing the French election.

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Reaction to U.S. Election Results

11 November 2016

Europe needs better relations between Moscow and Washington. President-Elect Donald Trump spoke on the campaign trail of mending U.S. relations with Russia. 


A facist America?

02 June 2016

Are the United States at risk of giving into a totalitarian drift embodied by Donald Trump?


Coalition or snap poll: What next for Turkey?

09 June 2015

Turkish President Recep Tayyip Erdogan’s AKP suffered a stunning defeat in the latest parliamentary poll with the party losing its absolute majority for the first time in 13 years. The question now is whether it can hold on to power.

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U.S. Foreign Policy in the Age of Trump

12 December 2019

Despite a very particular style, the Trump administration's foreign policy continues on many points the American withdrawal from World affairs which had started under Barack Obama. The main trends of thought of American foreign policy show this evolution, with the resurgence of non-interventionist and even nationalist ideas amongs DC think-tankers.

The 2020 Campaign and the Impeachment Process. Conference video

12 December 2019

The Democratic Party primary campaign is in full swing and the Impeachment inquiry against Donald Trump proceeds speedily. What is the state of American public opinion less than a year before the elections? How are conservative and progressive media lining up to cover the event?

U.S. public opinion and the 2020 campaign: an interview with John Zogby

17 December 2019

John Zogby, Senior Partner, John Zogby Strategies LLC and Founder, The Zogby Poll speaks about U.S. public opinion and the 2020 campaign on the sidelines of Ifri's 18th annual U.S. conference held on December 6, 2019.

Transatlantic relations in the age of "America First" (Sophia Besch)

17 December 2018

An interview with Sophia Besch, Research Fellow, Center for European Reform.

How will Middle America vote in 2020? (Lara Putnam)

17 December 2018

An interview with Lara Putnam, Professor and Chair, History Department, University of Pittsburgh.

How will Middle America vote in 2020? (Henry Olsen)

17 December 2018

An interview with Henry Olsen, Senior Fellow, Ethics and Public Policy Center (EPPC).

Jeffrey GOLDBERG - Trump: One Year After The Election

15 December 2017

3 questions to Jeffrey GOLDBERG, Editor in Chief, The Atlantic

Jeremy SHAPIRO - Trump: One Year After The Election

15 December 2017

Has Trump changed his views of transatlantic relations? What should Europeans do? Is Trump's Russia policy dictated by the Russia probe?

Karlyn BOWMAN - Trump: One Year After The Election

15 December 2017

3 questions to Karlyn BOWMAN, Senior Fellow, American Entreprise Institute

Michala MARCUSSEN - Trump: One Year After The Election

15 December 2017

Is the American economy doing well? Will the Tax Reform change this? How could the bond markets evolve in 2018?

Where is the U.S. nuclear arsenal headed?

18 October 2017

An interview with Jon WOLFSTHAL, nonresident scholar, Nuclear Policy Program, Carnegie Endowment for International Peace

Donald Trump's challenge to American democracy and the western alliance

03 May 2017

On April 27, 2017, Ifri hosted David FRUM (former speechwriter for President George W. Bush, senior editor for The Atlantic magazine) to discuss Donald Trump's challenge to American democracy and the western alliance.

Siloviki: What Influence on Russia's Domestic and Foreign Policy?

01 March 2017

3 questions to Mark GALEOTTI, Senior Researcher at the Institute of International Relations Prague, Director of Mayak Intelligence consultancy.


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