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Governance and Societies


States remain essential pillars of the international system, even if they are not the only players. Governance is a local, national and international issue.

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Date de publication
September 2024

The Influence of Strategic Subnational Diplomacy in International Relations

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Global communication network concept © metamorworks/

The international engagement of cities and local governments has increased and diversified recently. Mainly understood by the public as the cultural and academic ties cultivated within the sister-city framework, these connections now bear deeper and more strategic implications. 

Racial integration - Lessons from the U.S. Army

Date de publication
06 February 2012

On Friday, the 13th of January, 2012, the Center for Migrations and Citizenship welcomed 3-star U.S. Army General Bostick as a speaker of its international conference: "Business and the State: Migration Policies, Diversity and Integration".

Entrepreneurs and Migration: The Case of Sweden

Date de publication
18 February 2013

The " Swedish Model " of labor immigration management came to a turning point with the 2008 reform. This major reform consisted in a deregulation of the labor market, which until then had only opened a limited number of positions to migrants. However, what consequences can be expected from such a political shift: the benefits of a productive competitiveness or the threat of exploitation and social dumping?

" Diversity " in hospitals: social identities and discriminations

Date de publication
29 August 2011

"Diversity" is a structuring dimension of healthcare institutions in France today. Public and private hospitals employ a very socially and culturally diversified staff, to which they offer upward social mobility opportunities. This diversity constitutes an asset, which allows healthcare institutions to welcome a very diversified public, including people with an immigration background or coming from the French Overseas Territories or Departments (DOM-TOM).

Linking Business and Migration Policy in the USA

Date de publication
06 February 2012

On Friday, the 13th of January, 2012, the Center for Migrations and Citizenship welcomed Jesus 'Chuy' Garcia - Cook County Commissioner, Chicago (USA) - as a speaker of its international conference "Business and the State: Migration Policies, Diversity and Integration".

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European States and their Muslim Citizens
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ETFIM Country report: United Kingdom

European Task Force on Irregular Migrations - Country Report: United Kingdom

Date de publication
29 September 2011

Irregularity of status, or „illegal‟ migration, has become a significant issue of public interest over the last 10 years. It is argued that the numbers game and moral panic shifted from black communities in the early 1980s to „bogus‟ asylum seekers in the early 1990s, and to irregular migrants in the late 1990s (Clandestino 2008: 18). We argue that public concern over irregular migration results from the tension between the needs of the UK economy for labour migration and the attempts of successive governments to convince voters that they are in control of immigration, and that they only allow inflows beneficial to the country. This situation generates loud and tough discourses on asylum and irregular migration, which remain closely related issues in Britain today.

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As cruzadas da integraçao na Europa

As cruzadas da integraçao na Europa

Date de publication
01 February 2011

Labor Migration in the State of Qatar: Policy Making and Governance

Date de publication
19 December 2013

The discovery of petroleum wealth in the middle of the last century completely reconfigured the political economy of Qatar. Small local population size and low levels of labor force participation pushed Qatar to seek alternate sources of labor to meet burgeoning labor demands.

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ETFIM Country Report: Italy

European Task Force on Irregular Migrations - Country Report: Italy

Date de publication
29 September 2011

In order to understand the present configuration of immigration policies in Italy, it is necessary to follow a path of double logic at every step of the analysis. On one side, the study will identify consistent trends in the country’s “immigration history” that continue to shape the main features of the reality of immigration today (see §§ 2.1 and 2.2). On the other side, the study will focus on major changes in the regulation of immigration and the policies addressing undocumented migrants that occurred in more recent times (see § 2.3.).

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Immigration, Incorporation, and Diversity in Western Europe and the United States: Comparative Perspectives

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Ramses Conference
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Satellite floating in space
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Ramses Conference