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Energy - Climate


In the face of the climate emergency and geopolitical confrontations, how can we reconcile security of supply, competitiveness, accessibility, decarbonization and acceptability? What policies are needed?

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The Aluminum Value Chain: A Key Component of Europe’s Strategic Autonomy and Carbon Neutrality

Date de publication
29 July 2024

The United States of America (US), Canada and the European Union (EU) all now consider aluminum as strategic. This metal is indeed increasingly used, especially for the energy transition, be it for electric vehicles (EVs), electricity grids, wind turbines or solar panels.

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War and energy transitions: medium and long-term consequences

27 March 2024

In a world already threatened by climate change, wars bring an additional component of instability. How do armed conflicts impact the energy transition, and what can be done about this? Learn more from the discussion featuring Marc-Antoine Eyl-Mazzega, Director of Ifri’s Center for Energy & Climate, moderated by Tatiana Mitrova, NEAH Founder and Director.

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The Prospects of Indonesia’s Nickel Boom Amidst a Systemic Challenge from Coal

Date de publication
02 May 2024

Indonesia is a country that is booming economically and demographically. This not only matters for regional, political, and energy security, but also increasingly, for the world’s energy transitions, due to Indonesia’s large metal reserves, as well as its equally important coal consumption in industry and for power generation.

Over the last 20 years, Indonesia’s economy has been characterized by very dynamic growth, massive increases in its electricity demand, and coal consumption and exports. Hence, its greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions are on a steady growth trajectory, although the country has committed to lowering them by 32% (unconditional) or 41% (conditional) by 2030.

With its Organization for Economic Cooperation and Development (OECD) membership application, occurring in the context of global energy transition requirements and geopolitical confrontations, Indonesia is today at a crossroads.

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European Solar PV Manufacturing: Terminal Decline or Hope for a Rebirth?

Date de publication
25 April 2024

While solar photovoltaic (PV) installations are booming in Europe (and in other parts of the world), the local industry is closing down. Over the past two years, the European installed solar PV capacity has been multiplied by two. On the other hand, the remaining European manufacturers of solar PV panels are dying.

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Global Gateway: Towards a European External Climate Security Strategy?

Date de publication
11 April 2024

Transport, energy, water and telecommunications infrastructures are vital for economic development. These infrastructures are also fundamental for the achievement of the 2030 Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs), which have suffered a setback notably due to the Covid-19 pandemic, wars, and weak economic performance. Based on the Global Infrastructure Outlook, the world needs 97 trillion dollars ($) in infrastructure investments (energy, water, airports, ports, rail, road, and telecommunications) over 2016-2040, and based on the current investment trends ($79 trillion over the given period), the cumulative global infrastructure investment gap amounts to $18 trillion.

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Germany’s Strategy on Climate Foreign Policy: Balancing Sustainable Development and Energy Security

Date de publication
18 March 2024

With the war in Ukraine, Germany’s “traffic light” coalition government has had to adapt its climate policy to the upheavals caused by this war, which has turned its economic, energy, and military model upside down. Against a backdrop of high energy costs and increasing calls for reshoring in Europe, German industry is looking at how to maintain its competitiveness while decarbonizing its industry.

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Electric Vehicles: A Strong and Still Understated Performance

Date de publication
01 March 2024

Electric vehicles (EVs) are better for the climate – even in worst-case scenarios. Across its life cycle, a typical European electric car produces less greenhouse gas (GHG) and air pollutants or noise than its petrol or diesel equivalent. Emissions are usually higher in the production phase, but these are more than offset over time by lower emissions in the use phase. According to the European Environment Agency’s report on electric vehicles, life cycle GHG emissions of EVs are about 17-30% lower than those of petrol and diesel cars.

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How Can the Green Deal Adapt to a Brutal World?

Date de publication
25 January 2024

The European Green Deal has not been planned for the current extraordinarily deteriorated internal and external environment. Russia’s war in Ukraine, higher interest rates, inflation, strained public finances, weakened value chains, and lack of crucial skills pose unprecedented challenges. 

Critical Minerals: A Problematic Diversification

Date de publication
05 December 2023

Faced with the boom in demand for metal resources generated by the latest technology, the United States and Europe have been forced to revise the geography of their supply networks, which is synonymous with strategic dependency. 

The South versus the West?

Date de publication
05 December 2023

In 2023, forums that amplify the voice of the “Global South” have proliferated and grown louder. As contradictory and divided as they may be, these forums (BRICS+, Shanghai Cooperation Organization (SCO), G20, the Group of 77, the European Silk Road Summit…) attest to the emergence of new power relations, and especially new directions in foreign policy, with states rejecting alignment with the dominant powers of the past in favor of putting their own interests first. A new world is taking shape, with changeable, still uncertain, contours.

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The Aluminum Value Chain: A Key Component of Europe’s Strategic Autonomy and Carbon Neutrality

Date de publication
29 July 2024

The United States of America (US), Canada and the European Union (EU) all now consider aluminum as strategic. This metal is indeed increasingly used, especially for the energy transition, be it for electric vehicles (EVs), electricity grids, wind turbines or solar panels.

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Electric Vehicles: A Strong and Still Understated Performance

Date de publication
01 March 2024

Electric vehicles (EVs) are better for the climate – even in worst-case scenarios. Across its life cycle, a typical European electric car produces less greenhouse gas (GHG) and air pollutants or noise than its petrol or diesel equivalent. Emissions are usually higher in the production phase, but these are more than offset over time by lower emissions in the use phase. According to the European Environment Agency’s report on electric vehicles, life cycle GHG emissions of EVs are about 17-30% lower than those of petrol and diesel cars.

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How Can the Green Deal Adapt to a Brutal World?

Date de publication
25 January 2024

The European Green Deal has not been planned for the current extraordinarily deteriorated internal and external environment. Russia’s war in Ukraine, higher interest rates, inflation, strained public finances, weakened value chains, and lack of crucial skills pose unprecedented challenges. 

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COP28: A Tale of Money, Fossil Fuels, and Divisions

Date de publication
16 November 2023

“Humanity has opened the gates of hell”, said the UN Secretary General Antonio Guterres during the Climate Ambition Summit, in New York, in September 2023, three months before COP28. The sense of urgency that he conveyed seems shared across the international community. 

Global Coal Markets at a Climax. An Era of Coal Decline is Finally about to Begin

Date de publication
04 October 2023

In a previous note published in 2018, we noted that global coal demand had flattened. Several governments had announced coal phase-out plans, global coal power investment had contracted, and investment in greenfield coal mines was also at a standstill. The freezing of financial resources for coal projects might have indicated the beginning of a structural decline in coal demand and supply.


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Is International Climate Finance Unfair and Inefficient?

Date de publication
20 June 2023

Finance is arguably the most sensitive climate negotiation topic. Different studies have shown that rich countries emit the majority of greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions, while the climate footprint of the poorest countries is much more limited.

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IRA: Towards Clean Hydrogen Leadership in the U.S.

Date de publication
15 June 2023

Although late in adopting clean hydrogen (H2) and defining a national strategy–a draft was presented by the Department of Energy (DOE) in September 2022–, the United States (US) has strongly reinforced its support to clean hydrogen with the passage of the Inflation Reduction Act (IRA) in August 2022.

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The Europeanisation of the Energy Transition in Central and Eastern EU Countries: An Uphill Battle that Can Be Won

Date de publication
19 April 2023

Russia’s war in Ukraine, and the brutal decoupling from Russian fossil fuels, is a game changer for the Central and Eastern Europe region which was still heavily dependent on Russia for its energy supply. 

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The Strategic Repositioning of LNG: Implications for Key Trade Routes and Choke Points

Date de publication
12 April 2023

2022 saw the climax so far of the weaponization of energy. Following its geopolitical demise, Russia has undertaken its own gas amputation, moving from a super energy power status to a diminished role with uncertain prospects and only hard options left.

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G20 Energy Transitions and Climate Finance Task Force Report

Date de publication
16 February 2023

India is at the helm of the G20 presidency since the 1st of December 2022 for the duration of a year, with energy transition and climate finance being key topics on its agenda. In this context, the Gateway House put in place a G20 Energy Task Force to which Ifri’s Research Fellow, Diana-Paula Gherasim, participated.

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War and energy transitions: medium and long-term consequences

27 March 2024

In a world already threatened by climate change, wars bring an additional component of instability. How do armed conflicts impact the energy transition, and what can be done about this? Learn more from the discussion featuring Marc-Antoine Eyl-Mazzega, Director of Ifri’s Center for Energy & Climate, moderated by Tatiana Mitrova, NEAH Founder and Director.


Pétrole : l’attaque du Hamas contre Israël nourrit des craintes autour de l’Iran

11 October 2023

Les Etats-Unis, alliés traditionnels d’Israël, pourraient être amenés à encadrer plus strictement l’application des sanctions contre Téhéran, pays qui représentait 4 % de l’offre mondiale de brut en 2022. Voire à les durcir s’il est avéré que l’Iran a aidé à planifier les actes terroristes du Hamas.


Long-Term Operation Of Nuclear Plants Vital For Future Of Grid, Says Expert

27 July 2023

Argument that reactors are expensive "does not hold any more", conference hears. Nuclear plants will be needed for the future stability of Europe’s grid, Marc-Antoine Eyl-Mazzega said. 

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Energy sector: outlook and opportunities

22 June 2023

The recent energy crisis has highlighted our economies' dependence on energy resources. With fossil fuels becoming less available, and a necessary transition to more decarbonised alternatives, could tomorrow's energy not become more expensive and less certain in availability? 


Iranian lithium deposits: EU can ‘easily’ do without, experts say

09 March 2023

The Iranian government claimed last week it had found a new deposit of lithium in the Hamedan province, worth 10% of all global lithium resources, but experts say this marks no shift in EU-Iran diplomatic ties.

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EDF’s problems pile up as full nationalisation looms

17 July 2022

French supplier of nuclear energy is struggling with plant shutdowns, build problems and skills shortages.

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Solar power shines through after a slow start in Africa

26 May 2022

The case for the renewable energy source is becoming clearer on the ‘sun continent’


Delhi to Paris: A strategic partnership

07 May 2022

Prime Minister Narendra Modi’s visit to France on May 4 is his fifth since 2015, and the 10th such high-level bilateral visit. 


Le Pen Puts Fuel-Tax Cut, Wind Crackdown at Heart of Energy Plan

15 April 2022

As Europe suffers its worst energy crisis in a generation, French presidential candidate Marine Le Pen is proposing to subsidize consumption while further curtailing supply.

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What can we expect from Russia at COP26?

28 October 2021

We ask experts whether the Kremlin’s latest moves on climate, including its 2060 net-zero target, heralds genuine change or more greenwash. 

Russia has been seen as a climate pariah by the international community for some years. It was one of the last counties to ratify the 2015 Paris Agreement – not until September 2019, at the UN’s Climate Action Summit.

The EU’s Power System by 2030: Navigating the Crisis and Keeping the Decarbonization Cap (video)

11 October 2022

Replay from Ifri's conference at the European Parliament in Brussels (October 11, 2022). The combination of the climate crisis and Russia’s war in Ukraine makes the case for a much faster transition to a fully decarbonized power system. 


Marc-Antoine Eyl-Mazzega on Global Energy, Valdai Discussion Club

14 March 2019

Marc-Antoine Eyl-Mazzega, director of Ifri’s Centre for Energy, discusses various issues related to the energy market, from the strategic move of Russia towards Saudi Arabia and the role of the United States to the recent prices collapses and gas crises.

Reforming the EU electricity markets - Florian ERMACORA

13 July 2017

Florian Ermacora, Head of the Internal Energy Market Unit in DG Energy, explains how the Clean Energy Package will improve the functioning of the internal electricity market, and how the new market design will help integrating larger shares of renewables.

ENTSO-E's views on the Clean Energy Package - An Interview with Laurent SCHMITT

13 July 2017

Laurent Schmitt, Secretary General, ENTSO-E, explains how to improve cooperation between transmission system operators and strengthen security of electricity supply, and how the Clean Energy Package will enhance the design of electricity market as a continuation of the network codes.

Does Russia still have an "energy weapon"?

14 October 2016

What are the Current Challenges for Gazprom and Russia’s Energy Policy? What are the Gas Risks for Europe? Is the Nord Stream-II a Risk or an Opportunity for Europe?

How to reflect non-parties contributions? The Taiwanese experience with climate action

19 November 2015

Minister Kuo-Yen Wei, the third speaker to our conference on Climate Action beyond COP21, shared his insights on how Taiwan, which is not an official party to the UNFCCC, is determined to contribute to the global fight against climate change by taking action domestically. Mr. Wei is the current Minister of the Environmental Protection Administration of Executive Yuan, ROC (Taiwan).

What chances do we have to stay below the 2°C limit?

19 November 2015

Jean Jouzel, the second speaker to our conference on Climate Action beyond COP21, shared his insights on the aggregate effect on national climate pledges and adressed the issue of consistency with the globally agreed long-term goal of keeping the average temperature rise below 2°C. Mr Jouzel is a climatologist, research director at CEA and former vice-president of the scientific working group of the IPCC (2002-2015).

Key challenges for COP21

19 November 2015

Yvo de Boer, the first speaker to our conference Climate Action beyond COP21,  shared his insights on what should be the core elements of the Paris agreement. Mr de Boer is the Director General of the Global Green Growth Institute and he was the Executive Secretary of the United Nations Convention on Climate Change between 2006 and 2010.

Support independent French research

Ifri, a foundation recognized as being of public utility, relies largely on private donors – companies and individuals – to guarantee its sustainability and intellectual independence. Through their funding, donors help maintain the Institute's position among the world's leading think tanks. By benefiting from an internationally recognized network and expertise, donors refine their understanding of geopolitical risk and its consequences on global politics and the economy. In 2024, Ifri will support more than 70 French and foreign companies and organizations.

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Related centers and programs
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Climate & Energy
Center for Energy & Climate
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Ifri's Energy and Climate Center carries out activities and research on the geopolitical and geoeconomic issues of energy transitions such as energy security, competitiveness, control of value chains, and acceptability. Specialized in the study of European energy/climate policies as well as energy markets in Europe and around the world, its work also focuses on the energy and climate strategies of major powers such as the United States, China or India. It offers recognized expertise, enriched by international collaborations and events, particularly in Paris and Brussels.

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Wind Turbines
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Ramses Conference