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The existence of an international civil society is the subject of theoretical debate. But beyond these debates, the study of societies remains essential to understanding how the world works.

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‘‘Jusqu’ici, tout va bien’’ ? A Cross-Analysis of Protest Cultures in France and Germany

Date de publication
22 January 2024

The influence of different protest cultures on democracy in Germany and France is complex. The protest takes various forms, serves as political representation, and contributes to the formation of political opinion.

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Islam, politique et société en Ouzbékistan. Enquête sur le renouveau religieux de la jeunesse ouzbèke

Date de publication
08 January 2024

This study aims to decipher the complex relationships between politics, Islam, and society in Uzbekistan and, more specifically, the dynamics at work in the religious revival of Uzbek youth.

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Kenya’s 2022 Election. Ruto’s Win and Intra-Elite Struggles

Date de publication
01 December 2023

This paper aims to highlight how and why William Ruto won the 2022 presidential elections against Raila Odinga by focusing on his political strategy before, during and after the campaign. 

The South versus the West?

Date de publication
05 December 2023

In 2023, forums that amplify the voice of the “Global South” have proliferated and grown louder. As contradictory and divided as they may be, these forums (BRICS+, Shanghai Cooperation Organization (SCO), G20, the Group of 77, the European Silk Road Summit…) attest to the emergence of new power relations, and especially new directions in foreign policy, with states rejecting alignment with the dominant powers of the past in favor of putting their own interests first. A new world is taking shape, with changeable, still uncertain, contours.

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France Links Conversation in Russian to Star of David Graffiti

08 November 2023

After more than 200 blue stars were stenciled on buildings in and around Paris, prosecutors say they are investigating whether a foreign intermediary paid a couple to spray paint them.

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Between Inertia and Openness. Germany Reforms Its Labor Immigration System

Date de publication
05 July 2023

With its new Skilled Immigration Act (Fachkräfteeinwanderungsgesetz) of 23 June 2023, Germany aims to become the country with "the most modern immigration law in Europe". A new points system and new entry rules for experienced workers having a degree from their home country demonstrate the willingness of the German government to open up its labor market to third-country nationals. While immigration law was already the subject of a previous reform in 2020, the new law is a real paradigm shift in Germany’s migration policy.


France, Germany play safe during China Premier Li's European trip

23 June 2023

HAMBURG, Germany -- Chinese Premier Li Qiang avoided public clashes on a high-profile visit to Germany and France this week, in what analysts see as a sign of the European nations' reluctance to alienate Beijing.


Macron is weak both at home and abroad. He eventually pushed through a breakthrough reform without a vote.

18 March 2023

Since the war against Ukraine, France has been on the edge of the European Union, according to an expert on French politics.


It’s not just TikTok: French also warn against WhatsApp, Instagram

22 March 2023

In a typically French move, France's top lawmakers are refusing to side with the United States and single out China's TikTok.

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What Is the Future of Trumpism?

Date de publication
06 March 2023

Donald Trump's presidency allowed the most radical wing of the Republicans to seize hold of the party.

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Beyond Putin: Russia’s Generations Y and Z

Date de publication
20 March 2019

Of Russia’s 146 million citizens (if we include those in Crimea), 63 million—or 43 percent—are under 34 years of age. Of these, 30 million belong to Generation Y (millennials in their 20s and early 30s), 15 million belong to Gen Z (teenagers), and a further 18 million are part of the youngest generation (less than 10 years of age).

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Hashtag and Political Resistance Movements in Southern Africa

Date de publication
31 July 2017

What is the political significance of Southern Africa’s “hashtag movements”, socio-political campaigns using social media to disseminate information and to mobilise concerned and previously quiet segments of the public? 

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Defining the Middle Class in the Global South. A Quantitative Perspective from South Africa

Date de publication
13 June 2017

What makes you middle class? Is it your income, occupation, or education? Your family background or maybe the house and neighbourhood you live in? It is probably all of these things. 

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South African Local Elections 2016. From One Party Dominance to Effective Plural Democracy

Date de publication
08 November 2016

The South African political landscape experienced a shock from an unlikely source; the country’s local government elections on August 3, 2016 representing the last tier of government and often overlooked in favour of national and provincial polls. 

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Not Dazzling But Not Invisible : The Ugandan Middle Classes as "Somewhere in Between"

Date de publication
25 May 2016

In January 2016, the Kenyan supermarket chain Uchumi has filed bankruptcy for its Ugandan subsidiaries, due to perpetual losses. And they are not alone: companies like Nestlé, Coca Cola or Barclays are slowly pulling out of Africa and recent reports – such as the Global Wealth Databook from Credit Suisse or from the Pew Research Center – suggest that the size of the African middle class may be much smaller than previously thought. So was the hype in recent years about “Africa rising” (Mahajan, 2009) and the African middle class just a bubble? In order to better comprehend the social and economic transformations taking place on the continent, it can prove helpful to look beyond the dazzling facade of economies such as Kenya or South Africa, and into those countries experiencing steady growth, but nevertheless far from including a well established middle class. Their middle classes are not shopping in big malls, driving cars and going on holidays. Rather, these groups are characterized by the improvement of their livelihoods compared to their parents’ generation, in terms of education, income and housing, but they still feel strongly vulnerable, and do not take their new benefits for granted. This has an important effect on their consumption patterns, and may not turn them into the promising new consumers, as they have sometimes been praised to be. 

U.S. Demographics: The Hispanic Boom

Date de publication
22 September 2011

As confirmed by the 2010 Census, Hispanics have become the largest and most dynamic ethnic minority in the United States. While still facing many difficulties, this rather diverse group is undergoing important changes in terms of political representation, economic situation and cultural recognition. It should play a growing role on the national scene in coming years.

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Sentencing Reform in the United States

Date de publication
28 July 2015

Since the 1980's the incarceration rate in the United States has climbed to unprecedened levels. Today, the United States incarcerates a higher proportion of its population than any other country in the world. Activists have long called for sentencing reform, recognizing the criminal justice system's racial bias and failure to rehabilitate. President Obama's recent call to action propelled the debate on the issue forward at an unprecedented pace but will proposed reforms be enough to end mass incarceration ?

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Rethinking the Confederate Legacy

Date de publication
20 July 2015

The battle flag of General Robert E. Lee’s famed Army of Northern Virginia, commonly known as the Confederate Flag or the Southern Cross, has become the symbol of the 1861-1865 Southern secession and the most widespread sign of Southern regional identity. Today it can be found flying across the South and on everything from clothing to bumper stickers.

Sixty Years after Brown: Resegregation in America

Date de publication
08 September 2014

This piece is the second in a series of four Chroniques américaines on education in the United States, published this week. 

American Student Loans: Debt, Reform, and the True Cost of Higher Education

Date de publication
07 September 2014

This piece is the first in a series of four Chroniques américaines on education in the United States, published this week.

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Jihadist Prisoners: The Fear of Recidivism

12 July 2018

On July 16, Djamel Beghal is expected to be released from the Rennes-Vezin prison in the west of France. Beghal is a well-known figure in the European jihadist sphere. Born in Algeria in 1965, he settled in France in 1987. Ten years later, he moved to the United Kingdom with his French wife and their children. In November 2000, the family left for Afghanistan, a country then governed by the Taliban.


As fighting rages, can Russia forge a peace in Syria?

16 March 2018

Nearly two and a half years after the Russian military began an intensive bombing campaign in Syria in support of Syrian President Bashar al-Assad, Russia is struggling to engineer a political solution in the war-ravaged country, analysts say.

Russia's government pins hopes on universities not academy

22 July 2010

The latest international research report from Thomson Reuters says one thing about Russia: the country’s share in global scientific activities—publications or patents—is small and declining.

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