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Russia is asserting itself as an imperial power. Isolated since its invasion of Ukraine, it is seeking to strengthen its ties with non-Western countries. At home, Vladimir Putin's regime is hardening.

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Russia in the Arctic: The End of Illusions and the Emergence of Strategic Realignments

Date de publication
31 July 2024

Russia’s full-scale invasion of Ukraine has triggered profound changes in the Arctic region, the consequences of which remain uncertain in the long term.

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Between Aspiration and Reality: Russia in the World (Dis)order

Date de publication
17 June 2024

The world has rarely seemed more disorderly than it is today. But in this anarchic environment, some things are constant. 

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In Putin's wartime Russia, military corruption is suddenly taboo

10 June 2024

To be sure government spending reaches the battlefield in Ukraine, President Vladimir Putin is suddenly putting high priority on purging Defense Ministry officials accused of corruption. Russia's war in Ukraine has turned out to be a powerful anti-corruption initiative — at least at the Ministry of Defense.

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India-Russia Relations in Troubled Times: Steady but Stagnating

Date de publication
07 May 2024

This paper examines the trajectory of India-Russia relations post-February 2022. The war in Ukraine emerged as a significant challenge for bilateral ties, presenting new obstacles to political and diplomatic relations and intensifying the previous difficulties in developing economic cooperation.

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Russia’s Ideological Construction in the Context of the War in Ukraine

Date de publication
22 March 2024

Since the full-scale invasion of Ukraine on February 24, 2022, the Russian government has been proactive in the ideological realm to ensure the sustainability of the war for Russian society. 

The World Through the Lens of Ukraine

Date de publication
08 March 2024

This issue of Politique étrangère looks at three conflicts currently unfolding around the world.

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Cracks In Western Support Pose New Challenge For Ukraine

06 December 2023

Ukraine faces growing diplomatic headwinds after its summer counter-offensive against Russia's forces faltered, with aid from vital backers in the United States and EU being increasingly called into question.

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War in Ukraine: How Does the Russian Economy Stand?

Date de publication
05 December 2023

The Russian economy is weathering the war and Western sanctions: it has maintained its exports, its business sector has shown marked dynamism, and the population is managing in part thanks to state spending.

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BRICS: The Uncertainties of an “Alternative” Forum

Date de publication
05 December 2023

Initially limited to the financial domain, the term BRICS is gradually becoming established in global economic governance.

The South versus the West?

Date de publication
05 December 2023

In 2023, forums that amplify the voice of the “Global South” have proliferated and grown louder. As contradictory and divided as they may be, these forums (BRICS+, Shanghai Cooperation Organization (SCO), G20, the Group of 77, the European Silk Road Summit…) attest to the emergence of new power relations, and especially new directions in foreign policy, with states rejecting alignment with the dominant powers of the past in favor of putting their own interests first. A new world is taking shape, with changeable, still uncertain, contours.

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Russia in the Arctic: The End of Illusions and the Emergence of Strategic Realignments

Date de publication
31 July 2024

Russia’s full-scale invasion of Ukraine has triggered profound changes in the Arctic region, the consequences of which remain uncertain in the long term.

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India-Russia Relations in Troubled Times: Steady but Stagnating

Date de publication
07 May 2024

This paper examines the trajectory of India-Russia relations post-February 2022. The war in Ukraine emerged as a significant challenge for bilateral ties, presenting new obstacles to political and diplomatic relations and intensifying the previous difficulties in developing economic cooperation.

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How the Russian Army Changed its Concept of War, 1993-2022

Date de publication
23 May 2023

The traditional and high-intensity war that has occurred in Ukraine since Russia decided to invade raises a key issue: did post-soviet Russian strategic thought really prepare Russia for waging this war?

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Reflection on Russia’s Changing Image in the Post-Soviet Region

Date de publication
09 September 2022

The two years preceding the Russian invasion of Ukraine suggested that Russia had adopted a measured policy toward the post-Soviet space. Faced with social protests in Belarus, a coup in Kyrgyzstan, the victory of pro-European president Maia Sandu in Moldova, the second war in Nagorno-Karabakh, and riots in Kazakhstan, Russia showed diplomatic ability without any hard arm-twisting of partners. In 2020, then Carnegie Moscow Center director Dmitry Trenin even concluded that “there will be no new edition of the empire”. The war in Ukraine has completely changed this analysis. 

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Russia, the Global Sanitary Crisis and Oil Meltdown: Revisiting Power and the Enemy

Date de publication
27 April 2020

In global affairs, the Covid-19 virus makes all countries, powers and individuals equal in one dimension: none is immune to or spared from contamination. In an open and interdependent world, we are all exposed to global sanitary and environmental degradations. Russia is no exception: it has gone into lockdown, with increasing economic and social costs adding up to the fall in oil and gas prices and upcoming impacts of the global recession.

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Russia’s Energy Strategy-2035: Struggling to Remain Relevant

Date de publication
10 December 2019

Russia’s Energy Strategy to 2035 (ES-2035) enters, finally, the home stretch. The Ministry of Energy submitted its version of the document to the Russian Government in early October 2019.

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Is a 'Reset' Between France and Russia Needed and, If So, Is It Possible?

Date de publication
09 December 2019

As Emmanuel Macron hosts Angela Merkel, Vladimir Zelenskiy, and Vladimir Putin for a summit aimed at resolving the Ukraine conflict, it is worth taking stock of the French leader’s Russia policy to try to discern what Paris’s policy toward Moscow can and cannot achieve.

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The Arctic: Critical Metals, Hydrogen and Wind Power for the Energy Transition

Date de publication
25 January 2019

According to a 2008 estimate, the Arctic hosts approximately 412 billion barrels of oil equivalent of conventional oil and gas resources. And since then, following the so-called shale revolution and technology improvements, numbers have gone even higher. 

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The Political and Commercial Dynamics of Russia's Gas Export Strategy

Date de publication
01 September 2015

A wide-ranging look at the way Gazprom interacts with an increasingly challenging global gas market for Russia.

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Energy Relations between Russia and China: Playing Chess with the Dragon

Date de publication
01 August 2016

Post-sanctions Russia-China energy relations: what expectations?

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Cracks In Western Support Pose New Challenge For Ukraine

06 December 2023

Ukraine faces growing diplomatic headwinds after its summer counter-offensive against Russia's forces faltered, with aid from vital backers in the United States and EU being increasingly called into question.


Gaza-Israel conflict: Opportunity and risk for Russia's Putin

18 October 2023

The conflict between Hamas and Israel is both an opportunity and a risk for Russian President Vladimir Putin, who has been mired in pressing his invasion of Ukraine for the past 19 months.


Gaza-Israel conflict: Opportunity and risk for Russia's Putin

18 October 2023

The conflict between Hamas and Israel is both an opportunity and a risk for Russian President Vladimir Putin, who has been mired in pressing his invasion of Ukraine for the past 19 months.


Gaza-Israel conflict: Opportunity and risk for Russia's Putin

18 October 2023

The conflict between Hamas and Israel is both an opportunity and a risk for Russian President Vladimir Putin, who has been mired in pressing his invasion of Ukraine for the past 19 months.

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Dimitri Minic: 'The Kremlin's credibility has been shaken'

24 June 2023

For this Russian army specialist, at least part of the armed forces rallying behind the founder of the Wagner group, Yevgeny Prigozhin, cannot be ruled out.

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Military briefing: How will Russia’s mobilisation affect the war in Ukraine?

26 September 2022

Kyiv expects new recruits to appear within two months but Moscow struggles with training and logistical obstacles.


C.Africa's Leap Into Bitcoin Leaves Its People Bemused

07 May 2022

In the Central African Republic (CAR), nine out of 10 people do not have internet, and only one in seven has electricity -- that is, when there are no power cuts.

Yet the CAR has just followed El Salvador in adopting bitcoin as legal tender, a currency that requires access to the net to be bought, sold or used.

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Le Pen Closer Than Ever to the French Presidency (and to Putin)

22 April 2022

As elections approach Sunday, the far-right candidate is linked to the Russian president by a web of financial ties and a history of support that has hardly dimmed despite the war in Ukraine.


Putin’s War is Stuck, Beware The Rising Risks

28 February 2022

Data on the concentration of Russian troops was solid; the diplomatic offensive executed by Moscow was deliberately disagreeable; yet, many experts (myself including) refused to accept the proposition on the coming war as “inevitable”.

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Moscow’s tried and tested Georgia strategy now tailored for Ukraine

23 February 2022

Western powers appear unable to thwart Putin’s strategy to reassert Russian influence

Siloviki: What Influence on Russia's Domestic and Foreign Policy?

01 March 2017

3 questions to Mark GALEOTTI, Senior Researcher at the Institute of International Relations Prague, Director of Mayak Intelligence consultancy.


Does Russia still have an "energy weapon"?

14 October 2016

What are the Current Challenges for Gazprom and Russia’s Energy Policy? What are the Gas Risks for Europe? Is the Nord Stream-II a Risk or an Opportunity for Europe?

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Ramses Conference
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Vladimir Putin
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Ramses Conference