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Associate Research Fellow, Russia/Eurasia Center, Ifri

Domaine d'expertises En

Research Areas:

  • Energy policy towards Europe and Russia’s place in the European security system
  • Russia-EU dialogue and Russia-NATO Relations
  • Energy geopolitics and Russia’s interests in the Caspian Sea; Russian policy in the Arctic
  • Russian defense posture and military reform
  • Conflict management in the Caucasus and the Caspian Sea area
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Russie, Eurasie, Carte
Russia/Eurasia Center
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Biographie En

Pavel Baev is a Research Professor at the Peace Research Institute, Oslo (PRIO). He is also a Senior Non-Resident Fellow at the Brookings Institution, Washington DC, Senior Associate Research Fellow at ISPI, Milano, and an Associate Research Fellow at Ifri, Paris. After graduating from Moscow State University (MA in Political Geography, 1979), he worked in a research institute in the USSR Ministry of Defense; received a PhD in International Relations from the Institute for US and Canadian Studies, USSR Academy of Sciences, and then worked in the Institute of Europe, Moscow.

He joined PRIO in October 1992. He was the editor of PRIO’s quarterly journal Security Dialogue from 1995 to 2001, and a member of PRIO’s board from 1998 to 2004. He is a member of the PONARS Eurasia network of scholars, based in George Washington University. His professional interests include the energy and security dimensions of Russian-European relations, Russia-China relations, Russia’s policy in the Arctic, the transformation of the Russian military, and post-Soviet conflict management in the Caucasus and Greater Caspian area. He writes a weekly column for the Jamestown Foundation’s Eurasia Daily Monitor

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Ramses Conference, 2024
Analysis from Pavel BAEV
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Commanders of Putin's Long War: Purged, Reshuffled and Disgruntled

Date de publication
10 December 2024

The trend of reshuffling the Russian top military command in the course of a fast-evolving and far from successful war has progressed unevenly both across the Armed Forces’ structures and in time. The rationale for and timing of the abrupt cadre decisions made by Commander-in-Chief Putin often defy logical explanation, and the rare official clarifications are no more informative than the usual information blackout. 

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Russia’s New Challenges in the Baltic/Northern European Theater

Date de publication
14 November 2023

The long war in Ukraine has brought a drastic geopolitical reconfiguration of the Baltic theater and a deep shift in the military balance between Russia and the North Atlantic Treaty Organization (NATO).

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Russia and Turkey. Strategic Partners and Rivals

Date de publication
03 May 2021

The extraordinarily troublesome year 2020 tested many international institutions and bilateral ties, but few experienced sharper challenges than the complex relations between Russia and Turkey, which have a strong impact on crisis developments in Europe’s immediate neighborhood.

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No Peacemakers for the New / Old Caucasian War: Understanding the Armenia-Azerbaijan Clash

Date de publication
30 September 2020

A full-blown war erupted in the South Caucasus last Sunday, September 27, and as the two belligerents — Armenia and Azerbaijan — mobilize their forces under martial law, no international authority is trying in earnest to stop the hostilities. The conflict over the disputed Nagorno-Karabakh region ignited 30 years ago as the Soviet Union was collapsing and has never effectively “frozen.” The cease-fire Russia negotiated in May 1994 was not backed by a peacekeeping operation, and clashes have kept occurring, most notably in April 2016.

Transformation of Russian Strategic Culture: Impacts from Local Wars and Global Confrontation

Date de publication
03 June 2020

Russian strategic culture is evolving fast, despite the consolidation of the ruling regime, which is maturing into a more rigid autocracy, whereby its ideological outlook becomes increasingly conservative.

Russian Nuclear Modernization and Putin’s Wonder-Missiles: Real Issues and False Posturing

Date de publication
01 August 2019

The near imminent breakdown of the INF Treaty (1987) has strongly intensified political and public concerns about the failure of traditional arms control and the escalation of a new nuclear arms race.

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In Helsinki, Putin Can Grant Trump Great Success, of Sorts

Date de publication
03 July 2018

The July 16, 2018, face-to-face between President Trump and Russian President Vladimir Putin is both entirely natural and extremely unconventional, very encouraging and deeply disturbing.

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From Chechnya to Syria: The Evolution of Russia’s Counter-Terrorist Policy

Date de publication
01 April 2018

The struggle against terrorism is supposed to be one part of security policy in which Russia has every necessary capability and know-how, and its special services can draw on vast experience without encountering the legal and institutional constraints that often interfere with Western efforts.

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Russia and Central and Eastern Europe: between Confrontation and Collusion

Date de publication
02 November 2016

Since the start of the Ukraine crisis in early 2014, the states of East Central Europe have become increasingly important targets of Russian economic, political and military pressure. Russia finds itself in the trajectory of geopolitical retreat on the Western “front”, and seeks to slow down this process by mobilizing every economic, political and military asset in East Central Europe, where various weak points in the European and Atlantic unity exist—and are typically overestimated by Moscow.

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Ukraine: a Test for Russian Military Reforms

Date de publication
22 May 2015

In the recent years Russia has made a significant effort in favor of modernizing its armed forces which allowed it to execute the swift annexation of Crimea in March 2014. 

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Associate Fellow, Russia/Eurasia Center and Center for Geopolitics of Technology, Ifri

Marie-Liesse De Chaptes Photo

Marie-Liesse de CHAPTES

Project Officer, Russia/Eurasia Center, Ifri