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Russia is asserting itself as an imperial power. Isolated since its invasion of Ukraine, it is seeking to strengthen its ties with non-Western countries. At home, Vladimir Putin's regime is hardening.

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Vladimir Putin
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Putin’s War is Stuck, Beware The Rising Risks

28 February 2022

Data on the concentration of Russian troops was solid; the diplomatic offensive executed by Moscow was deliberately disagreeable; yet, many experts (myself including) refused to accept the proposition on the coming war as “inevitable”.

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The Shock of Reality: The Traffic Light Coalition in the Russian-Ukrainian Crisis

Date de publication
24 February 2022

The Russian-Ukrainian crisis puts to the test the cohesion of the new traffic light coalition, the authority of Chancellor Scholz and the ambition to adapt the post-Merkel German foreign policy. 

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Moscow’s tried and tested Georgia strategy now tailored for Ukraine

23 February 2022

Western powers appear unable to thwart Putin’s strategy to reassert Russian influence

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Kremlin Is Top Destination For Spooked European Leaders

07 February 2022

Rarely in recent years has the Kremlin been so popular with European visitors. French President Emmanuel Macron arrives Monday. The Hungarian prime minister visited last week. And in days to come, the German chancellor will be there, too. All are hoping to get through to President Vladimir Putin, the man who singlehandedly shapes Russia’s course amid its military buildup near Ukraine and whose designs are a mystery even for his own narrow inner circle.

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Rewinding the Clock? US-Russia Relations in the Biden Era

Date de publication
03 February 2022

The escalating crisis in Ukraine in the winter of 2021-2022 has returned US-Russia relations to center stage.

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Helium‑3 from the lunar surface for nuclear fusion?

01 December 2021

Since 1969, the return of a human mission to the Moon has never seemed so close. Although scientific interest continued to flourish, space programmes had for many decades abandoned it in favour of the International Space Station and missions to explore the solar system.

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What can we expect from Russia at COP26?

28 October 2021

We ask experts whether the Kremlin’s latest moves on climate, including its 2060 net-zero target, heralds genuine change or more greenwash. 

Russia has been seen as a climate pariah by the international community for some years. It was one of the last counties to ratify the 2015 Paris Agreement – not until September 2019, at the UN’s Climate Action Summit.


The arrest of Russian cybersecurity titan Ilya Sachkov

02 October 2021

Our main story this week is the treason case against Ilya Sachkov, the 35-year-old CEO of the cybersecurity firm Group-IB. On Wednesday morning, September 29, hours after officials raided the company’s Moscow office, a local court jailed Sachkov for the next two months, pending trial.

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Is Russia Fascist? Unraveling Propaganda East and West

Date de publication
15 March 2021

The charge of "fascism" has become a strategic narrative of the current world order.

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President Zelensky’s Increasingly Critical Stance toward the West

21 June 2021

After the recent intensification of dialogue between official Kyiv and President Biden’s administration, in the wake of the rising threat to Ukraine posed by Russia and in anticipation of President Biden’s visit to the UK and EU, President Volodymyr Zelensky and his team began sharpening their rhetorical stance toward Ukraine’s Western partners.

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Ramses Conference
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Vladimir Putin
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Ramses Conference