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Asia and Indo-Pacific


Asia and the Indo-Pacific are often presented as the heart of international relations in the 21st century.

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A bird's-eye view of a busy city with a complex highway network.
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Xi Jinping’s Visit to France: Stumbling Blocks Pile Up on the Path of Bilateral Cooperation

Date de publication
02 May 2024

On May 6 and 7, Chinese President Xi Jinping will pay a state visit to France, his first to Europe since 2019 and the Covid-19 pandemic. Emmanuel Macron and Xi Jinping will celebrate Franco-Chinese friendship and the sixtieth anniversary of the establishment of diplomatic relations between their two countries. It comes at a time when the bilateral relationship is officially perceived as positive on both sides, especially after the French President’s visit to China in April 2023.


China adds new moon base project partners, but struggles to attract national-level participation

28 March 2024

China continues to add new members to its International Lunar Research Station initiative, but many of these are subnational, suggesting issues attracting partners.


As China’s Pacific influence grows, Japan eyes deeper ties with island nations amid their domestic woes

26 February 2024

Japan has supported the region by setting up hospitals, building roads and bridges, and assisting in climate change mitigation and disaster relief. Tokyo’s renewed focus on Pacific nations comes amid regional concern over Fukushima waste water discharge and as Chinese influence grows.

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Indonesia’s 2024 Presidential Elections: Campaigning for Continuity

Date de publication
07 February 2024

Indonesia is gearing up for its next general election on February 14, with a potential runoff scheduled in late June. This major electoral process will determine the nation’s next president and vice-president since incumbent President Joko Widodo, also known as Jokowi, will step down after ten years in office in compliance with the constitutional limit of two terms.

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Evolution and Dynamics of the Space Industry in South Korea

Date de publication
24 January 2024

The advent of the 21st century has witnessed the rise of the space industry as a pivotal arena of technological innovation, economic opportunity, and geopolitical significance. Amidst this global landscape, South Korea has emerged as an increasingly influential player in space exploration and technology.

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China in International Space Cooperation: Heading South

Date de publication
19 January 2024

In only three decades, China has become one of the world’s top space powers. At the turn of the 2020s, almost suddenly, China became the main challenger to the US, although with a significant remaining gap to bridge.

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Taiwan's Elections: Victory but No Blank Check for William Lai

Date de publication
19 January 2024

On January 13, 2024, the Democratic Progressive Party (DPP) was reelected for an unprecedented third consecutive term since popular elections began in 1996.

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Taiwan’s 2024 Elections: A Moving Political Landscape with China Remaining Front and Center

Date de publication
09 January 2024

On January 13th the young Taiwanese democracy will hold its 8th presidential election since direct universal suffrage began in 1996. The same day, the people of Taiwan will elect a new Parliament – the Legislative Yuan – which will start its term on February 1st. President Tsai Ingwen’s second and final term will come to an end in May.


Italy's BRI withdrawal shines light on ties ahead of EU-China summit

07 December 2023

PM Meloni makes move after calculating that membership failed to yield benefits.Italy's decision to pull out of China's Belt and Road Initiative has placed a spotlight on the relationship between the two countries and comes at an awkward time for Beijing, a day ahead of a summit it is holding with Europe.

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France in the Indo-Pacific: The Need for a Pragmatic Strategic Posture

Date de publication
10 October 2023

As US-China rivalry reaches its peak and the likelihood of a high-intensity conflict in the region seems greater than ever, this report advocates for a pragmatic recalibration of France’s strategic posture in the Indo-Pacific. This adjustment should be grounded in a realistic reframing of ambitions and an analysis of France’s core interests and the threats it faces.

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Economy and Diplomacy: China’s two Challenges in the Post-Covid-19 World

Date de publication
19 May 2020

Will China rise stronger from the pandemic? A flow of media reports and op-eds have recently flourished, forecasting the decline of the West and the triumph of China on the world stage amid the COVID-19 pandemic. Some have declared the dawn of a “post-Western world”.

France’s Indo-Pacific strategy: inclusive and principled

Date de publication
12 December 2019

France’s recently launched Indo-Pacific strategy has attracted many critical and sarcastic comments.

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Xi Jinping’s Institutional Reforms: Environment over Energy?

Date de publication
02 October 2018

During its two sessions (lianghui) in March 2018, the National People’s Congress (NPC) announced China’s most important institutional reforms in the last 30 years. These changes occurred right after Xi Jinping consolidated his power and at a time when stakeholders working in the energy field were expecting more clarity on policy orientations. 

Taiwan after the elections: what next?

Date de publication
22 February 2016

On 16 January, the independence-leaning Democratic Progressive Party (DPP) won a double victory over the ruling party, the Kuomintang (KMT). DPP candidate Tsai Ing-wen was elected president with 56% of the vote, and for the first time the party won a majority in the Legislative Yuan – Taiwan’s parliament – with 68 of the 113 seats.

Asia: A Geopolitical Reconfiguration

Date de publication
20 June 2012

The Asian “supercomplex” has taken shape: this is evident within the cross-membership model to Asian intergovernmental organizations and through the appearance of political counterweights to China, particularly in India.

Kazakhstan and Eurasian Economic Integration: Quick Start, Mixed Results and Uncertain Future

Date de publication
26 November 2012

Kazakhstan's economic integration with Russia and Belarus has been advancing at break-neck speed.

The Evolving Role of Southeast Asia in Global FDI Flows

Date de publication
12 July 2011

This paper traces the evolution of FDI in ASEAN and discusses future prospects for the region as a host - and increasingly home - to FDI. 

Dreams and Nightmares: Australia's Past, Present and Future in Asia

Date de publication
05 September 2011

This paper argues that Australian governments of both political stripes have responded pragmatically and effectively to the rise of China, the relative decline of the United States and the increased assertiveness of the Association of Southeast Asian Nations (ASEAN). When they have made mistakes, the Howard, Rudd and Gillard governments have worked hard to improve relations.

East Asian Regional Economic Integration: A Post-Crisis Update

Date de publication
09 September 2011

To the surprise of many analysts, the outbreak of the global financial crisis (GFC) in 2008 did not leave East Asian economies unscathed. The objective of the paper is to examine the implications of the GFC for the regional economic integration process in East Asia, taking into account both the de facto and the de jure dimensions.


Xi's Moscow Visit Risks Further Emboldening Putin: Analysts

23 March 2023

There is no sign the visit of Chinese President Xi Jinping to Moscow will rein in President Vladimir Putin in his war in Ukraine, even if it again highlights a lopsided relationship where Russia is clearly the junior partner, analysts say.


David Pratt on The World: Darkness is descending upon Myanmar

14 March 2021

Six weeks after a coup the military repression is escalating with human rights activists saying ‘crimes against humanity’ are likely being committed. Foreign Editor David Pratt examines a brutal crackdown by an army with form in committing atrocities

Daily Mail Online.png

Back to 'basket case'? Myanmar economy at risk after coup

04 February 2021

Foreign investors flocked to Myanmar as it began its democratic transition a decade ago, but this week's military coup is likely to accelerate a trend of Western withdrawal -- and China's expansion.

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The new Mao? China to lift term limits for President Xi Jinping

26 February 2018

Does China now have a president for life? China's leader Xi Jinping could stay in power indefinitely following the ruling Communist Party's proposal to scrap term limits. 

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China and the “Definition Gap”: Shaping Global Governance in Words

04 November 2017

Increasingly, China’s diplomacy is using key words commonly used by liberal democracies, but the meaning differs greatly. This evolution is changing the terms of the debate without changing a single term.

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Menace islamiste, loi martiale, ... que se passe-t-il aux Philippines?

24 May 2017

Philippines' President wants to limit islamist groups' capacity after several attacks in the South of the country.

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World Insight

07 November 2010

Support independent French research

Ifri, a foundation recognized as being of public utility, relies largely on private donors – companies and individuals – to guarantee its sustainability and intellectual independence. Through their funding, donors help maintain the Institute's position among the world's leading think tanks. By benefiting from an internationally recognized network and expertise, donors refine their understanding of geopolitical risk and its consequences on global politics and the economy. In 2024, Ifri will support more than 70 French and foreign companies and organizations.

Ramses Conference
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Center for Asian Studies
Accroche centre

Asia is a nerve center for multiple global economic, political and security challenges. The Center for Asian Studies provides documented expertise and a platform for discussion on Asian issues to accompany decision makers and explain and contextualize developments in the region for the sake of a larger public dialogue.

The Center's research is organized along two major axes: relations between Asia's major powers and the rest of the world; and internal economic and social dynamics of Asian countries. The Center's research focuses primarily on China, Japan, India, Taiwan and the Indo-Pacific, but also covers Southeast Asia, the Korean peninsula and the Pacific Islands. 

The Centre for Asian Studies maintains close institutional links with counterpart research institutes in Europe and Asia, and its researchers regularly carry out fieldwork in the region.

The Center organizes closed-door roundtables, expert-level seminars and a number of public events, including an Annual Conference, that welcome experts from Asia, Europe and the United States. The work of Center’s researchers, as well as that of their partners, is regularly published in the Center’s electronic journal Asie.Visions.

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A bird's-eye view of a busy city with a complex highway network
(c) Shutterstock
Ramses Conference