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China's diplomatic, military, economic and technological assertiveness, as well as its growing rivalry with the United States, raise certain apprehensions among its neighbors and Europeans alike.

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Sat-to-Cell: Towards Universal Connectivity?

Date de publication
25 September 2024

Sat-to-Cell is a new type of service that connects smartphones directly to satellites. It has recently enabled innovative applications such as emergency text messaging via satellite. The technology is developing rapidly, and many questions are now being raised about its potential impact.

Getting China Onboard a Global Debt Governance System

Date de publication
06 September 2024

China has become the number one provider of development finance in the world. Because of its significant share in Low and Middle Income Countries’ (LMICs) external debt, China should take up responsibilities and cooperate with traditional development finance providers, but its particular lending style and distinct approach to debt management pose many challenges and do not make international cooperation straightforward.

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Deployment of the French Frigate Bretagne in the Indo-Pacific: Implementing French Strategy in the Region

Date de publication
02 September 2024

The deployment of the French Navy’s multi-mission frigate (FREMM) Bretagne in the Indo-Pacific in recent months demonstrates France’s capability to project power far from the mainland and solidifies its Indo-Pacific strategy.

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France Adapts to an Era of Strategic Competition With China

Date de publication
05 June 2024
Under Macron, France is positioning itself as a "balanced power," carefully navigating the complexities of engaging with China. 

Europe faces up to China's EV dominance as carbon-zero targets loom

08 May 2024

As Xi travels through EU this week, automakers weigh whether to fight or team up with cheaper Chinese rivals.

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Critical Raw Materials: What Chinese Dependencies, What European Strengths?

Date de publication
07 May 2024

In adapting to growing geopolitical competition over digital technology, the EU and the UK are striving for economic security and technological sovereignty. European policies focus on reducing critical over-dependencies on China. This de-risking is a necessary process of adaptation to the new geopolitical realities. 

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Macron’s China Policy: Dropping Illusions and Bringing Back Realpolitik

Date de publication
14 May 2024

One may regret that France has not upgraded its China policy sooner, but it seems that the French president is now clear-eyed that it is not enough to only have a good relationship with Beijing, it is also necessary to reinstate the balance of power.


Xi Jinping's trip to Europe to center on trade as challenges 'pile up'

03 May 2024

Chinese President Xi Jinping is set to embark on his first European diplomatic tour in five years, starting in France before traveling on to Serbia and Hungary.

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Fumio Kishida's Visit to Paris. The France-Japan Relation Deserves Better

Date de publication
13 May 2024

Chinese President Xi Jinping's state visit to France hit the headlines. President Macron rolled out the red carpet to welcome his guest, hoping to convince China to limit its support for Russia and respect fair trade rules. 


EU turns up the heat on China as Xi Jinping readies for 3-nation tour, with fiery Paris talks on the cards

03 May 2024
  • European Commission chief Ursula von der Leyen to meet Chinese President Xi and his French counterpart Emmanuel Macron in Paris to discuss China ties

  • Xi’s trip comes amid barrage of EU trade and competition tools mostly targeting Chinese firms, including dramatic raids in the Netherlands and Poland

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Sat-to-Cell: Towards Universal Connectivity?

Date de publication
25 September 2024

Sat-to-Cell is a new type of service that connects smartphones directly to satellites. It has recently enabled innovative applications such as emergency text messaging via satellite. The technology is developing rapidly, and many questions are now being raised about its potential impact.

Getting China Onboard a Global Debt Governance System

Date de publication
06 September 2024

China has become the number one provider of development finance in the world. Because of its significant share in Low and Middle Income Countries’ (LMICs) external debt, China should take up responsibilities and cooperate with traditional development finance providers, but its particular lending style and distinct approach to debt management pose many challenges and do not make international cooperation straightforward.

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Deployment of the French Frigate Bretagne in the Indo-Pacific: Implementing French Strategy in the Region

Date de publication
02 September 2024

The deployment of the French Navy’s multi-mission frigate (FREMM) Bretagne in the Indo-Pacific in recent months demonstrates France’s capability to project power far from the mainland and solidifies its Indo-Pacific strategy.

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France Adapts to an Era of Strategic Competition With China

Date de publication
05 June 2024
Under Macron, France is positioning itself as a "balanced power," carefully navigating the complexities of engaging with China. 
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Critical Raw Materials: What Chinese Dependencies, What European Strengths?

Date de publication
07 May 2024

In adapting to growing geopolitical competition over digital technology, the EU and the UK are striving for economic security and technological sovereignty. European policies focus on reducing critical over-dependencies on China. This de-risking is a necessary process of adaptation to the new geopolitical realities. 

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Macron’s China Policy: Dropping Illusions and Bringing Back Realpolitik

Date de publication
14 May 2024

One may regret that France has not upgraded its China policy sooner, but it seems that the French president is now clear-eyed that it is not enough to only have a good relationship with Beijing, it is also necessary to reinstate the balance of power.

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Power and Financial Interdependence

Date de publication
03 May 2024

The link between financial self-reliance and geopolitical power has long been debated. The unbalanced Sino-American trade relationship has created asymmetric financial ties which generate potential sources of leverage for both parties and will not quickly disappear. Absent a clarifying major crisis, it will be difficult to definitively determine which party has greater leverage.

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From a China strategy to no strategy at all: Exploring the diversity of European approaches

Date de publication
27 July 2023

While there is now new momentum in the relationship between Europe and China, considerable variation remains in approaches across the continent, from clear-cut strategies to more ambiguous policies, complicating a common European position.

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EU's China policy staying on track despite intensifying debate

Date de publication
10 May 2023

While French President Emmanuel Macron’s state visit to China is viewed by some to be an exercise in stirring the pot, this does not mean that the European boat has veered off course. The EU is used to robust debate among and within member states, and can take this as another opportunity to affirm their stance on China.

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Whither China After 10 Years of Economic Policies Guided by Xi?

Date de publication
15 October 2022

As the 20th national congress of the Chinese Communist Party (CCP) draws closer, this is an opportune moment to appraise China’s economic achievements over the past decade under President Xi Jinping’s guidance and to identify the challenges the country will have to address during the next five years.


Europe faces up to China's EV dominance as carbon-zero targets loom

08 May 2024

As Xi travels through EU this week, automakers weigh whether to fight or team up with cheaper Chinese rivals.


Xi Jinping's trip to Europe to center on trade as challenges 'pile up'

03 May 2024

Chinese President Xi Jinping is set to embark on his first European diplomatic tour in five years, starting in France before traveling on to Serbia and Hungary.


EU turns up the heat on China as Xi Jinping readies for 3-nation tour, with fiery Paris talks on the cards

03 May 2024
  • European Commission chief Ursula von der Leyen to meet Chinese President Xi and his French counterpart Emmanuel Macron in Paris to discuss China ties

  • Xi’s trip comes amid barrage of EU trade and competition tools mostly targeting Chinese firms, including dramatic raids in the Netherlands and Poland

Image principale médiatique

Macron accused of rolling out red carpet for ‘dictator’ Xi

06 May 2024
French president criticised over ‘obsequious’ welcome for Chinese leader who is ‘supporting Putin’s war in Ukraine’

Presidents Emmanuel Macron and Xi Jinping are meeting in Paris on Monday at a time of fragile relations between Europe and China.

03 May 2024

Chinese President Xi Jinping is set to embark on his first European diplomatic tour in five years, starting in France before traveling on to Serbia and Hungary.

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Without a Pact with Mercosur, the EU risks leaving China free in South America

06 February 2024

The agreement EU-Mercosur It has been a banner of the recent protest by French farmers, who denounced unfair competition on the part of South Americans. However, if Paris closes the door to this pact, the way will be left clear to China, warn politicians and analysts consulted by EFE.


Macron's Taiwan comments expose muddled China policy

27 April 2023

French President Emmanuel Macron's call for Europe to steer clear of a Taiwan conflict -- rooted in France's pride and deep-seated resistance to following America's lead -- has raised questions about where he and Paris really stand on China.

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France's Macron is sending China the wrong signals

12 April 2023

More realistic posture would strengthen Paris' role in Indo-Pacific region

Japan Times_logo
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Does Macron's stance on Taiwan weaken G7 deterrence against China?

11 April 2023

One of Prime Minister Fumio Kishida’s top goals for next month’s Group of Seven summit in Hiroshima is to create a united front on issues like China and Ukraine. But finding a unified approach to dealing with Beijing’s assertiveness might have just become harder.


France’s Macron Renews Call for a Sovereign Europe Less Reliant on Foreign Powers

11 April 2023

French president’s remarks follow criticism over his warning that Europe should steer clear of U.S.-China tensions over Taiwan

Perspectives on European integration and China-Europe cooperation

27 April 2020

Françoise Nicolas, director of Ifri's Asian Studies Center, spoke during a webseminar on European integration and China-Europe cooperation, organized by Chinese think tank CCG.

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Ifri, a foundation recognized as being of public utility, relies largely on private donors – companies and individuals – to guarantee its sustainability and intellectual independence. Through their funding, donors help maintain the Institute's position among the world's leading think tanks. By benefiting from an internationally recognized network and expertise, donors refine their understanding of geopolitical risk and its consequences on global politics and the economy. In 2024, Ifri will support more than 70 French and foreign companies and organizations.

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