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Technological Competition and Digital Sovereignty


Technologies are at the heart of international economic and geopolitical competition, particularly between China and the United States, and in the quest for European sovereignty.

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Sat-to-Cell: Towards Universal Connectivity?

Date de publication
25 September 2024

Sat-to-Cell is a new type of service that connects smartphones directly to satellites. It has recently enabled innovative applications such as emergency text messaging via satellite. The technology is developing rapidly, and many questions are now being raised about its potential impact.

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Funding A Rival: When the United States and Europe Invest in Chinese Tech

Date de publication
02 July 2024

Outbound investments into rival powers are receiving increasing political attention on both sides of the Atlantic, as competition between the United States and China intensifies. The concern lies with American and European investments in certain Chinese technologies - such as artificial intelligence, biotechnology, semiconductors, or quantum computing - which could enable China to enhance its military capabilities and thus may pose risks to national and international security.

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A Splintered Internet? Internet Fragmentation and the Strategies of China, Russia, India and the European Union

Date de publication
27 February 2024

From the Covid-19 pandemic to the ramifications of Russia’s full-scale invasion of Ukraine, international events are fueling fears of an accelerated fragmentation of the global Internet. 

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Groundbreaking Chip Sovereignty: Europe’s Strategic Push in the Semiconductor Race

Date de publication
31 May 2024

The EU Chips Act’s enactment in September 2023 marks a major policy shift that revitalizes industrial policy in Europe. By allowing state subsidies for semiconductor projects, it has the potential to secure Europe’s supply chain security and technological autonomy in an industry dominated by the US and East Asia.

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Critical Raw Materials: What Chinese Dependencies, What European Strengths?

Date de publication
07 May 2024

In adapting to growing geopolitical competition over digital technology, the EU and the UK are striving for economic security and technological sovereignty. European policies focus on reducing critical over-dependencies on China. This de-risking is a necessary process of adaptation to the new geopolitical realities. 

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Balancing Security and Innovation: Opposition's View on Turkey's Digital Policies

Date de publication
26 April 2023

The upcoming presidential and parliamentary elections in Turkey on May 14, 2023, are expected to be closely contested. Polls suggest that the ruling AK Party-led People’s Alliance will lose its majority in parliament, resulting in a hung lower house. 


It’s not just TikTok: French also warn against WhatsApp, Instagram

22 March 2023

In a typically French move, France's top lawmakers are refusing to side with the United States and single out China's TikTok.

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The Technology Policies of Digital Middle Powers

Date de publication
24 February 2023

Digital technology is an element of power in the international system as well as an area for competition among countries. The study provides a qualitative comparison of the technology policies of nine of the digital middle powers: Brazil, India, Israel, Japan, Kenya, Nigeria, Russia, South Korea, and the United Kingdom. It seeks to reflect the diversity of national technology policies, as well as to identify those countries’ convergences and divergences with Europe, the United States and China. 

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Digital Sovereignty: European Policies, American Dilemmas

Date de publication
31 January 2023

European digital sovereignty has been made a priority by Ursula von der Leyen’s European Commission. Due to the privileged position of American companies in the European market, Brussels’ efforts towards digital sovereignty (on privacy, antitrust, data sovereignty, etc.) are closely scrutinized by American policymakers. 

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Round Up Of New Reports On OpenRAN Security

26 October 2022

Following assertions of OpenRAN solutions offering costs cuts and shortcuts to 5G and even claims of superior security, a series of reports from governments, scientific labs, security expert and think tanks investigate the technology. They showcase perspectives from the United State, the European Union, and emerging countries.

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Sat-to-Cell: Towards Universal Connectivity?

Date de publication
25 September 2024

Sat-to-Cell is a new type of service that connects smartphones directly to satellites. It has recently enabled innovative applications such as emergency text messaging via satellite. The technology is developing rapidly, and many questions are now being raised about its potential impact.

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Groundbreaking Chip Sovereignty: Europe’s Strategic Push in the Semiconductor Race

Date de publication
31 May 2024

The EU Chips Act’s enactment in September 2023 marks a major policy shift that revitalizes industrial policy in Europe. By allowing state subsidies for semiconductor projects, it has the potential to secure Europe’s supply chain security and technological autonomy in an industry dominated by the US and East Asia.

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Critical Raw Materials: What Chinese Dependencies, What European Strengths?

Date de publication
07 May 2024

In adapting to growing geopolitical competition over digital technology, the EU and the UK are striving for economic security and technological sovereignty. European policies focus on reducing critical over-dependencies on China. This de-risking is a necessary process of adaptation to the new geopolitical realities. 

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Balancing Security and Innovation: Opposition's View on Turkey's Digital Policies

Date de publication
26 April 2023

The upcoming presidential and parliamentary elections in Turkey on May 14, 2023, are expected to be closely contested. Polls suggest that the ruling AK Party-led People’s Alliance will lose its majority in parliament, resulting in a hung lower house. 

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The Technology Policies of Digital Middle Powers

Date de publication
24 February 2023

Digital technology is an element of power in the international system as well as an area for competition among countries. The study provides a qualitative comparison of the technology policies of nine of the digital middle powers: Brazil, India, Israel, Japan, Kenya, Nigeria, Russia, South Korea, and the United Kingdom. It seeks to reflect the diversity of national technology policies, as well as to identify those countries’ convergences and divergences with Europe, the United States and China. 

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France’s incoherent China policy confuses partners

Date de publication
22 October 2020

On 21 July 2020, French Minister of Economy and Finance Bruno Le Maire participated remotely in the High Level Economic and Financial Dialogue with Chinese Vice Premier Hu Chunhua.

Technology and Economics: Techno-nationalism VS Techno-globalism in East Asia

30 November 2020
The videoconference "Technology and Economics: Techno-nationalism VS Techno-globalism in East Asia," which was part of a webinar series on Technological revolution and Global Order in East Asia was held on November 25, 2020.

Support independent French research

Ifri, a foundation recognized as being of public utility, relies largely on private donors – companies and individuals – to guarantee its sustainability and intellectual independence. Through their funding, donors help maintain the Institute's position among the world's leading think tanks. By benefiting from an internationally recognized network and expertise, donors refine their understanding of geopolitical risk and its consequences on global politics and the economy. In 2024, Ifri will support more than 70 French and foreign companies and organizations.

Ramses Conference
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System Security Specialist
Ramses Conference