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Technological Competition and Digital Sovereignty


Technologies are at the heart of international economic and geopolitical competition, particularly between China and the United States, and in the quest for European sovereignty.

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Round Up Of New Reports On OpenRAN Security

26 October 2022

Following assertions of OpenRAN solutions offering costs cuts and shortcuts to 5G and even claims of superior security, a series of reports from governments, scientific labs, security expert and think tanks investigate the technology. They showcase perspectives from the United State, the European Union, and emerging countries.

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“Open” Telecom Networks (Open RAN): Towards a Reconfiguration of International Competition in 5G?

Date de publication
12 October 2022

In line with the anti-Huawei diplomatic campaign of the Trump and Biden administrations, the United States has promoted an alternative: Open RAN, a concept defined by "open" network architectures. At the intersection of 5G geopolitics and standards, what risks and opportunities does Open RAN present for European technological sovereignty?

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The Political Economy of the Metaverse

Date de publication
20 June 2022

The "metaverse", at the heart of the strategy of large digital companies such as Facebook (Meta), does not yet exist and it will take decades to build it. This briefing provides an overview of the issues.

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Digital Sovereignty Review of Macron’s Term and Debates in the 2022 Presidential Campaign

Date de publication
15 March 2022

One month before the French presidential election, this briefing assesses the actions undertaken during Macron's term as well as the presidential candidates' proposals concerning France's digital sovereignty.

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Convince and Coerce: U.S. Interference in Technology Exchanges Between its Allies and China

Date de publication
22 February 2022

The tough-on-China policy adopted by the Trump and Biden administrations has – and will increasingly have – important consequences for Washington’s allies, both on their infrastructure choices (5G, submarine cables...) and on their technological exchanges with China. 

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Europe and the Geopolitics of 5G: Walking a Technological Tightrope

Date de publication
31 January 2022

The acute Sino-American tensions which started in 2018 have been coupled with controversies around 5G technology, exemplified by the spotlight placed on Chinese equipment manufacturer Huawei and the security risks associated with its use. For Europe, the 5G challenge at the international level is drawing a very complex landscape. 

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Strengthening Sovereignty in the Era of Global Value Chains

Date de publication
14 December 2021

How to reduce the vulnerabilities induced by these global value chains to be more independent, while taking into account the reality of these productive processes which precisely generate interdependencies?

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Strategic Calculation: High-Performance Computing and Quantum Computing in Europe’s Quest for Technological Power

Date de publication
06 October 2021

Computing power plays a key role in enabling machine learning, for scientific research, and in the military domain. Therefore, the race for computing power has become a key element of the US-China technological competition, and it is also a strategic priority for Europe.

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Is Europe a “Digital Colony” of the United States?

Date de publication
07 September 2021

Edward Snowden’s revelations, the Cambridge Analytica affair and the digital transformation accelerated by the Covid-19 crisis have all shown Europe's technological dependence on foreign powers. 

Europe/United States: 50 Shades of Dependence

Date de publication
07 September 2021

Is Joe Biden’s United States (US) returning to multilateral, traditional diplomacy? This more open stance does not eliminate either its domestic problems or the divergence in interests separating the US from the Europeans: how will open diplomacy fit in with the priority of defending US interests? Will Washington organize a broad anti-Chinese coalition that the Europeans are opposed to? Will sanctions with their resulting effects remain at the heart of US strategy? Will the Europeans be able to assert their sovereignty in the key area of new technologies against the US giants?

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Ifri, a foundation recognized as being of public utility, relies largely on private donors – companies and individuals – to guarantee its sustainability and intellectual independence. Through their funding, donors help maintain the Institute's position among the world's leading think tanks. By benefiting from an internationally recognized network and expertise, donors refine their understanding of geopolitical risk and its consequences on global politics and the economy. In 2024, Ifri will support more than 70 French and foreign companies and organizations.

Conférence Ramses 2024
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System Security Specialist