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Satellite constellations, new launchers, lunar programs... Innovations in the space sector are shaking up global political, industrial and strategic dynamics.

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The new Ship Rocket flies to another planet. A spaceship flies into starry airspace. The rocket begins its mission into space. Concept. Journey to the cosmos.
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Europe's Space Sector: Caught in a Strategic Stranglehold

Date de publication
12 September 2023

Europe's space sector is currently faced with great difficulties, marked by the temporary loss of autonomous access to space, strong competition from the USA, and the transformation of the satellite market. 

European Union: A Geopolitical Illusion?

Date de publication
12 September 2023

The European Union (EU) is holding firm in the face of the war in Ukraine—perhaps better than expected. But what long-term effects will the war have on European institutions and policies? The institutions will need to be changed to cope with the forthcoming expansions. The EU has certainly made progress toward common industrial and technological policies. But will this dynamic do away with a conception of strategic autonomy, encompassing both diplomacy and strategy? The European Union, which will undoubtedly be a key mover of future changes for the continent, remains largely uncertain in terms of its future configurations.

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China in the Race to Low Earth Orbit: Perspectives on the Future Internet Constellation Guowang

Date de publication
27 April 2023

In April 2021, the Chinese government officially, but rather quietly, established a new state-owned enterprise (SOE) named China SatNet. Its mission: build out China’s “mega-constellation” program for low Earth orbiting internet satellites, known as Guowang (“national network”).

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How the War in Ukraine is Changing the Space Game

Date de publication
28 February 2023

The war in Ukraine has become a showcase for the new commercial paradigm emerging in the space sector (New Space). As such, it seems to confirm the relevance of adaptation efforts led by the United States – more specifically the Pentagon – since the mid-2010s.

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China-Russia Cooperation in Space: The Reality behind the Speeches

Date de publication
08 December 2022

China-Russia cooperation in space has been increasing for the past two decades. This cooperation accelerated after the Crimea crisis in 2014 and culminated with the announcement in 2021 of the joint construction of the International Lunar Research Station (ILRS).

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The Space Downstream Sector: Challenges for the Emergence of a European Space Economy

Date de publication
10 March 2022

As the commercial anchor of the space sector, the downstream sector plays an essential role in Europe where industry focuses mainly on application markets and where socio-economic considerations have become the main driver of space policy. 

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The Military Use of Small Satellites in Orbit

Date de publication
04 March 2022

The number of small satellites in orbit has increased rapidly over the last decade, and the growth of this sector is expected to accelerate even more in coming years. 

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Crowded and Dangerous Orbits: European Space Governance at a Time of Potentially Saturating Programs

Date de publication
18 February 2022

The unprecedented growth of space activities, the multiplication as well as diversification of players involved in the exploitation of outer space, and even, more generally, the dependence of all sectors of activity on space infrastructures are some of the main phenomena that have led to a progressive overuse of orbits and to saturation in the frequency spectrum. 

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China's Quantum Dream: A Giant's Aspirations in the Infinitely Small

Date de publication
14 February 2022

Quantum physics, a field little known to the general public and relatively difficult to grasp as its laws are counter-intuitive, constitutes nevertheless a critical field of international strategic competition.

Launcher policy in Europe: from symbol to the market?

Date de publication
14 June 2012

Launcher policy will be one of the major issues discussed at the upcoming ESA Council at Ministerial Level. Europe is at the crossroads, as it needs to find the adequate balance between political necessities (ensuring an autonomous access to space) and economic realities (reducing costs).

The Lisbon Treaty and the Evolution of European Space Governance

Date de publication
12 September 2013

Until the adoption of the Lisbon treaty in December 2007, there was no explicit reference to space in the EU’s constitutive documents. While the European Space Agency has been active in space since the mid-1970s, the Union’s policy remained without a legal basis for space activities. Parallel to the treaties’ evolution however, the EU’s competences never stopped expanding to new fields, bringing it ever closer to space and its various applications. Creativity and dynamic uses of these existing competences have allowed the EU to progressively interfere with the space sector and to get closer to ESA.

The Vegetation Programme

Date de publication
24 November 2013

Under human pressure, many changes are taking place in the resources and the environment of Earth. An increasing global population fuels the need for food, natural resources and land. Consequently, the need for maintaining a capacity to observe and understand the Earth system and the biophysical processes has become a key element for the sustainable management of the planet’s natural resources. The SPOT-Vegetation instruments have significantly contributed to reach this goal.

Governing the Geostationary Orbit: Orbital Slots and Spectrum Use in an Era of Interference

Date de publication
20 January 2014

Outer space, particularly in the telecommunication sector, is benefiting and becoming accessible to more and more actors. But with this trend comes also a reality that is every day more compelling: no meaningful development can be achieved without a clear, stable and predictable interference-free environment for the use and control of all satellites that depend upon ready access to radio frequencies and appropriate geostationary orbital slots to function properly.

Development of the Northern Sea Route: How great is the need for satellite observation?

Date de publication
17 March 2014

The sea route between Europe and Asia is significantly shorter via Arctic waters than via the Suez Canal. Changes in global climate have resulted in a diminishing of ice in Arctic waters. This has resulted in the Northern Sea Route establishing itself as a viable commercial alternative, which is expected to expand in the years ahead. Satellite observation is one of the methods employed to gather information about ice conditions, weather and oil spills, and is a prerequisite for ensuring the continued development of the new traffic.

The Use of Space for Maritime Security in Europe

Date de publication
30 June 2011

The EU is currently developing a Maritime Security Strategy. Space should be integrated in that effort, given its potential for maritime surveillance.

Space Weather and NEOs in the European Space Policy

Date de publication
10 August 2011

Although often overshadowed by a focus on security concerns, Space weather and NEOs are important elements of Europe’s SSA program.

The Development of Public-Private Partnerships in the European Satcom Sector

Date de publication
19 May 2011

Public-Private Partnerships (PPPs) could help to enhance the societal benefits of communication satellites. However, European public entities must avoid the mistakes made during the Galileo concession negotiations.

GMES, the Second Flagship

Date de publication
06 March 2011

The Global Monitoring for Environment and Security (GMES) Program is often overshadowed by what is perceived to be the flagship program of European space, Galileo. As a matter of fact, GMES is just as important and faces many similar challenges.

Final Call for a European Space Strategy

Date de publication
25 January 2011

Space poses both an opportunity and a challenge for Europe. And so does the new provision of the Lisbon Treaty - article 189 TFEU - that awards the EU an explicit competency on space.

Support independent French research

Ifri, a foundation recognized as being of public utility, relies largely on private donors – companies and individuals – to guarantee its sustainability and intellectual independence. Through their funding, donors help maintain the Institute's position among the world's leading think tanks. By benefiting from an internationally recognized network and expertise, donors refine their understanding of geopolitical risk and its consequences on global politics and the economy. In 2024, Ifri will support more than 70 French and foreign companies and organizations.

Conférence Ramses 2024
Related centers and programs
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Russian spaceship in orbit of planet Earth, View from the ISS station
Space Program
Accroche centre

Space has become a crucial theme in the main international think tanks’ research activities as it entails important strategic, economic, and technological issues.

Since 2001, Ifri has integrated space in its research, notably by ensuring that the political dimension of scientific and human exploration programs is emphasized, and by supporting reflections on the Code of Conduct for Outter Space Activities.

Today, as part of its research agenda, Ifri mobilizes several of its centers and programs to transversally tackle the theme of space, through three main inputs:

  • the competition of powers, driven by the Sino-American rivalry;
  • critical points related to mastery of space, such as the issue of autonomous access to space or the mega-constellations necessary for the digital revolution;
  • these developments’ challenges for Europe and its status as a space power.

Since the Summer 2020, Ifri has been coordinating a tripartite European Space Governance Initiative, together with two other renowned European think tanks: the Deutsche Gesellschaft für Auswärtige Politik (DGAP) in Germany and the Istituto Affari Internazionali (IAI) in Italy.

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Ship Rocket
© Alones/Shutterstock