Satellite constellations, new launchers, lunar programs... Innovations in the space sector are shaking up global political, industrial and strategic dynamics.
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China in the Race to Low Earth Orbit: Perspectives on the Future Internet Constellation Guowang
In April 2021, the Chinese government officially, but rather quietly, established a new state-owned enterprise (SOE) named China SatNet. Its mission: build out China’s “mega-constellation” program for low Earth orbiting internet satellites, known as Guowang (“national network”).
How the War in Ukraine is Changing the Space Game
The war in Ukraine has become a showcase for the new commercial paradigm emerging in the space sector (New Space). As such, it seems to confirm the relevance of adaptation efforts led by the United States – more specifically the Pentagon – since the mid-2010s.
China-Russia Cooperation in Space: The Reality behind the Speeches
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The Space Downstream Sector: Challenges for the Emergence of a European Space Economy
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The Military Use of Small Satellites in Orbit
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Crowded and Dangerous Orbits: European Space Governance at a Time of Potentially Saturating Programs
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China's Quantum Dream: A Giant's Aspirations in the Infinitely Small
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Indian Space Program and its Drivers: Possible Implications for the Global Space Market
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Commercial Space in Europe: A Balancing Act between Physics, Politics and Profession
Satellite constellations have become core elements of the digital transition. Over the next decade, several thousand satellites will have to be launched, to build these constellations. For positioning satellites, preferably in Low Earth Orbit (LEO), reliable and affordable launch services are essential.
Towards a strategic agenda for the E3. Opportunities and risks for France, Germany and the UK
This paper explores how the E3 format – involving France, Germany and the UK – might develop in response to the challenges presented by the UK’s departure from the EU. The paper outlines how the trilateral format has supported policymaking to date, most notably in dialogue on Iran’s nuclear programme.
The Use of Space for Maritime Security in Europe
The EU is currently developing a Maritime Security Strategy. Space should be integrated in that effort, given its potential for maritime surveillance.
The Development of Public-Private Partnerships in the European Satcom Sector
Public-Private Partnerships (PPPs) could help to enhance the societal benefits of communication satellites. However, European public entities must avoid the mistakes made during the Galileo concession negotiations.
GMES, the Second Flagship
The Global Monitoring for Environment and Security (GMES) Program is often overshadowed by what is perceived to be the flagship program of European space, Galileo. As a matter of fact, GMES is just as important and faces many similar challenges.
Final Call for a European Space Strategy
Space poses both an opportunity and a challenge for Europe. And so does the new provision of the Lisbon Treaty - article 189 TFEU - that awards the EU an explicit competency on space.
Galileo, the Long Road to European Autonomy
Galileo is one of the most ambitious programs ever managed by the EU. As such, it illustrates the challenges and the opportunities offered by the development of a European Space Policy at the political, industrial, economic and international level.
The Evolving Architecture of Space and Security
Today, Europe is taking initiatives both to prevent space weaponization and to develop space militarization. While national States remain the central players in this regard, the intergovernmental European Space Agency is increasingly involved in security-related activities and the European Union is showing growing political ambitions in this area.
MALE Drones: Europe's Options?
European countries, lead by France, are expected to take a decision soon on the development and acquisition of MALE drones.
Their choices will be crucial not only for the preservation of European operational sovereignty in military terms but also to guarantee the future of the European aerospace industry.
Support independent French research
Ifri, a foundation recognized as being of public utility, relies largely on private donors – companies and individuals – to guarantee its sustainability and intellectual independence. Through their funding, donors help maintain the Institute's position among the world's leading think tanks. By benefiting from an internationally recognized network and expertise, donors refine their understanding of geopolitical risk and its consequences on global politics and the economy. In 2024, Ifri will support more than 70 French and foreign companies and organizations.