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Cooperation Despite Frictions in Northeast Asia

26 February 2016

Despite the political tensions that oppose Japan, China and South Korea, recent months have seen a certain rapprochement between Tokyo, Seoul and Beijing. The first trilateral summit in three years was held in November 2015.

Cooperation Despite Frictions in Northeast Asia

26 February 2016
Despite the political tensions that oppose Japan, China and South Korea, recent months have seen a certain rapprochement between Tokyo, Seoul and Beijing. The first trilateral summit in three years was held in November 2015.

Cooperation Despite Frictions in Northeast Asia

26 February 2016
Despite the political tensions that oppose Japan, China and South Korea, recent months have seen a certain rapprochement between Tokyo, Seoul and Beijing. The first trilateral summit in three years was held in November 2015.
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Japan's Challenges in Public Diplomacy, An American Vision

Date de publication
10 February 2016

Japan’s public diplomacy (PD) profile rests almost exclusively on the promotion of its cultural soft power. Today, in the complex geopolitical setting of Asia, in which national rivalries are reviving competing wartime history narratives and territorial disputes, this approach is no longer sufficient to advance Japan’s own national interests and gain favorable opinion abroad. Under the Prime Minister Abe, Japan has begun to transform and upgrade its public diplomacy. However, the country is still facing a number of challenges.


El desfile militar pone a prueba las tensas relaciones entre China y Japón

03 September 2015

Los actos que esta semana organiza China para conmemorar el 70 aniversario de su victoria ante Japón, coronados por un desfile militar en la plaza de Tiananmen, plantean un nuevo desafío a los lazos entre Pekín y Tokio, ya dañados en los últimos años por desavenencias históricas y territoriales.


Why Putin Is Squaring Off With Tokyo Over Some Pacific Rocks

11 June 2015

Disputed rocks and Beijing’s bad behavior in the South China Sea dominate the headlines these days. But there’s another showdown over disputed islands in the Pacific that is increasingly casting a shadow over Asia-Pacific security: a bitter fight between Japan and Russia over the Kurils...

Chine/Corée du Sud/Japon: un passé qui ne passe pas

28 June 2015

Cet été marque le 70ème anniversaire de la fin de la deuxième guerre mondiale avec le largage des bombes atomiques sur Hiroshima et Nagasaki en Août 1945. Alors que les relations entre la Chine et la Corée du Sud sont au beau fixe, Pékin et Séoul entretiennent des rapports tendus avec Tokyo.

Japan's Energy and Climate Policy: Towards Dispelling the Uncertainties

Date de publication
28 May 2015

Four years after the Great East Japan Earthquake and a few months before the opening of the Paris Climate Conference, Japan is about to clarify its energy and climate policy.

Is the Japanese Economy a Looking-Glass on Our Future?

Date de publication
01 March 2011

Supposedly bogged down by a drawn-out crisis, Japan currently produces as much as China.

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