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Japan’s Economic Diplomacy in Africa: Between Strategic Priorities and Local Realities

Date de publication
22 December 2020

During his term in office (2012-2020), Prime Minister Shinzo Abe sought to demonstrate Japan's high level of interest in Africa, including by pledging a total of $ 60 billion in financial support at the 2013 and 2016 Tokyo International Conference on African Development (TICAD) summits and announcing his vision for a “Free and Open Indo-Pacific” (FOIP) at the TICAD-VI in Nairobi.

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Improving Economic Security: Proposals from Japan

Date de publication
17 December 2020

The COVID-19 crisis has made clear the importance of resilient supply chains and effective economic security.

What are the impact of the COVID-19 crisis on Japan's economic security?

11 December 2020

In this interview, Shin Oya, Senior Consulting Fellow, Asia Pacific Initiative and Chief Representative for Strategic Research, JBIC looks at COVID-19's impact on economic security in Japan.

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Should We Forget about the Asia-Africa Growth Corridor?

Date de publication
19 October 2020

The Asia-Africa Growth Corridor (AAGC), an Indian-Japanese collaborative vision regarding development, connectivity and cooperation between Asia and Africa, was announced in 2017.

Japan's cyber diplomacy: cooperation with the EU and challenges ahead

18 September 2020

In this interview, Dai Mochinaga, senior researcher at Keio Research Institute looks at Japan's cyber diplomacy and challenges for global cybersecurity and data governance.

Cybersecurity and COVID-19: Responses from Japan

18 September 2020

In this interview, Mihoko Matsubara, Chief Cybersecurity Strategist, NTT Corporation in Tokyo, examines Japan's cybersecurity responses during the COVID-19 pandemic.

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[Videoconference] Japan’s Cyber-Security Strategy: From the Olympics to the World

16 September 2020

A videoconference on Japan’s cyber-security strategy was held by Ifri's Center for Asian Studies on September 15, 2020.

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Japan’s Hydrogen Society Ambition: 2020 Status and Perspectives

Date de publication
15 September 2020

Japan has been steadfastly promoting the development of its hydrogen economy at all levels: political, diplomatic, economic and industrial. It is yet to be seen if this excitement can be turned into a credible, cost-effective and large scale deployment.

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Japan’s Space Program: Shifting Away from “Non-Offensive” Purposes?

Date de publication
15 July 2020

Japan’s space program has evolved greatly since the end of the Cold War, driven by a rapidly changing geopolitical environment and tailored by the emergence of an “intra-alliance hedging strategy”.

Japan in the 2019 G20 and G7 Summits: A Key Partner for Europe?

Date de publication
15 May 2020

This essay offers a general assessment of Japan’s performance in the 2019 G20 and G7 Summits, held respectively in Osaka, Japan and Biarritz, France and looks at how Tokyo coordinated with its European partners (The European Union (EU) institutions and the EU Member States) in these international settings.

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Japan's New Dual-Use Space Policy: The Long Road to the 21st Century

Date de publication
08 November 2016

Japan’s latest space policy is designed to support a more proactive US-Japan alliance role in containing China, and robustly defend Japan against North Korean ballistic missile threats. 

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Tokyo face aux désastres naturels : leçons, enjeux et défis

Date de publication
15 March 2016

While Tokyo prepares to welcome the 2020 Summer Olympic Games, the likelihood that a massive earthquake will occur in the capital city within the next thirty years is estimated at 70 %. This fact alone reflects the challenges that Japan must face in managing the risk of natural disasters.

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Determinants of Japan’s ODA Allocation in Africa

Date de publication
30 March 2016

The debate on emerging donors raises a question whether traditional donors really follow their own ODA (Official Development Assistance) policies or not. This paper addresses the question by investigating Japan’s adherence to its own ODA policies.

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Japan's Challenges in Public Diplomacy, An American Vision

Date de publication
10 February 2016

Japan’s public diplomacy (PD) profile rests almost exclusively on the promotion of its cultural soft power. Today, in the complex geopolitical setting of Asia, in which national rivalries are reviving competing wartime history narratives and territorial disputes, this approach is no longer sufficient to advance Japan’s own national interests and gain favorable opinion abroad. Under the Prime Minister Abe, Japan has begun to transform and upgrade its public diplomacy. However, the country is still facing a number of challenges.

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Nationalism in China and Japan and Implications for Bilateral Relations

Date de publication
27 March 2015

Nationalism appears to be an important part of the growing frictions between China and Japan.

In Japan, the return to power of Shinzo Abe as prime minister, and the historic breakthrough of an extreme right-wing party onto the political scene reinforce the view that there has been a clear shift to the right. Public opinion is today also more realistic about direct security threats to Japan.

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Japan's Energy Policy in a Post-3/11 World: Juggling Safety, Sustainability and Economics

Date de publication
15 September 2014

The March 2011 accident at the Fukushima Daiichi Nuclear Power Station turned Japan’s energy policy on its head, shedding a harsh new light on Japan’s energy policy and power supply system, and throwing into relief six major problem areas that had largely escaped scrutiny before the disaster.

Positioning of Nuclear in the Japanese Energy Mix

Date de publication
30 August 2012

Nuclear fission was discovered in the late 1930s. The first application went towards military use, and gradually expanded to civil use such as power generation. Power generation gained importance in two stages: firstly, to shift away from oil in power generation after the oil shocks in the 1970s, and second, to arrest climate change due to CO2-free nature of nuclear power more recently. This typically applies to Japan, which has become the world third largest in nuclear power generation. However, nuclear power is violent by nature, and major accidents of nuclear power plants shook the public confidence in nuclear safety. Japan has been put into such situation in a most radical way due to the Fukushima nuclear disaster of March 2011.

Globalization of Japanese firms: Long-run Trends, Cross-sectional Variations, and Policy Implications

Date de publication
15 October 2012

Japanese firms are increasingly involved in various global business operations - not only in traditional international trade in goods, but also in offshore production and the new mode of globalization: offshore outsourcing.

A EU-Japan Free Trade Agreement: Toward More Solid Economic Relations

Date de publication
11 November 2012

Until the 1990s, economic ties between the European Union and Japan were marked largely by an atmosphere of trade tension. The main reason was the persistent trade surplus that Japan maintained. Over time, however, the improvement of the bilateral trade balance and the massive direct investment of Japan in the EU have alleviated these tensions.

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Ifri, a foundation recognized as being of public utility, relies largely on private donors – companies and individuals – to guarantee its sustainability and intellectual independence. Through their funding, donors help maintain the Institute's position among the world's leading think tanks. By benefiting from an internationally recognized network and expertise, donors refine their understanding of geopolitical risk and its consequences on global politics and the economy. In 2024, Ifri will support more than 70 French and foreign companies and organizations.

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