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Japan: Deciphering Prime Minister Ishiba’s Strategic Vision. Toward an Asian version of NATO?

Date de publication
10 October 2024

On Tuesday, October 1, Shigeru Ishiba was sworn in as Prime Minister of Japan. His proposal to revise the security alliance with the United States and create an Asian version of the North Atlantic Treaty Organization (NATO) attracted attention and sparked lively debate.


Japan’s New Leadership: Heralding a New Direction?

26 September 2024
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Italian Institute For International Political Studies

Japan’s ruling Liberal Democratic Party (LDP) chose its next leader on September 27, after in mid-August incumbent Prime Minister Kishida announced that he would not run for a second term as LDP President. 

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10th Pacific Islands Leaders Meeting: 5 things to know

16 July 2024

Pacific leaders will gather in Tokyo for the 10th Pacific Islands Leaders Meeting (PALM10) from Tuesday to Thursday.

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Japan’s Enhanced Security Engagement With the Pacific Islands

Date de publication
01 July 2024

The expansion of security and defense cooperation stands as the most spectacular change in Japan’s contribution to the region in recent years.

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Fumio Kishida's Visit to Paris. The France-Japan Relation Deserves Better

Date de publication
13 May 2024

Chinese President Xi Jinping's state visit to France hit the headlines. President Macron rolled out the red carpet to welcome his guest, hoping to convince China to limit its support for Russia and respect fair trade rules. 


Japan PM Kishida’s Africa tour lays groundwork for G7 summit, as China and Russia concerns loom large

11 May 2023

While the impact of Kishida’s tour is ‘marginal, it can still send ‘a message of solidarity’ that it intends to take the continent’s concerns seriously. Getting the African countries to take active measures against Russia will be difficult if they are not offered strong incentives in exchange, one analyst notes.

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Does Macron's stance on Taiwan weaken G7 deterrence against China?

11 April 2023

One of Prime Minister Fumio Kishida’s top goals for next month’s Group of Seven summit in Hiroshima is to create a united front on issues like China and Ukraine. But finding a unified approach to dealing with Beijing’s assertiveness might have just become harder.

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The Technology Policies of Digital Middle Powers

Date de publication
24 February 2023

Digital technology is an element of power in the international system as well as an area for competition among countries. The study provides a qualitative comparison of the technology policies of nine of the digital middle powers: Brazil, India, Israel, Japan, Kenya, Nigeria, Russia, South Korea, and the United Kingdom. It seeks to reflect the diversity of national technology policies, as well as to identify those countries’ convergences and divergences with Europe, the United States and China. 


Japan’s Africa aid rivals China in terms of ‘quality over quantity’: analysts

02 October 2022

Japan has been investing in the continent for longer than China and applies international standards to its infrastructure financing, analysts said. Its pockets may not be as deep, but its support of good governance and democratic principles makes it a tempting development partner for African states.

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The Pacific caught in the World Wide Web? Geopolitics of submarine cables in Oceania

Date de publication
12 September 2022

This article provides a review of the digital connectivity of the Pacific Islands nations (Polynesia, Melanesia, and Micronesia) and the main challenges and prospects arising from it, at a time when the submarine cable market is undergoing profound change and a growing politicization of this technology on the international scene.

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Japan: Deciphering Prime Minister Ishiba’s Strategic Vision. Toward an Asian version of NATO?

Date de publication
10 October 2024

On Tuesday, October 1, Shigeru Ishiba was sworn in as Prime Minister of Japan. His proposal to revise the security alliance with the United States and create an Asian version of the North Atlantic Treaty Organization (NATO) attracted attention and sparked lively debate.

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Japan’s Enhanced Security Engagement With the Pacific Islands

Date de publication
01 July 2024

The expansion of security and defense cooperation stands as the most spectacular change in Japan’s contribution to the region in recent years.

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Fumio Kishida's Visit to Paris. The France-Japan Relation Deserves Better

Date de publication
13 May 2024

Chinese President Xi Jinping's state visit to France hit the headlines. President Macron rolled out the red carpet to welcome his guest, hoping to convince China to limit its support for Russia and respect fair trade rules. 

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The Technology Policies of Digital Middle Powers

Date de publication
24 February 2023

Digital technology is an element of power in the international system as well as an area for competition among countries. The study provides a qualitative comparison of the technology policies of nine of the digital middle powers: Brazil, India, Israel, Japan, Kenya, Nigeria, Russia, South Korea, and the United Kingdom. It seeks to reflect the diversity of national technology policies, as well as to identify those countries’ convergences and divergences with Europe, the United States and China. 

Japan steps up its Africa engagement

Date de publication
18 May 2022

Laying the foundation for the Eighth Tokyo International Conference on African Development (TICAD), Japanese Foreign Minister Yoshimasa Hayashi held talks on 28 March 2022 with ministers from 50 African nations. Hayashi expressed concerns that the COVID-19 pandemic and the war in Ukraine had increased the economic and social vulnerabilities of African countries — deepening their dependence on China. He subsequently committed to increase Japan’s cooperation with Africa.

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Rapprochement in Times of Crisis: War in Ukraine and the EU-Japan Partnership

Date de publication
11 May 2022

The war in Ukraine has shaken the foundations of European security and of the global rules-based order. In many ways, Russia’s aggression has been a wake-up call for the EU, adding a sense of urgency to its ongoing transformation to becoming a stronger geopolitical actor, materialised by the recent publication of its Strategic Compass – its first-ever white paper for security and defence. 

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Japan-Russia: The end of delusions

Date de publication
11 April 2022

The war in Ukraine has led to a major rift between Japan and Russia.

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EU-Japan Relations: Moving Forward

Date de publication
25 May 2021

EU-Japan relations have undergone a major uplift over the past 5 years. Bound by the Economic and Strategic Partnership Agreements, as well as the Partnership on Sustainable Connectivity, the two once-distant players have been stepping up efforts to address the many shared security concerns in the Indo-Pacific and beyond. Ahead of the upcoming EU-Japan summit, this Policy Brief takes stock of the current state of play and offers some food for thought on how to move forward with the bilateral relationship.

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Japan’s Infrastructure Investment in the Indian Ocean: Checking China, Securing the Sea Lanes

Date de publication
10 September 2021

In the 2010s, Japan gradually increased economic connections with the Indian Ocean region (IOR) through trade, foreign direct investment, and official development assistance (ODA).

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Can the Biggest Emitters Set Up a Climate Club? A Review of International Carbon Pricing Debates

Date de publication
15 June 2021

The world’s largest emitting countries are reconsidering the role of carbon pricing instruments and increasingly looking at carbon border adjustment mechanisms (CBAMs) to address leakage concerns. This renewed momentum should trigger a broader discussion on how to make trade policies compatible with the climate agenda.


Japan’s New Leadership: Heralding a New Direction?

26 September 2024
Nom du journal, revue ou émission
Italian Institute For International Political Studies

Japan’s ruling Liberal Democratic Party (LDP) chose its next leader on September 27, after in mid-August incumbent Prime Minister Kishida announced that he would not run for a second term as LDP President. 

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10th Pacific Islands Leaders Meeting: 5 things to know

16 July 2024

Pacific leaders will gather in Tokyo for the 10th Pacific Islands Leaders Meeting (PALM10) from Tuesday to Thursday.


Japan resumes its wooing of Africa, a counter to China’s efforts

04 September 2022

Japan, which began developmental programmes in the 1990s, has been eclipsed in recent years by China, now Africa’s leading trade partner.Pledge to invest US$30 billion on the continent includes a focus on training Africans to run their economy.

Japan Times_logo

As Europe's interest in the Indo-Pacific grows, is Japan ready to lead the way?

18 May 2021

Alarmed by China’s rising power, its frictions with neighboring countries in the East and South China seas, allegations of human rights abuses in the Xinjiang region and crackdowns in Hong Kong, European countries are seeking to step up their involvement in the Indo-Pacific region.


Abe dissolves Japan Parliament ahead of snap elections

28 September 2017

On Thursday, Japanese Prime Minister Shinzo Abe dissolved Japan’s parliament, the starting pistol for the snap elections he called a year early to get over a “national crisis.”

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Législatives au Japon: une victoire pour les "abenomics"

17 December 2014

Lancées début 2013 pour tirer l’Archipel de la déflation, les « Abenomics » sont d’ambitieux programme de relance du premier ministre, Shinzo Abe. 

Invité: l’économiste Claude Meyer spécialiste de la zone Asie.


Japan's upgraded economic security strategy

13 April 2022

An interview with Kazuto SUZUKI, Professor, Graduate School of Public Policy, University of Tokyo.

What are the impact of the COVID-19 crisis on Japan's economic security?

11 December 2020

In this interview, Shin Oya, Senior Consulting Fellow, Asia Pacific Initiative and Chief Representative for Strategic Research, JBIC looks at COVID-19's impact on economic security in Japan.

Japan's cyber diplomacy: cooperation with the EU and challenges ahead

18 September 2020

In this interview, Dai Mochinaga, senior researcher at Keio Research Institute looks at Japan's cyber diplomacy and challenges for global cybersecurity and data governance.

Cybersecurity and COVID-19: Responses from Japan

18 September 2020

In this interview, Mihoko Matsubara, Chief Cybersecurity Strategist, NTT Corporation in Tokyo, examines Japan's cybersecurity responses during the COVID-19 pandemic.

Cooperation Despite Frictions in Northeast Asia

26 February 2016

Despite the political tensions that oppose Japan, China and South Korea, recent months have seen a certain rapprochement between Tokyo, Seoul and Beijing. The first trilateral summit in three years was held in November 2015.

Cooperation Despite Frictions in Northeast Asia

26 February 2016
Despite the political tensions that oppose Japan, China and South Korea, recent months have seen a certain rapprochement between Tokyo, Seoul and Beijing. The first trilateral summit in three years was held in November 2015.

Cooperation Despite Frictions in Northeast Asia

26 February 2016
Despite the political tensions that oppose Japan, China and South Korea, recent months have seen a certain rapprochement between Tokyo, Seoul and Beijing. The first trilateral summit in three years was held in November 2015.

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