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Russia is asserting itself as an imperial power. Isolated since its invasion of Ukraine, it is seeking to strengthen its ties with non-Western countries. At home, Vladimir Putin's regime is hardening.

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Russia Offers Up to $20 Billion to Help Shore Up Euro

15 December 2011

BRUSSELS — Russia said Thursday that it might pledge up to $20 billion via the International Monetary Fund to help stabilize the euro, highlighting the effects of the sovereign debt crisis on Europe’s global influence.

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The "Arab Spring" has contributed to somewhat strain ties between Moscow and Ankara

01 March 2012

Will there be a significant change of policy, in Russia itself and in its foreign affairs, during Putin's third term as president?

- For the past two months, Putin has published a series of seven pre-electoral articles in Russian newspapers. Each of these focus on a particular area of Russia's policy - its social, economic, defense policy, its external relations, etc.

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Vladimir Putin turns 60

05 October 2012

What are, in your opinion, his main successes during these 60 years?
- Vladimir Putin’s main success is his ability to be elected the President of Russia for two times; he is certainly a leader with a prominent standing in the Russian history. However, the question of whether the third presidency can be regarded as a success or an achievement is still open. The conditions under which the elections were held, especially the political opposition will be a political problem for him and for Russia for the next 6 years. My answer is that the first two elections were definite successes, but I wonder about the third one.

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What lies behind Russia's new laws ?

25 July 2012

Does the introduction of these laws lead to a more civilized political and cultural discourse in Russia?
- The main stake of these laws does not really deal with the emergence of a more civilized political discourse in Russia. What ultimately lies behind the Duma’s new laws is a mixture of nervousness about a political environment that is wholly unfamiliar, and a belief in the methods of Vladimir Putin’s previous stints as president.

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Russia's diplomacy is more active than it was ten years ago

09 November 2012

Since December 2011 there is a real convergence between the perception of President Vladimir Putin and the perception of Russia, especially, in the Western media.

That leads to several comments. The first is the feeling that there is now a new, much more concentrated power in the Kremlin, and that to some extent leads to the question about the very difficult challenge for Russia to build balanced institutions. And there is the perception that, on this particular point, Russia has not made progress. And this is the main area of concern as seen from outside.

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The Russian Internet Economy

20 February 2013

The Russian Internet economy is demonstrating a substantial rate of growth, one that is significantly outperforming the rest of the domestic economy. According to joint research by the Higher School of Economics and the Russian Association of Electronic Communications, while in 2011 the Internet economy accounted for just 1% of Russia’s GDP, it was expected to grow at a rate of about 30% in 2012. According to BCG reports, the Internet contributed to 1.9% of Russian GDP in 2010, and is expected to grow by up to 2.8% by 2016. E-commerce, which combines retail and electronic payment systems, accounts for the large majority of the Internet economy, but other segments are also growing. Advertising is the fastest growing part of the Russian Internet economy, growing at a rate of 50% annually.

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Potemkin observers

04 November 2014

Rebel commander Alexander Zakharchenko smiled only slightly on hearing that he had won this weekend's elections in Donetsk, Ukraine (pictured). The results were never in doubt: Mr Zakharchenko's nominal opponents openly supported him, and his face was the only one on campaign billboards. Nonetheless, eastern Ukraine's separatist republics went through the motions of democracy, including inviting international election observers. Those proved hard to find: while Russia has said it will respect the vote, America, the European Union, and the United Nations have all condemned it.

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China’s Role in Multilateral Economic Institutions, between Revisionism and Status Quo

Date de publication
01 September 2014

China, now the world’s second largest economy, is going to play an increasingly substantial role in multilateral economic organizations and mechanisms. 

Governors, Oligarchs, and Siloviki: Oil and Power in Russia

Date de publication
01 February 2013

The contest for control of Russia's oil industry has been an integral feature of the country's politics ever since the collapse of the Soviet Union.

France, Germany, Turkey: A New Triangle of Powers

Date de publication
30 September 2013

Relations between Germany, France and Turkey have been strictly bilateral for a long time, with varying intensity, styles and areas of cooperation. The European perspective that is now part of these relations has introduced a three-way dynamic. 

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Ramses Conference
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Vladimir Putin
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Ramses Conference