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United States of America


Despite polarized domestic politics and social tensions, the United States remains a major player in international relations, on the economic, military and diplomatic levels.

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Flag of the United States of America
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U.S. Immigration Policy: The Making of a Crisis

Date de publication
02 March 2020

Donald Trump’s election to the White House appeared to be the beginning of a profound change in the United States’ immigration policy. He reneged on bipartisan consensus that recognized the “positive contribution” of immigration to the country. This resulted in an increase in policies that affected all aspects of immigration. However, it is the most symbolic of Donald Trump’s goals: building a wall between the United States and Mexico that caused the longest government shutdown in American history.

The 2020 Campaign and the Impeachment Process. Conference video

12 December 2019

The Democratic Party primary campaign is in full swing and the Impeachment inquiry against Donald Trump proceeds speedily. What is the state of American public opinion less than a year before the elections? How are conservative and progressive media lining up to cover the event?

U.S. foreign policy and the World's new power balance: an interview with Gordon Adams

17 December 2019

Gordon Adams, Professor Emeritus of International Relations, School of International Service, American University speaks about U.S. foreign policy and the World's new power balance on the sidelines of Ifri's 18th annual U.S. conference held on December 6, 2019.

U.S. public opinion and the 2020 campaign: an interview with John Zogby

17 December 2019

John Zogby, Senior Partner, John Zogby Strategies LLC and Founder, The Zogby Poll speaks about U.S. public opinion and the 2020 campaign on the sidelines of Ifri's 18th annual U.S. conference held on December 6, 2019.

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Does the conservative media unanimously support Trump's 2020 bid?

Date de publication
02 December 2019

From the 1920s to the 1980s, the American press followed strict discursive practices based on objectivity and fairness. Starting in the 1930s, the country's political center of gravity was on the liberal side and there were few overtly conservative media.

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US Foreign Policy: Mr. Trump's Foreboding Vision

Date de publication
08 March 2019

Since Donald Trump’s rise to power, American foreign policy has become more unpredictable. Nonetheless, several coherent strategies stand out, in particular those that advocate a nationalist approach. An examination of Trump’s entourage also reveals some more conventional figures, who may exert some degree of influence. However, there may yet be surprises to come.


Rare earths: Beijing threatens a new front in the trade war

04 June 2019

China believes its near-monopoly gives it leverage over the US but supply cuts would spur rival producers.

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A Protest Made in Algeria

Date de publication
02 April 2019

Since February 22, thousands and then millions of Algerians have taken to the streets every Friday to protest against the fifth term of their ailing eighty-two-year-old president, Abdelaziz Bouteflika.

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An interview with Eric Holcomb, Gouvernor of the State of Indiana

19 March 2019

During his visit in France on March 7th, 2019, Ifri had the pleasure to realize this interview with Eric HOLCOMB, Governor of the State of Indiana, USA.

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Trump's trade policy: pushing back against China

Date de publication
18 March 2019

Although not akin to the protectionist policies practiced by the United States through the 1930s, the trade war launched by the Trump administration since early 2018 challenges the principles and institutions of free trade.

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Ifri, a foundation recognized as being of public utility, relies largely on private donors – companies and individuals – to guarantee its sustainability and intellectual independence. Through their funding, donors help maintain the Institute's position among the world's leading think tanks. By benefiting from an internationally recognized network and expertise, donors refine their understanding of geopolitical risk and its consequences on global politics and the economy. In 2024, Ifri will support more than 70 French and foreign companies and organizations.

Ramses Conference
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Flag of the United States of America
(c) Shutterstock
Ramses Conference