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U.S. Domestic Policy


Trump's tenure has left a deep mark on the United States, resulting in strong disagreements at all levels of the political sphere that disrupt the proper functioning of institutions and weaken the country's equilibrium.

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2024 Election: What's Next for U.S. International Economic Policy?

24 September 2024

An interview with Emily Blanchard, Tuck School of Business at Dartmouth College and CEPR.

How does she see the prospects for U.S. international economic policy, depending on who wins the election in November 2024?


“Broken” Franco-German tandem needs Tusk and Trump

15 March 2024

As the vital relationship between Franco-German leaders Olaf Scholz and Emmanuel Macron appears “broken”, hopes for a sustainable fix rest on the Weimar Triangle and even the return of an old nemesis.

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'Joe Biden's economic record is not a good enough argument for the Democrats to win the next election'

13 November 2023

As the incumbent US president prepares to run for a second term, Americans are not convinced that the Biden administration has improved their lives, despite flattering macroeconomic data, Stéphane Lauer writes.

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What Is the Future of Trumpism?

Date de publication
06 March 2023

Donald Trump's presidency allowed the most radical wing of the Republicans to seize hold of the party.

United States: The Uncertain Empire

Date de publication
13 March 2023
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The United States and France: Partners for the Pacific Islands Region?

Date de publication
30 November 2022

Emmanuel Macron and Joe Biden are meeting for the first state visit under the Biden administration, which is reserved for France.

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Why a reconciliation between Washington and Teheran seems impossible.

Date de publication
15 November 2022

Relations between the United States and the Islamic Republic are marked by history. On the Iranian side, the overthrow of Prime Minister Mohammad Mossadegh in 1953 weighs heavily on the perception of the United States. On the American side, the events linked to the 1979 Islamic Revolution remain a trauma after more than forty years. The agreement on the Iranian nuclear program, known as the Joint Comprehensive Plan of Action (JCPOA) and signed in July 2015, was therefore a momentous first step towards a possible reconciliation. Unfortunately, the process was interrupted by the United States’ withdrawal from the agreement and the implementation of a "maximum pressure" policy by the Trump administration in 2018. 


French delight as Emmanuel Macron will be first world leader to visit Biden in US

27 September 2022

President Macron is set to become the first world leader to make a state visit to the US during the Biden presidency, to the delight of Paris. Following the announcement on Tuesday, some commentators claimed that France was being “pampered” by the US, while others drew a contrast with what they described as Britain’s loss of prestige on the global stage following Brexit. 

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The U.S. Political Landscape Two Months Before Midterms. Can the Democrats Avoid Defeat?

Date de publication
12 September 2022

The Biden Administration has succeeded this summer in passing several important pieces of legislation. In addition to progressive societal measures that break with the Supreme Court's rulings, the Administration has focused on the economy and the environment: the CHIPS Act and the Inflation Reduction Act promote the relocation of semiconductor and electric vehicle battery plants.

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Rewinding the Clock? US-Russia Relations in the Biden Era

Date de publication
03 February 2022

The escalating crisis in Ukraine in the winter of 2021-2022 has returned US-Russia relations to center stage.

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The United States and France: Partners for the Pacific Islands Region?

Date de publication
30 November 2022

Emmanuel Macron and Joe Biden are meeting for the first state visit under the Biden administration, which is reserved for France.

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The Herculean Task of Decarbonizing the American Power System by 2035

Date de publication
25 June 2021

The Biden Administration has so far taken the focus of the Biden candidate on climate issues seriously, especially the commitment made during the campaign of a net zero power system by 2035.

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The Battle Heats Up: Climate Issues in the 2020 US Presidential Election

Date de publication
06 December 2019

Environmental issues have frequently enjoyed bipartisan support in American history: the Clean Air Act was enacted in 1963 under Democratic President Johnson, and the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) was established in 1970 under Republican President Nixon. 

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Trump's Vice President: Attempting to heal the Republican rift

Date de publication
21 July 2016

The announcement of Mike Pence as Republican presidential nominee Donald Trump’s running mate on July 15 was decidedly lackluster, if not downright awkward. Far from his normal persona of self-assurance to the point of hubris, Trump seemed uncomfortable and even nervous throughout, shifting plans and issuing contradictory statements in the days leading up to his running mate’s finalization.

As Pence’s name began to circulate last week, Trump signaled his malaise by insisting that the leaks were not a “final, final decision,” revealing his inability to confidently stick to Pence. Trump cancelled his first joint event with Pence scheduled for Friday, citing a desire to pay tribute to the victims of the attack in Nice, France the day prior; regardless, Trump drew attention back to himself and announced his choice on Friday evening anyway, via Twitter. Insiders reported that Trump sought assurance from advisors that Pence was the man for the job, even as Trump’s campaign fielded a last-minute appeal from New Jersey Governor Chris Christie.

The selection of Pence represents Trump committing himself to the Republican Party and its unification. Alliance building is Trump’s strategy, but drawing in Republicans is risky as it requires shunning others. A polarizing candidate is what Trump feels his campaign needs but comes with the unease of sacrificing his ability to say or do whatever he pleases, Trump’s characteristic trademark.

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Hillary Clinton's Email "Scandal": How Will It Affect the Election?

Date de publication
15 June 2016

With the Democratic Presidential Nomination in sight, Hillary Clinton must still contend with a continuous conversation about her email practices. How will this scandal, or non-scandal, affect the presidential race yet to come? A look at the perspectives of the American constituency and pending investigations may predict Clinton's likely future... and the future of the American presidency.

The Democratic Party Under Obama and Beyond

Date de publication
30 March 2012

The Democratic Party relies today on very different segments of the U.S. electorate, making it impossible for a Democratic President to sustain long-term public support. In the context of the current campaign, Prof. Nicol Rae provides an analysis of the Party's electoral strategy, since 2008 and beyond 2012.

What Now for Obama ?

Date de publication
13 January 2011

Larry J. Sabato, Professor of Politics at the University of Virginia, provides us with solid historical references and tools of analysis to understand midterms in general and those of 2010 in particular.

He points to the damaging effect of Tea Party candidacies on the Republican victory in the Senate, and on the impact of Republican gains on the 2011 redistricting process. But the bad economy seems to have been the key issue for 2010 voters - it may be key as well in the 2012 presidential election.

The Washington Tea Party

Date de publication
14 October 2013

The near meltdown of the United States government evoked worldwide dismay and confusion. Both reactions were especially acute among America’s well-wishers. For not only would they have suffered the consequences of a global economic crisis but they also feel dependent on the probity of American leadership. That dependence may stem in part from their own failures to assume their reasonable share of responsibility for sustaining an orderly international system - a state of affairs remarkably unaffected by the costly flaws in Washington’s custodianship over the past several years. It is nonetheless real.

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Why Hillary?

Date de publication
04 November 2013

Hillary Clinton has been enthroned as the presumptive next President of the United States - by the celebrity mongers, by the trendy Hollywood set, by the media, by the pundits, by the big donors, by Congressional Democratic leaders like Nancy Pelosi and Charles Schumer and by the Las Vegas odds-makers. The crystallization of a consensus three years before the event is as intriguing as the questions about what sort of president she would make. 

Accountability: "Missing In Action"

Date de publication
21 November 2013

Accountability is on the endangered species list. No - not the word. Indeed, “accountability” reverberates around the electronic ether almost as frequently as “thwarking.” It is the reality of persons, especially public persons, taking responsibility for acts of malfeasance in ways that entail exemplary punishment and personal costs.


French delight as Emmanuel Macron will be first world leader to visit Biden in US

27 September 2022

President Macron is set to become the first world leader to make a state visit to the US during the Biden presidency, to the delight of Paris. Following the announcement on Tuesday, some commentators claimed that France was being “pampered” by the US, while others drew a contrast with what they described as Britain’s loss of prestige on the global stage following Brexit. 

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America's Defense Pact with Australia and the U.K. Has Humiliated France's Macron. But It Might Also Help Him

21 September 2021

For years, French President Emmanuel Macron butted heads, bit his tongue in frustration, and lashed out at former President Donald Trump, who refused to yield an inch to his entreaties about global cooperation. Trump pulled the U.S. out of the Iran nuclear deal and the Paris Agreement on climate change—cherished projects for Macron—and trashed the NATO military alliance as “obsolete.”

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Reaction to U.S. Election Results

11 November 2016

Europe needs better relations between Moscow and Washington. President-Elect Donald Trump spoke on the campaign trail of mending U.S. relations with Russia. 


After summer of chaos, Trump can calm our world

06 September 2016

Reflecting on the events that shaped the summer of 2016, its easy to be overwhelmed by the many images evoking contradictory emotions. The smiles of triumphant athletes mixed in with the tears of parents of the victims of the Nice terror attack. And yet, one image prevails over all the others. It’s the picture of a five-year-old Syrian boy pulled from the rubble of his home in the besieged city of Aleppo, after yet another bombing from Syrian forces.


A facist America?

02 June 2016

Are the United States at risk of giving into a totalitarian drift embodied by Donald Trump?


The United States: the decline of the right to vote

05 May 2016

More and more states are requiring voters to present an approved form of identification, a formality that primarily affects ethnic minorities.

2024 Election: What's Next for U.S. International Economic Policy?

24 September 2024

An interview with Emily Blanchard, Tuck School of Business at Dartmouth College and CEPR.

How does she see the prospects for U.S. international economic policy, depending on who wins the election in November 2024?

The Japan-US alliance under the Biden administration: Quo vadis?

18 February 2021

In this interview, Kunihiko MIYAKE, President of the Foreign Policy Institute; Research Director, The Canon Institute for Global Studies (CIGS) and Special Adviser to Prime Minister Yoshihide Suga’s Cabinet looks at the Japan-US alliance under the Biden administration.

The Biden Administration: What Consequences for Allies? Views from Japan and France

18 February 2021

The US allies greeted the election of Joe Biden with relief, but also with expectations.

The 2020 Campaign and the Impeachment Process. Conference video

12 December 2019

The Democratic Party primary campaign is in full swing and the Impeachment inquiry against Donald Trump proceeds speedily. What is the state of American public opinion less than a year before the elections? How are conservative and progressive media lining up to cover the event?

U.S. public opinion and the 2020 campaign: an interview with John Zogby

17 December 2019

John Zogby, Senior Partner, John Zogby Strategies LLC and Founder, The Zogby Poll speaks about U.S. public opinion and the 2020 campaign on the sidelines of Ifri's 18th annual U.S. conference held on December 6, 2019.

How will Middle America vote in 2020? (Lara Putnam)

17 December 2018

An interview with Lara Putnam, Professor and Chair, History Department, University of Pittsburgh.

How will Middle America vote in 2020? (Henry Olsen)

17 December 2018

An interview with Henry Olsen, Senior Fellow, Ethics and Public Policy Center (EPPC).

Karlyn BOWMAN - Trump: One Year After The Election

15 December 2017

3 questions to Karlyn BOWMAN, Senior Fellow, American Entreprise Institute

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