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United States of America


Despite polarized domestic politics and social tensions, the United States remains a major player in international relations, on the economic, military and diplomatic levels.

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American Cyberpower

13 January 2015

Foreign Policy : Obama's America without a Compass

01 June 2015
"There is no Obama Doctrine. The only pivot that matters today in U.S. forign policy is not the pivot to Asia or China, it is the pivot to America." In the wake of the humiliating fall of the cities of Ramadi in Iraq and Palmyra in Syria- and as 2016 presidential campaigns kick-off- critics of U.S. foreign policy have grown louder both in the United States and abroad.  Democrats and Republicans alike may be beginning to wonder if Obama knows what he is doing and has coherent strategy in the Middle East. 

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"The November Vote"

14 January 2015
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Who are the candidates for 2016?

14 January 2015

The speakers from the Annual Conference on the United States summarize their talks in short videos. Here, E.J. Dionne discusses Barack Obama's presidency and evaluates potential candidates for the 2016 presidential election. 

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François Hollande to Cuba

11 May 2015

Understand François Hollande's trip to Cuba with commentary by Daniela Ordonez, economist specializing in Spain, Portugal, Latin America and the Carribean at Euler Hermes; Benaouda Abdeddaim, economic editor of BMF Business; Laurence Nardon, researcher and United States specialist at IFRI; Karel Negrete, professor of political theory at the University of Havana and co-author of  "Cuba: révolution dans la révolution"; and Philippe Gautier, Assistant Director of Medef International.  - Les Décodeurs de l'éco, on May 11 is hosted by BFM Business.

Watch the video on BFM Bisiness

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Hillary Clinton et la presse : vers une réconciliation ?

Date de publication
21 January 2015

Since her departure from the State Department in 2013, Hillary Rhodam Clinton continues to fascinate the press which scrutinizes her slightest actions, looking forward to an announcement of her candidacy for the 2016 presidential elections. For years nevertheless, the former First Lady kept her distances with the journalists. This notorious mistrust could turn out problematic if she confirms her candidacy.

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Hillary Clinton et les radicaux du Parti démocrate

Date de publication
08 April 2015

Hillary Clinton should announce very soon that she is running for president in 2016. On the Republican side, candidates' abundance promises a long and wild primary campaign. On the Democratic side, Clinton should not face any serious rivalry. The Democrats' (most to the left) champion, the senator of Massachussetts, Elizabeth Warren, repeated many times that she would not run for primaries. Clinton nevertheless has to take into account a radicals' fringe susceptible to play up her in her own party. What is their capacity of nuisance on the American political scene?

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Blaming El Norte: The Economic Realities of Anti-Americanism South of the Rio Grande

Date de publication
25 June 2015

For more than half a century, Cuba captured America’s attention as a symbol of anti-Americanism right in its own backyard. As normalized relations between the United States and Cuba bring these iconic hostilities to a close, many wonder if Castro’s Cold War rhetoric is finally dead. Borne primarily by Venezuela and Ecuador, Latin America's anti-Americanism has in fact merely transformed into an equally aggravating but less consequential trend today. Economic dependency tempers this new thorn in the United States’ side.


Donald Trump, candidat à la présidentielle des Etats-Unis

17 June 2015

Donald Trump, American presidential candidate: Where is the campaign? with Laurence Nardon, head of the United States program at the French Institute for Intenational Relations (IFRI).

Listen Here (in French)


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USA and the negociations with Iran 1/2 : How does each side understand nuclear diplomacy?

22 April 2015

Robert Litwak is the Vice President for Scholars and Director of International Security Studies at the Woodrow Wilson International Center for Scholars.

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Ramses Conference
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Flag of the United States of America
(c) Shutterstock
Ramses Conference