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United States of America


Despite polarized domestic politics and social tensions, the United States remains a major player in international relations, on the economic, military and diplomatic levels.

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Is Omar Sy an Uncle Tom? Race relations in America and France as seen through "Les Intouchables"

Date de publication
27 June 2012

The Intouchables tells the story of a young Senegalese immigrant named Driss, who has been hired to be the caretaker of Philippe, a rich tetraplegic. The feel-good comedy has been a smashing success in France and across the world, grossing over $350m worldwide. While reviews of the film both in France and abroad have been mostly positive, there is a contingent of American critics that thinks that The Intouchables highlights racial stereotypes.

Beyond the Midterms: The Outlook for the Obama Administration

Date de publication
09 December 2010

One month after the midterm elections, it was time to step back and reflect upon the state of affairs at the time and future direction of President Obama’s Administration and deal with which campaign promises might be achieved in the remaining years and how the political parties would rally for the 2012 elections. 

The Future of the American Leadership: Between Renewal and Delegation

Date de publication
11 January 2013

In an effort to preserve its global leadership, the United States has engaged in a “double rebalancing”; a geopolitical rebalancing, as illustrated by the “pivot to Asia,” and a rebalancing of means, with the Obama administration increasingly advancing diplomatic and economic negotiations (economic statecraft), emphasizing the indirect uses of military force and opening up reinforced dialogue with new actors.

NATO Partnerships: Shaking Hands or Shaking the System?

Date de publication
17 June 2011

The new Strategic Concept takes stock of the past ten years but outlines only modest objectives for the future of NATO. Partnership falls under the third core task, cooperative security. A subsequent partnership policy was unveiled, but has provided little new impetus. 

Argent et élections aux Etats-Unis: la campagne de 2012

Date de publication
28 June 2012

Campaign funding in the U.S. follows a number of rules that are complex and often bypassed. These rules have been upset by recent judicial decisions, and the 2012 electoral campaign has seen the rise of unlimited donations. The impact on the democratic process is potentially important and prospects for a short-term remedy remain limited.

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Ifri, a foundation recognized as being of public utility, relies largely on private donors – companies and individuals – to guarantee its sustainability and intellectual independence. Through their funding, donors help maintain the Institute's position among the world's leading think tanks. By benefiting from an internationally recognized network and expertise, donors refine their understanding of geopolitical risk and its consequences on global politics and the economy. In 2024, Ifri will support more than 70 French and foreign companies and organizations.

Ramses Conference
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Flag of the United States of America
(c) Shutterstock
Ramses Conference