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United States of America


Despite polarized domestic politics and social tensions, the United States remains a major player in international relations, on the economic, military and diplomatic levels.

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The United States and the World: what can we expect in the near future?

29 September 2014

Michael Lind,of the New America Foundation, visited IFRI on September 29, 2014 for a seminar on "the beginning of a new pollitical term in Washington". In this video he disccusses the constraints on U.S. foreign policy, notably in its fight against ISIS in the Middle East.


LE FIGARO: Europe and Obama : I loved you but not anymore

28 January 2014

Are America and Europe growing apart or does the U.S. still have a privileged tie with the Europeans?


BFM BUSINESS: BNP Paribas: Will France and the United States take up arms just three days before the ceremnoies commemorating the D-Day invasion?

03 June 2014

On June 3, 2014, Laurence Nardon, head of the United States Program at IFRI joined Fabrice Lundy on "Les décodeurs de l'éco."



THE CHRISTIAN SCIENCE MONITOR: 'Freedom fries' forgotten, Hollande visits Obama amid warming ties

10 February 2014

Laurence Nardon, head of the United States Program at IFRI, sheds light on Franco-American relations in an article by Sara Miller Llara in the The Christian Science Monitor

FRANCE CULTURE: What America will Obama leave the world?

09 June 2014

One could say that the President of the United States, with just over two years left in his second term, worries about the state of the country he will leave for his successors. "What America will Obama leave the world?"

FRANCE CULTURE: Russia formulated a plan for Syria

11 September 2013

Moscow just informed Washington of its plan to control Syrian chemical weapons. The Russians and Americans will discuss the effort tomorrow in Geneva. The French proposition now seems overlooked. But much like Paris, Barack Obama still wields the threat of strikes if Damascus refuses to play along. 


LE MONDE: A weakened interneational leadership

10 October 2013

The world watches with weariness and disbelief as another American psychodrama unfolds. The government shutdown isn't but American, and by extension global, dysfunction's most recent manifestation. 

Obama's new world, what's next?

19 April 2015

Cuba, Iran, Yemen... the White House is fighting on the front lines of multiple diplomatic offensives. In the midst of continuing nuclear negotiations with Iran, Washington has decided to support the Saudi intervention in Yemen while engaging in a new showdown with Iran. The United States won't just sit back with its arms crossed. Incoherent strategy or reestablishing leadership on the international stage? In the final straightaway of Obama's last term, is "Obama the hesitant" looking to rewrite history? And if Hillary Clinton were to succeed him tomorrow, would the former Secretary of State follow in his ideological footsteps? 

Laurence Nardon, head of the United States program at IFRI
Bertrand Badie,  professor at Sciences Po, researcher at Ceri

John R. MacArthur, by telephone from NYC, Director of Harper’s Magazine

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Flag of the United States of America
(c) Shutterstock