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The Economic Pillar of Korea’s New Southern Policy: Building on Existing Assets

Date de publication
15 February 2021

Diversification is a key tenet of South Korea’s New Southern Policy (NSP). In the economic sphere, however, the need for diversification is apparently less pressing as, unlike what is observed in the diplomatic and security domains, Korea’s economic partnerships are less unbalanced and are not (or not as clearly) polarized on the big Four (China, Japan, the United States, and Russia).

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Tanzania’s 2020 Election: Return of the One-Party State

Date de publication
09 February 2021

Beginning with early voting in Zanzibar on October 27, 2020, Tanzanians went to the polls in a general election for district councilors, Members of Parliament (MPs) and the President. As official results began to be declared, it became clear that Tanzania’s long-time ruling party, Chama Cha Mapinduzi, had won a landslide. 

France’s Indo-Pacific Strategy and the Quad Plus

Date de publication
09 February 2021

In France, the launch of the Quad Plus raised little attention.

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European Strategic Autonomy and the Biden Presidency

Date de publication
08 February 2021

Some twenty international personalities from different horizons and backgrounds were asked to reflect on the impact of the Biden presidency for the future of European strategic autonomy.

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A Rough Year Ahead for the China-France Strategic Partnership

Date de publication
05 February 2021

2020 has been a challenging year for the world economy. Although the magnitude of the shock triggered by the COVID-19 pandemic differed widely from one country to another, no economy was left unscathed. 

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Japan’s Cybersecurity Strategy: From the Olympics to the Indo-Pacific

Date de publication
03 February 2021

In September 2020, the Ifri Center for Asian Studies held an online event on Japan’s cybersecurity strategy.

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Once a Jihadist, Always a Jihadist? A Deradicalization Program Seen from the Inside

Date de publication
01 February 2021

France has traditionally taken a security-based approach to the fight against terror. It was a latecomer to the field of radicalization prevention and the establishment of disengagement programs aimed at jihadists. It only started to think seriously about the issue in 2013 and its first attempts involved certain irregularities.

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