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Denmark: A Case Study for a Climate-Neutral Europe

Date de publication
19 April 2021

In recent years, Denmark has steadily emerged as a leader and role model in the global green energy transition. Its greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions since 2010 have been reduced at greater pace than those of the European Union (EU) average. 

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From the Digital Levy to the Taxation of Multinationals: Joe Biden's Tax Revolution

Date de publication
15 April 2021

The Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development (OECD) is conducting important negotiations this spring to reform international taxation.

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Circumstantial Pacifism: Political Parties and the Participation of the Bundeswehr in Foreign Operations

Date de publication
14 April 2021

In Germany's parliamentary democracy, political parties play an important role in mandating Bundeswehr missions abroad and in overseeing their deployment. The political debate on these deployments is polarized between opponents, who are called “pacifists”, and supporters, who are called “militarists”.

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Green Batteries: a Competitive Advantage for Europe’s Electric Vehicle Value Chain?

Date de publication
12 April 2021

Aligning its climate and industrial policies, the European Union (UE) is introducing sustainability requirements for the whole life-cycle of electric vehicle (EV) batteries. This initiative would not only ensure that EVs fit with Europe’s climate-neutrality and resource-efficiency pledges, but also give European new entrants a better chance to compete.

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France’s strategic engagement in the Indo-Pacific makes a difference: Here is why

Date de publication
09 April 2021

Let’s face it: while there are growing expectations for a French and European enhanced engagement in the Indo-Pacific, when Europeans step up their commitment, or express their willingness to do so, they are often met with disdain, on the ground that they would not make a big difference in front of China. Is that really so?

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Europe in the Geopolitics of Technology: Connecting the Internal and External Dimensions

Date de publication
09 April 2021

To respond to growing global competition, the EU has made notable progress on the internal dimension of technology policy over the past 3 years. It is now also seeking to adapt its foreign policy  from the transatlantic relationship to global partnerships  to technological challenges.

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Russia’s Niche Soft Power: Sources, Targets and Channels of Influence

Date de publication
08 April 2021

This paper argues that Russia’s soft power should be understood as a niche soft power, microtargeting some specific audiences based on four particularisms:

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Consequences of the coal phase-out on the electricity production in Germany: a best practice model for Europe?

Date de publication
06 April 2021

2020 marked the beginning of the total phasing out of electricity production based on coal, as well as coal extraction in Germany. Laws implemented in 2020 concluded a governmental process started in 2015, which itself resulted from a prior broader debate on the role of coal in a viable and sustainable energy and economic system.

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