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The Impact of the War in Ukraine on the Energy Sector

Date de publication
07 June 2022

The outbreak of war in Ukraine dealt a shock to energy markets. 

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Moving towards a metallic age: building industry resilience through a strategic storage mechanism for Rare Earth Metals

Date de publication
31 May 2022

The decarbonisation of our economies, along with the challenges of strengthening the resilience of industrial value chains, reindustrialisation, notably through low-carbon and digital technologies, and the end of a period of cheap oil and gas, are accelerating the advent of an era of increased dependence on metals in a context of new and growing competition for access to resources. ​

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SWAPO: The Beginning of the Political Challenge

Date de publication
25 May 2022

Increasingly, the South West Africa People’s Organization (SWAPO) is on shaky ground, caught between internal factionalism and external resentment. Whereas no major new political party has emerged since independence, opposition parties are gradually gaining support, mainly among young voters, and now control the three most important economic centers, weakening SWAPO's thirty-year one-party domination.

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Deus ex machina : les enjeux de l’autonomisation des systèmes d’armes

Date de publication
24 May 2022

While the automatization of machines is part of an already long historical, conceptual, and technical trajectory, the exponential progress of artificial intelligence techniques, robotics and their military applications suggest the emergence of systems that integrate more autonomy. Indeed, despite campaigns calling for a moratorium on autonomous weapons, most military powers are developing programs focused on autonomy. 

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Implications of the Global Supply Chain Reform: A Taiwanese Perspective

Date de publication
23 May 2022

How have both the private and public sectors in Taiwan sought to mitigate the challenges posed by the reform agenda for global supply chains (GSCs)?

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First Nuclear Lessons from the War in Ukraine

Date de publication
18 May 2022

The invasion of Ukraine by Russian forces on February 24th displays undeniable nuclear attributes. The purpose of this text is to analyze the initial lessons of this conflict, with regard to the balance of forces between nuclear powers.

Japan steps up its Africa engagement

Date de publication
18 May 2022

Laying the foundation for the Eighth Tokyo International Conference on African Development (TICAD), Japanese Foreign Minister Yoshimasa Hayashi held talks on 28 March 2022 with ministers from 50 African nations. Hayashi expressed concerns that the COVID-19 pandemic and the war in Ukraine had increased the economic and social vulnerabilities of African countries — deepening their dependence on China. He subsequently committed to increase Japan’s cooperation with Africa.

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The EU’s Renewables Expansion Challenge Towards 2030: Mobilizing for a Mission Almost Impossible

Date de publication
16 May 2022

Only eight years are left to expand by almost three times the current total installed wind and solar energy capacity in the European Union (EU) in adding around 600 gigawatts (GW), and so reach the highly-ambitious 2030 targets. This requires a mobilization whose scale is immense – amidst times of unprecedented crises and uncertainties.

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