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Digital Sovereignty Review of Macron’s Term and Debates in the 2022 Presidential Campaign

Date de publication
15 March 2022

One month before the French presidential election, this briefing assesses the actions undertaken during Macron's term as well as the presidential candidates' proposals concerning France's digital sovereignty.

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The Weimar Triangle Three Decades After Its Foundation: Review and Prospects

Date de publication
14 March 2022

When it was founded in August 1991, the Weimar Triangle was intended as a forum for trilateral consultations between the foreign ministers of France, the Federal Republic of Germany, and Poland on the future of Europe after the end of the Cold War.

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The Paradigm Shift in German Security and Defence Policy After the Russian Invasion of Ukraine

Date de publication
14 March 2022

The German government has long hesitated to take a position on the crisis between Russia and Ukraine. It has refused to question the planned commissioning of Nord Stream 2 and to supply Ukraine with weapons.

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The Space Downstream Sector: Challenges for the Emergence of a European Space Economy

Date de publication
10 March 2022

As the commercial anchor of the space sector, the downstream sector plays an essential role in Europe where industry focuses mainly on application markets and where socio-economic considerations have become the main driver of space policy. 

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The EU’s Carbon Border Adjustment Mechanism: A Piece in the Industry Decarbonization Puzzle

Date de publication
09 March 2022

The Carbon Border Adjustment Mechanism (CBAM) is a first step toward reconciling the European Union (EU)’s climate and trade interests. However, a complementary set of domestic and external policies will be needed to drive the decarbonization of European and global energy-intensive industries.

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The Sino-Lithuanian Crisis: Going beyond the Taiwanese Representative Office Issue

Date de publication
08 March 2022

The year 2021 marked the 30th anniversary of the establishment of diplomatic relations between China and Lithuania. Instead of commemorative events and customary lofty rhetoric, the bilateral relationship rapidly plunged to a level rarely seen in either country’s foreign policies since the end of the Cold War.

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A “New Era”? Toward a Realignment of German Foreign Policy after the Russian Invasion of Ukraine

Date de publication
07 March 2022

German Chancellor Olaf Scholz’s speech to the Bundestag on February 27, 2022, announced a new orientation in foreign policy and challenged the principles that had been the consensus in Germany for the past thirty years.

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The Military Use of Small Satellites in Orbit

Date de publication
04 March 2022

The number of small satellites in orbit has increased rapidly over the last decade, and the growth of this sector is expected to accelerate even more in coming years. 

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