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Le retour de la haute intensité en Ukraine : quels enseignements pour les forces terrestres ?

Date de publication
27 July 2022

After twenty years of counter-terrorism, the Ukrainian battlefield marks the renewal of so-called “high-intensity” warfare. It constitutes a major strategic turning point, reversing the contemporary model of wars involving the West.

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Cercles dirigeants russes : infaillible loyauté au système Poutine ?

Date de publication
26 July 2022

Despite the unprecedented sanctions against Russia following Vladimir Putin's decision to invade Ukraine on February 24, 2022, no important member of Russia's ruling circles has defected. 

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Building Bridges over the Blue Pacific. Beyond Marine Protected Areas – A Europe-Oceania Cooperation

Date de publication
22 July 2022

The “new scramble for the Pacific” is characterized by a race for the control of maritime space and resources, oscillating between ocean grabbing and ocean commoning.

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New government in Canberra: A reset for Australia’s Indo-Pacific approach?

Date de publication
13 July 2022

Following the May Federal election, Australia has its first centre-left government in close to a decade, led by Prime Minister Anthony Albanese.

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The German Industrial Power in Danger: The Double Shock of Energy Transition and Geopolitical Risk

Date de publication
11 July 2022

The German manufacturing industry at the heart of the German economic activity has been confronted in the past years with conjunctural shocks, which question its existence on the German territory: the energy transition which hinders it in the short term to resort to fossile energy from Germany and nuclear energy; a questioning of fossile energy imports from Russia which keeps production sites of fossile energy and nuclear energy in Germany; the currently small capacity of renewable energy to satisfy the important energy needs of the manufacturing industry and the putting into place of alternatives to the importation of energy resources.

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Fishing for Chips: Assessing the EU Chips Act

Date de publication
08 July 2022

China, the United States, and the European Union (EU) are currently developing strategies for semiconductors aimed at financing R&D and the installation of new factories on their territories, in particular through subsidies. The EU Chips Act, announced in February 2022, represents a real break in Europe's industrial policy.

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Five Years after China’s Plastic Import Ban: Have Europeans Taken Responsibility?

Date de publication
04 July 2022

After the 2017 Chinese waste import ban, the international and European Union (EU) legislative framework on waste exports has been revised. 

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Support and conflict: transatlantic agricultural trade since 1945

Date de publication
28 June 2022

Agriculture is an area of strategic importance, where relations between the United States and the European Union (EU) vary from solidarity to competition.

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