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The Pacific caught in the World Wide Web? Geopolitics of submarine cables in Oceania

Date de publication
12 September 2022

This article provides a review of the digital connectivity of the Pacific Islands nations (Polynesia, Melanesia, and Micronesia) and the main challenges and prospects arising from it, at a time when the submarine cable market is undergoing profound change and a growing politicization of this technology on the international scene.

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The U.S. Political Landscape Two Months Before Midterms. Can the Democrats Avoid Defeat?

Date de publication
12 September 2022

The Biden Administration has succeeded this summer in passing several important pieces of legislation. In addition to progressive societal measures that break with the Supreme Court's rulings, the Administration has focused on the economy and the environment: the CHIPS Act and the Inflation Reduction Act promote the relocation of semiconductor and electric vehicle battery plants.

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Reflection on Russia’s Changing Image in the Post-Soviet Region

Date de publication
09 September 2022

The two years preceding the Russian invasion of Ukraine suggested that Russia had adopted a measured policy toward the post-Soviet space. Faced with social protests in Belarus, a coup in Kyrgyzstan, the victory of pro-European president Maia Sandu in Moldova, the second war in Nagorno-Karabakh, and riots in Kazakhstan, Russia showed diplomatic ability without any hard arm-twisting of partners. In 2020, then Carnegie Moscow Center director Dmitry Trenin even concluded that “there will be no new edition of the empire”. The war in Ukraine has completely changed this analysis. 

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RAMSES 2023. Europe at War

Date de publication
07 September 2022

For its 41st edition, RAMSES 2023. Europe at War, written by Ifri's research team and external experts, offers an in-depth and up-to-date analysis of geopolitics in today’s world.

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Critical technologies and industrial capabilities: National definitions and implications. The French case.

Date de publication
01 September 2022

France  has  historically  paid  significant  attention  to  strategic  technologies  and  industries,  whether they were strictly defence- and nuclear deterrence related, or considered as vectors of national independence and security, more broadly.

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Germany, the “Zeitenwende” and the Future of NATO

Date de publication
31 August 2022
NATO has adopted a new strategic concept, which should provide guidance for the next ten years. But the Russian aggression against Ukraine on February 24, 2022, has changed everything.
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Chinese Nuclear Force Modernization and Doctrinal Change

Date de publication
19 August 2022

Dating back to the first test in 1964, the Chinese nuclear force modernization process is motivated by other nuclear powers’ modernization across the years, mostly from the United States and the Soviet Union, but also by domestic factors such as economic debates and tensions in the scientific community.

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Cyberspace Governance in China: Evolution, Features and Future Trends

Date de publication
29 July 2022

As China’s political relations with most of the world’s technologically advanced states have worsened, Beijing has put in place the world’s most comprehensive regulatory and administrative system for governing cyberspace.

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