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Key messages for Europe from the World Energy Outlook 2014

Date de publication
07 December 2014

Hot Energy Topic n° 5, Insight_E publication

Lead Author: Paul Deane (UCC)
Authoring Team: Ulrich Fahl (University of Stuttgart), Carole Mathieu (Ifri)
Reviewers: Kimon Keramidas (Enerdata)

After the end of the end of History

Date de publication
01 December 2014

This paper intends to take a step back from current developments in Ukraine in order to analyze the lessons Europeans ought to draw from the crisis that caught many by surprise. Whether the Ukrainian crisis really turns out to be a »game changer« in a structural sense remains to be seen, but it has made clear that Europeans should rethink a number of fundamental assumptions underlying European foreign policy.

Internet Governance after Snowden

Date de publication
01 December 2014

The Snowden affair could bring about major changes in the structure of the Internet and its governance. Technologies should now a priori integrate standards which give citizens the capacity to keep a check on what data is available.

The Internet and the Flaws of Multistakeholderism

Date de publication
01 December 2014

The Internet Governance debate opposes multilateral thinking, favoring the role of State and interstate bodies, with a multistakeholder model, which aims to unite all concerned actors: states, business, experts, academics and internet groups, among others. 

Emerging Powers and Internet: Finding a Third Way?

Date de publication
01 December 2014

Washington plays a leading role in Internet Governance, which is hardly surprising given the origins of the Internet and America’s technological ascendancy. However, the majority of Internet users are in non-Western countries. 

Internet Neutrality: Getting Beyond Scandals

Date de publication
01 December 2014

While internet traffic is exploding and there is new costly infrastructure to be implemented, the “net neutrality” debate is raging.

The Revolution of Big Data

Date de publication
01 December 2014

Big Data is changing our view of the world by changing our modes of approach, moving from analogue systems to digital-based knowledge.

International Health Cooperation Abolished by Ebola?

Date de publication
01 December 2014

Since 1976, there have been twenty-five recorded epidemics of the Ebola virus. The 2014 outbreak is the most serious.

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