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Les chars, un héritage intempestif ?

Date de publication
15 September 2014

Regarded as a revolutionary weapon at the beginning of the 20th century, the tank is now suffering from a lack of legitimacy: in the last 20 years, most European states have drastically reduced their tank fleets, sometimes even entirely removing them from their arsenals.

The Difficult Issue of College Rape in America

Date de publication
10 September 2014

Cette Actuelle est la quatrième d'une série de quatre Chroniques américaines sur l'éducation aux Etats-Unis, publiées cette semaine.

MOOCs: Re-Creating Affordable Education

Date de publication
09 September 2014

This piece is the thrid in a series of four Chroniques américaines on education in the United States, published this week.

L'échiquier numérique américain : Quelle place pour l'Europe ?

Date de publication
09 September 2014

The United States has established itself as the indisputable global leader in the digital market followed by more interventionist actors such as Russia and China. Europe has fallen behind as it struggles to find its place in this crucial sector. The new European Commission must respond and provide Europe with tools to compete with the market's more dominant actors. 

Sixty Years after Brown: Resegregation in America

Date de publication
08 September 2014

This piece is the second in a series of four Chroniques américaines on education in the United States, published this week. 

American Student Loans: Debt, Reform, and the True Cost of Higher Education

Date de publication
07 September 2014

This piece is the first in a series of four Chroniques américaines on education in the United States, published this week.

Greenland and Iceland: Meeting Place of Global Powers in the Arctic

Date de publication
04 September 2014

At the crossroads of American, European and Asian interests in the Arctic, Greenland and Iceland, the importance of which had for too long been underestimated, are set to play a central role in future regional developments. In order to exploit the potential of their growing economic ties with Asia, without becoming the Arctic “weak links”, Greenland and Iceland need to secure their economy on a long-term basis.

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