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The EU Electricity Policy Outlook for the Smart Grid Roll-Out

Date de publication
16 October 2014

The energy transition from a socio-economic system based on fossil fuels to a sustainable low-carbon system is a multi-facetted process. This “transformation” of the energy system, more specifically of the power system, creates several challenges.

Migration Flows and Policies: India at a Turning Point

Date de publication
01 October 2014

India hosts millions of economic migrants from neighboring countries, especially Nepal and Bangladesh. It is also a haven for large refugee communities from Tibet or Sri Lanka. In the past years, India’s dynamic economic growth has brought in new types of migrants: young European graduates, entrepreneurs and highly skilled Indian migrants returning home.

The end of globalization ?

Date de publication
29 September 2014

Michael Lind, Policy Director of the Economic Growth Program at the New America Foundation in Washington, D.C, was the guest of the French Institute for International Relations (IFRI) on September 29th 2014. In this video, he analyzes the major economic trends post-2008, and predicts the end of globalization.

Homeland : une série de l'ère Obama

Date de publication
25 September 2014

Once widely praised as one of the best shows on television, Homeland will be back for a fourth season starting next week. The show was originally intended as a breaking point with the one-sided and trigger-happy foreign policy of the Bush administration. However, Homeland is sadly turning out to be the reflection of Obama’s foreign policy, itself rather disappointing up to now. What will the new episodes tell us?

Germany's Unnecessary Hegemony

Date de publication
22 September 2014

Based on the realist theory of international relations, this article analyses whether Germany has any incentives to seek (regional) hegemony. It concludes that under the current systemic circumstances – in which the country's survival is ensured by the United States – Germany has no reason to become a hegemon, which is normally a strategy to escape the perils of the anarchic international system. 

Are Europe's Migration Funds Adequate to Meet Growing Challenges?

Date de publication
18 September 2014

Europe’s history books have always identified the Mediterranean as a bridge between different civilisations and cultures. Scholars, such as Fernand Braudel, have portrayed the Mediterranean as the bedrock of Western culture from which dialogue, mutual understanding and trade have been promoted since the very origins of our civilisation.

Turkey/GCC Economic Relations

Date de publication
18 September 2014

Developing economic relations with GCC countries has become a consistent objective of the Turkish government since the coming in power of AKP. They have been successful in rallying part of the Turkish business community to this objective, thus building an internal social consensus towards opening to the Gulf.

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Japan's Energy Policy in a Post-3/11 World: Juggling Safety, Sustainability and Economics

Date de publication
15 September 2014

The March 2011 accident at the Fukushima Daiichi Nuclear Power Station turned Japan’s energy policy on its head, shedding a harsh new light on Japan’s energy policy and power supply system, and throwing into relief six major problem areas that had largely escaped scrutiny before the disaster.

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