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German-Russian Relations: Change of Paradigm versus 'Business as Usual'

Date de publication
19 February 2015

In 2014, Germany’s relations with Russia markedly deteriorated. The decline was precipitous but it did not occur suddenly. It began some time before Moscow’s annexation of Crimea in March 2014 and the Kremlin’s support for separatism and thinly concealed military intervention in eastern Ukraine.

Unburnable fossil fuels in a 2 °C world

Date de publication
07 February 2015

Lead Authors:  Christophe McGlade, Steve Pye (UCL)
Authoring Team: Carole Mathieu (Ifri); Željko Jurić, Marko Matosović (EIHP)
Reviewer: Paul Deane (UCC)

The US Shale Oil Revolution: The Test of the Business Model is Underway

Date de publication
30 January 2015

Since 2010, the United States has been undergoing a second shale revolution with the very rapid development of Light Tight Oil (LTO) or shale oil, following the revolution in shale gas. This development has allowed the production of oil and liquids to increase, so that the US is the world’s largest producer today, ahead of Saudi Arabia and Russia.

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A Single European Labour Market: moving it closer?

Date de publication
28 January 2015
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Le rôle de l'Inde de Modi dans la politique américaine en Asie

Date de publication
23 January 2015

As President Obama makes an official visit to India, Martin Quencez, expert from the GMF Paris office reflects on the current administration's policy toward Asia and notably the "pivot to Asia". The celebrated Indo-American relationship does not appear to have held much promise until now. Could it grow significantly during Narenda Modi's presidency to constitute a key element of the American presence in the region?

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Hillary Clinton et la presse : vers une réconciliation ?

Date de publication
21 January 2015

Since her departure from the State Department in 2013, Hillary Rhodam Clinton continues to fascinate the press which scrutinizes her slightest actions, looking forward to an announcement of her candidacy for the 2016 presidential elections. For years nevertheless, the former First Lady kept her distances with the journalists. This notorious mistrust could turn out problematic if she confirms her candidacy.

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