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Fragility Factors and Reconciliation Needs in Forest Guinea

Date de publication
31 March 2015

In December 2013 the first Ebola cases surfaced in Guéckedou district, near the Liberian and Sierra Leon borders in the Forest Region of Guinea. The outbreak quickly spread from Forest Guinea to the rest of the country and, through the borders, to neighbouring countries. It took three months to identify the Ebola virus as the causative agent of the burgeoning epidemic, longer for the Guinean government to understand the importance of treating the outbreak as a national emergency, and even more time for everyone involved to appreciate the great social toll of Ebola.

L’union ou la force ? Les défis des opérations multinationales contemporaines

Date de publication
31 March 2015

Contemporary multinational military operations occur in a strategic context characterized by the domination of limited conflicts for Western states. 

Space in a Changing Environment: a European Point of View

Date de publication
28 March 2015

The development of European space activities has long been pursued under the framework of the European Space Agency and other national space agencies. More recently, the emergence of the European Union as a new actor for space has paved the way for a series of initiatives and opportunities.

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Nationalism in China and Japan and Implications for Bilateral Relations

Date de publication
27 March 2015

Nationalism appears to be an important part of the growing frictions between China and Japan.

In Japan, the return to power of Shinzo Abe as prime minister, and the historic breakthrough of an extreme right-wing party onto the political scene reinforce the view that there has been a clear shift to the right. Public opinion is today also more realistic about direct security threats to Japan.

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Ifri’s conference on the New Frontiers of Energy Identified Strategic Orientations for the European Energy Union

Date de publication
13 March 2015

The Ifri Center for Energy held its annual conference in Brussels on March 4th, 2015. The event gathered more than 150 participants, together with prominent policy makers, industry leaders and distinguished academics to discuss how the European energy policy can deliver effective results in light of geopolitical upheavals, technological developments and governance issues.

To download the presentations, click here

The Jewish Diaspora and the Russo-Ukrainian Crisis

Date de publication
13 March 2015

Two questions arise when the role of a diaspora in crisis is considered. Do diasporas embody an internal threat to the security of the nation state? And why do some efforts to use diasporas as a tool of international politics succeed while others fail? In this paper, the Ukrainian 2014-2015 crisis involving Russia is analyzed in order to suggest answers to these questions. The author examines the political reactions of a specific diaspora group: the Jews in Ukraine and Russia.

Energy Union: What's Inside the Defence Walls?

Date de publication
10 March 2015

Conflicts in Ukraine and Middle East are giving resonance to the proposal for an Energy Union, originated by Poland, and, initiated by the European Commission. Indeed, access to affordable energy stands as a major concern for all EU citizens and becomes, as such, a strong political argument for the Juncker Commission to back-up an Energy Union.

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Oil and Gas in Eastern Africa: Current Developments and Future Perspectives

Date de publication
05 March 2015

The position of oil companies toward East Africa has changed considerably since 2006 when the first reserves in Uganda came to light. However, for many investors interested in the region, it remains difficult to get a clear picture of the scale of developments of this sector.

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