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Turkey: the Sèvres Syndrome, or the Endless War

Date de publication
23 April 2015

For Turks, the Treaty of Sèvres symbolises the dissolution of the empire and the carving up of Turkey by foreign powers. 

Demand Response in Europe’s Electricity Sector: Market barriers and outstanding issues

Date de publication
22 April 2015

In October 2014, Europe’s drive for sustainability has been further continued with the set objectives for 2030, aiming for 40% emission reduction compared to 1990 levels and at least a 27% share of renewable energy sources. For the longer term, the European Commission (EC) targets a zero CO2 emitting electricity sector in 2050. Those objectives for the electricity sector have a large impact on the expected development of electricity generation, but also on the evolution of demand. To meet those objectives, a larger share of electricity supply will come from intermittent sources like wind turbines and solar panels.

The Changing Face of Migration Flows

Date de publication
20 April 2015

Migration continues to be an integral part of the political landscape in several European capitals, especially at a time when national or local elections are approaching. Nearly all EU member states are under pressure in one way or another from external challenges, but some are under constant pressure from migration flows.

Russia’s Domestic Evolution: What Impact on its Foreign Policy?

Date de publication
20 April 2015

Throughout the Ukraine crisis, the West has been surprised at the brutality of Russia's reaction. It has also been surprised by the broad support for Vladimir Putin's policy among the country’s elites and the population at large (88% of whom back the policy), despite the impact of sanctions and countermeasures that are contributing to the deterioration of the country's economy. This level of support cannot be attributed solely to Russia's propaganda machine, though it has been exerting unprecedented influence since early 2014.

Road to Paris: What Would Be a Successful Outcome for COP21?

Date de publication
09 April 2015

Eight months before the opening of the Paris climate conference (COP21), it can be reasonably argued that a global climate agreement is now within reach.

Carbon Risk and the Fossil Fuel Industry

Date de publication
08 April 2015

As calls for ambitious climate action intensify, questions arise concerning the resilience of the fossil fuel industry in a world ever more inclined to favour climate protection. This article will attempt to assess the extent of present risks and show how the strength of debate can affect practices and strategy employed by companies in this sector.

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Hillary Clinton et les radicaux du Parti démocrate

Date de publication
08 April 2015

Hillary Clinton should announce very soon that she is running for president in 2016. On the Republican side, candidates' abundance promises a long and wild primary campaign. On the Democratic side, Clinton should not face any serious rivalry. The Democrats' (most to the left) champion, the senator of Massachussetts, Elizabeth Warren, repeated many times that she would not run for primaries. Clinton nevertheless has to take into account a radicals' fringe susceptible to play up her in her own party. What is their capacity of nuisance on the American political scene?

The Saudi Electricity Sector: Pressing Issues and Challenges

Date de publication
01 April 2015

With 266 billion barrels of proved oil reserves (16% of world total), Saudi Arabia holds the world's largest (conventional) crude oil reserves, was the largest exporter of total petroleum liquids in 2013, and the second largest petroleum liquids producer behind the United States[1]

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