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Finally Something New in European Defense

Date de publication
03 March 2015

The European defense debate is stepping away from the classical opposition between zealots of “Europe of Defense” and supporters of the North Atlantic Treaty Organization (NATO). 

Could Differentiated Integration Unblock the CSDP?

Date de publication
03 March 2015

Differentiated integration, which brings some member states together on common means and strategies, appears to be the only route possible to circumvent obstructions to a Common Security and Defense Policy (CSDP) for the 28 member states.

“Minilateralism”: A New Form of Defense Cooperation

Date de publication
03 March 2015

Multilateralism has played a significant role in international cooperation.

Sharing Military Capabilities: Dead-End or Future of Defense?

Date de publication
03 March 2015

The framework nations concept, elaborated in Germany, was endorsed at the North Atlantic Treaty Organization (NATO) Summit in Wales in 2014. It attempts to organize defense cooperation between a limited number of countries which share a certain cultural proximity. 

Europe’s English Patient

Date de publication
03 March 2015

Relations between London and the European construct are founded on a misunderstanding: for mainland Europeans, it represents a global political project, whereas for the British, the European Union is just one international institution among others.

Would Europe, Freed from the Perfidious Albion, Lose its Way?

Date de publication
03 March 2015

The United Kingdom’s relationship with the European project could be nothing but complex given its long historical legacy and the implications of political, social and value systems that are often divergent.

Afghanistan’s Difficult Transition

Date de publication
03 March 2015

Afghanistan’s transition has been, politically speaking, slower than first expected; militarily, it has been difficult with the Taliban increasing its attacks in many provinces, compromising the possibility of dialogue with the new power; and a diplomatic transition in which partners and neighbors have moved slowly from dialogue to action. 

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