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Europe and China's New Silk Roads

Date de publication
22 December 2016

As China elaborates on the design of its "Belt and Road Initiative" (OBOR), the place of Europe within this project is slowly but surely taking shape. 

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South China Sea and the Law of the Sea: Where is China’s Power Heading?

Date de publication
28 July 2016

On Tuesday July 12th, after three years of deliberations, the Permanent Court of Arbitration finally delivered its verdict on the conflict opposing the Philippines and China over status of the Spratly Islands in the South China Sea. The judgment is historic, as it goes far beyond the expectations of the involved parties and observers. 

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China in Djibouti: A military base with Chinese characteristics?

Date de publication
25 July 2016

Last February, the Chinese Defense Ministry confirmed the launch of the construction of a Chinese military base in Djibouti. For a long time, Chinese officials had insisted that China would never build military bases or to station troops abroad.

China and the UN’s Peace Keeping Operations: Defending Sovereignty

Date de publication
01 December 2015

China has become one of the main personnel contributors for UN peace keeping operations, and the principal contributor among the permanent members of the Security Council.

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New Chinese Activism in the Mediterranean

Date de publication
01 December 2016

Chinese presence in the Mediterranean is increasing: propositions for cooperation forums with various southern European countries, investment in port terminals, military maneuvering, evacuation of citizens, etc.

China and Global Economic Order: A discreet yet undeniable contestation

Date de publication
23 November 2016

Having long remained a passive presence within multilateral economic organisations, China recently changed its stance when the United States was faced with a major financial crisis. 

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China’s Military Deployments in the Gulf of Aden: Anti-Piracy and Beyond

Date de publication
21 November 2016

The reason for the deployment of a People’s Liberation Army Navy (PLAN) “anti-piracy task force” in the Gulf of Aden (GoA), a key area for the Chinese economy, was obvious in 2008. However, as the pirate activity has faded away since 2012, the objectives of the PLAN in GoA became unclear. 


Beijing tightens control of foreign NGOs

20 May 2016

The Chinese government recently passed a law to bring foreign NGOs under stricter control.


Mapping EU-China relations from the bottom up

14 June 2016

Mapping Europe-China Relations: A bottom-up approach -- a recent report of the European Think-tank Network on China (ETNC) to which Alice Ekman and John Seaman largely contributed -- was summarized in Politico's Pro Morning Trade newsletter.


The International Development of Chinese Think Tanks

01 June 2016

Alice Ekman gave her opinion on the international development of Chinese think tanks at a roundtable in Shanghai, organized by the Korea Foundation for Advanced Studies, Fudan University and Phoenix International Think Tank.

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