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War and Armed conflict


The geography and modalities of wars and armed conflicts are evolving in step with the international system. While irregular wars and asymmetrical conflicts persist, high-intensity wars are multiplying, while crises are taking on new forms as a result of hybrid threats.

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Military rocket launch in the woods, war bullet attack
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Les guerres contre la drogue. Armées, sécurité intérieure et narcotrafic en Amérique latine

Date de publication
03 September 2018

In the context of a persistent impunity enjoyed by organized crime and drug trafficking groups, many countries in Latin America, and especially Mexico and Colombia, have opted to assign military personnel to internal security tasks.

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In Helsinki, Putin Can Grant Trump Great Success, of Sorts

Date de publication
03 July 2018

The July 16, 2018, face-to-face between President Trump and Russian President Vladimir Putin is both entirely natural and extremely unconventional, very encouraging and deeply disturbing.

Opérations de déception. Repenser la ruse au XXIe siècle

Date de publication
25 June 2018

Deception operations, which refer to manoeuver, economy of armed forces and surprise, need to be reintegrated at the center of strategy to respond efficiently to modern threats. 


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Russia, France look for way out of geopolitical deadlock

24 May 2018

On Thursday, Russian President Vladimir Putin and his French counterpart Emmanuel Macron are due to hold a meeting in St. Petersburg.


Macron Heads to Russia in European Effort to Salvage Iran Deal

22 May 2018

French President Emmanuel Macron’s trip to Russia this week once threatened to split France from its European allies. Now it’s part of a wider European effort to tie President Vladimir Putin to the Iran nuclear accord.


As fighting rages, can Russia forge a peace in Syria?

16 March 2018

Nearly two and a half years after the Russian military began an intensive bombing campaign in Syria in support of Syrian President Bashar al-Assad, Russia is struggling to engineer a political solution in the war-ravaged country, analysts say.

Putinism: A Praetorian System?

Date de publication
08 March 2018

Almost 20 years after Vladimir Putin's accession to the presidency in 2000, how should the Russian political system be defined?


Missiles of March: A political means of last resort for Putin

07 March 2018

President Vladimir Putin’s extra-heavy emphasis on new strategic missile systems in his March 1 address to parliament was quite unexpected and rather out of character. 

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Beyond ‘pro’ and ‘anti’ Putin: Debating Russia Policies in France and Germany

Date de publication
31 January 2018

Attitudes vis-à-vis Russia expressed in the public sphere are heterogeneous, in France more so than in Germany. In both France and Germany, the general public is by and large skeptical of Vladimir Putin and his policies. The picture is more diverse in the political realm. In Germany, there (still) is an approach that might be qualified as “mainstream”. The French debate, in turn, is highly fragmented.

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Ramses Conference, 2024
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Military rocket launch
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