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War and Armed conflict


The geography and modalities of wars and armed conflicts are evolving in step with the international system. While irregular wars and asymmetrical conflicts persist, high-intensity wars are multiplying, while crises are taking on new forms as a result of hybrid threats.

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Military rocket launch in the woods, war bullet attack
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'Turkey Is Using Syria to Show its Strength - it's All About Image'

14 December 2016

Turkey is looking to revive a fragile ceasefire in Aleppo, and the planned evacuation of civilians, which brokered with Russia. But why is Ankara, a staunch opponent of Damascus, interested in helping to create an outcome that would benefit President Assad? Amanda Morrow put the question to Dorothée Schmid, head of the Turkish studies programme at the French Institute of International Relations. 

What evolution of US-Russia relationship after Trump’s election? An American point of view

29 November 2016

3 questions to Stephen SZABO, Executive Director, Transatlantic Academy.

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Russia's Economic Modernization: The Causes of a Failure

Date de publication
30 September 2016

In this short study of attempts that have been made in recent years to modernize the Russian economy, the author explains why they have all ended in failure. Unlike most experts, he focuses on politics and ideology.

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RAMSES 2017. A Fragmented World

Date de publication
07 September 2016

RAMSES 2017. A Fragmented World, prepared by IFRI’s research team and selected external experts, offers an in-depth and up to date analysis of global geopolitics.

This 35th edition focuses on three key issues: the spread of jihadist terrorism, the Middle East’s disintegration, and doubts about the European project. With the world’s balance of power and economic foundations shifting, the next few months are likely to be decisive for our future. The growing diversity and complexity of our world is startling, which is why it is important to rethink our analyses and means of action.

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L'avenir de la surprise tactique à l'heure de la numérisation

Date de publication
07 July 2016

Surprise is a crucial dimension of military tactics, which stems from incertitude inherent to war.

The Taboo of the Armenian Genocide, Part Two: The Politics of American Avoidance

Date de publication
06 July 2016

The Armenian Genocide has been a topic of trials and tribulations in American politics for quite some time.  It has been an issue in Presidential campaigns, like that of now-President Obama: when he promised to recognize it. It has been the topic of votes, such as the most recent 2010 vote which failed to recognize the genocide. It has been a funnel for interests, lobbying, and foreign investment. With Germany recently recognizing the genocide and an American Presidential election at hand, speculation of American recognition is once again at a high. As politicians debate the issue, or avoid it altogether, the American political system moves forward. There are various key players in American politics, but in specificity to the Armenian Genocide issue, there are the Armenian, Turkish, and Israeli lobbies, and the constituencies they represent.

The Taboo of the Armenian Genocide, Part One: Global Reaction and American Inaction

Date de publication
04 July 2016

In the Syrian refugee crisis enveloping Europe, Turkey has become the bottleneck toward which migrants are flowing into Europe, a factor increasingly important for Germany in particular. Relations have been strained, however, due to disputes over the possibility of lifting visa requirements.

Russia in the Middle East: Back to a “Grand Strategy” – or Enforcing Multilateralism?

Date de publication
06 June 2016

Russian military intervention in Syria was not an attempt to exert dominance as a hegemonic power in the Middle East.

Middle East, the new "Great Game"

Date de publication
06 June 2016

Will a divided Middle East become the center of a new “Great Game”? The world’s global powers are aligned in it: the United States, falsely tempted by retraction; Russia, establishing its position in an unexpected state of play, France, destabilized by the contradictions of its own policy… In addition are tussles for regional hegemony between Iran, Turkey, and Saudi Arabia.

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