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Defense Policy and Armed Forces


As military competition increases, nations are adapting their defense policies and transforming their armed forces. Doctrine, organization, equipment and training are key to understanding the evolution of land, air and naval forces.

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Aircraft carriers sailing at sea (with fighter jets and helicopters, conducting exercises)
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Zeitenwende: The Bundeswehr’s Paradigm Shift

Date de publication
29 September 2023

Russia’s invasion of Ukraine on February 24, 2022, marked a turning point in German defense policy. After thirty years of military downsizing, the Bundeswehr found itself at an extremely low capability level just as a high-intensity war involving a great power was breaking out on Europe’s doorstep for the first time since 1945. Chancellor Olaf Scholz’s response was to embrace this “turning point” (Zeitenwende) by launching a major program to reequip Germany’s armed forces.

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What Does the Russian Army Think About its War in Ukraine? Criticisms, Recommendations, Adaptations

Date de publication
21 September 2023

The Russian army is very critical of its war in Ukraine. Not just of the first phase of the failed special military operation (SVO), which was inspired by the theorization of bypassing, but also of the strategic deterrence phase that preceded it.

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High-Intensity Warfare: What Challenges for the French Armed Forces?

Date de publication
12 July 2023

The new French Military Programming Law for 2024-2030 resolutely commits the French armed forces to the path of high intensity. However, this term continues to be the subject of debate and confusion within the defense community. 

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After the success of its army in Mozambique, Rwanda expects economic rewards

11 July 2023

Companies affiliated with the powerful Crystal Ventures holding company, the financial arm of Kigali's ruling party, are already present in Mozambique.

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Imagining Beyond the Imaginary. The Use of Red Teaming and Serious Games in Anticipation and Foresight

Date de publication
30 March 2023

The Red Team Defence demonstrates the Ministry of the Armed Forces' desire to appropriate new foresight tools. Thus, brain games or serious games aim to bypass the weight of the military hierarchy, the standardisation of thoughts and cognitive biases in order to avoid strategic unthinking.

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What Strategic Posture Should France Adopt in the Middle East?

Date de publication
17 November 2022

France has a historical presence in the Middle East, where it has many interests to defend: the fight against terrorism, the promotion of the arms industry, the dissemination of humanitarian values, etc. To this end, it has a number of resources at its disposal, notably military: French forces are deployed in Iraq, Syria and Jordan as part of Operation Chammal, in Lebanon for the United Nations Interim Force in Lebanon (UNIFIL), and in the United Arab Emirates.


France's Macron Set For Four-nation Tour Of Africa

01 March 2023

President Emmanuel Macron kicks off a tour of Central Africa on Wednesday in a diplomatic drive to test out a new "responsible relationship" with the continent as anti-French sentiment runs high in some former colonies

logo le Monde
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France's strategic thinking in the Middle East is at a standstill

20 December 2022

French President Emmanuel Macron was poised to arrive in Jordan for a two-day visit starting on Tuesday, December 20. French troops are deployed in the country as part of the Chammal military operation. Héloïse Fayet, a researcher with the Institut Français des Relations Internationales (French Institute of International Relations) who specializes in the armed forces present in the Middle East, told Le Monde that the terrorist threat in the region was almost eliminated. This, she said, should lead Paris to rethink its strategy. Ms. Fayet published a study in mid-November examining France's strategic posture in the Middle East.

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Open Innovation in Defense. Passing Fad or New Philosophy?

Date de publication
26 October 2022

The use of civilian technologies on the battlefield—one of the lessons that can be drawn from recent conflicts—is attracting growing interest from the armed forces of France and other nations. The growing number of examples of effective integration of civilian technologies into the armed forces, including during conflict, shows the importance of open innovation and the acceleration of the international race toward innovation in the defense industry.

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How Rwanda Became Africa’s Policeman

21 November 2022

From Benin to Mozambique, President Paul Kagame is flexing his small country’s military muscle—and transforming the continent’s security landscape.

Envisioning Opportunities for U.S.-Russia Cooperation in and with Central Asia

Date de publication
26 April 2019

Central Asia is conventionally seen as a conflicting space for great powers.

France and Japan: The Indo-Pacific as a Springboard for a Strategic Partnership

Date de publication
27 November 2018

For decades, the Franco-Japanese partnership has essentially been characterised by a vibrant cultural exchange as well as by sound economic relations. Today Japan is France’s second-largest trading partner in Asia (after China) and its leading Asian investor.

Asia–Africa Growth Corridor at the crossroads of business and geopolitics

Date de publication
08 November 2018

The Asia–Africa Growth Corridor (AAGC) — a Japan–India initiative to promote connectivity between Asia and East Africa and encourage joint projects in Africa — is often misrepresented. All too often, the AAGC is depicted as a political move aimed exclusively at countering China’s Belt and Road Initiative (BRI).

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The Gulf Monarchies' Armed Forces at the Crossroads

Date de publication
04 May 2018

Something is happening with the military forces of the Arab monarchies in the Gulf.

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The Future of British Defense Policy

Date de publication
20 July 2017

As the prospect of the United Kingdom leaving the European Union raises increasing challenges to its international position, as well as major divisions at home, the future of British defense policy seems more uncertain than ever. 

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The Future Middle East Strategic Balance. Conventional and Unconventional Sources of Instability

Date de publication
13 September 2016

This paper seeks to analyze the future Middle Eastern military balance of power, in a time horizon of five to ten years.

War’s Indirection or the Return of the Limited War

Date de publication
01 December 2015

Over the last few years both the United States and Russia seem to have changed their conception of how to deploy force. 

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Deploying the Bundeswehr: more transparency, more flexibility, but Parliament’s consent remains key - The Rühe Commission’s final report

Date de publication
17 June 2015

Besides the often invoked historical dimension behind Germany’s strategic culture of restraint, there are today very tangible legal reasons that prevent assertive German military interventionism (which are, of course, directly linked to the historical dimension): any intervention of the German armed forces requires the Bundestag’s consent. 

France and the Fight against Terrorism in the Sahel: The History of a Difficult Leadership Role

Date de publication
28 June 2013

Except for its extreme poverty and the disastrous effects of a series of droughts, the Sahel region has been largely out of the spotlight of international attention in the past. Yet the rise of terrorism and especially the creation of Al-Qaida in the Islamic Maghreb (AQIM) in 2007 brought the region into the focus of world politics. Initially, AQIM"s activities in the Sahel mainly posed a threat to the stability of the Sahelian states themselves. In an effort to internationalize its agenda, however, AQIM also started targeting Western countries.

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European States and their Muslim Citizens

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Ifri, a foundation recognized as being of public utility, relies largely on private donors – companies and individuals – to guarantee its sustainability and intellectual independence. Through their funding, donors help maintain the Institute's position among the world's leading think tanks. By benefiting from an internationally recognized network and expertise, donors refine their understanding of geopolitical risk and its consequences on global politics and the economy. In 2024, Ifri will support more than 70 French and foreign companies and organizations.

Conférence Ramses 2024
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Aircraft carriers sailing at sea
(c) Shutterstock