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Obama's Second Term: The Process of Building Global Leadership

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Obama's Second Term Foreign Policy Team

The second term of Barack Obama’s presidency has introduced new Foreign Policy leadership that suggests changes for the future. The White House will likely centralize foreign policy making and the Treasury Department may play a bigger role in the country’s global engagement. Despite new policy direction, no framework for the strategic renewal of U.S. global leadership has emerged.

Corps analyses

As of early June 2013, U.S. President Barack Obama’s second term foreign policy team is taking shape. At the highest levels, this new team is what might have been expected in Obama’s first term, but for the bold and somewhat unexpected pick of Hillary Clinton (who then brought many of her own people with her) as Secretary of State in January 2009. At the White House and in his cabinet, Obama is now surrounded by his closest advisors from the 2008 election campaign. In contrast, within Secretary John Kerry’s State Department, a number of career diplomats not linked personally or politically to either the president or the secretary of state have been nominated for positions at the assistant secretary level. While “reading the tea leaves” of personnel appointments can be at times misleading, these appointments do offer some insight into the personalities and direction of Obama’s second-term foreign policy.

 The new team Obama is assembling suggests two significant structural shifts and three important substantive directions for the United States’ foreign policy over the remaining three and a half years of his presidency and, perhaps, for U.S. global leadership going forward. Structurally, foreign policymaking under this new team is likely to move significantly from the State Department to the White House, with the former playing a much-diminished role in the second term. Second, the personalities suggest a new relationship between the Secretary of State and the new national security advisor, Susan Rice, one that may at times lead to public disagreement.



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Obama's Second Term: The Process of Building Global Leadership

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Illustration Programme Amériques
Americas Program
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Ifri's work on the Americas region focuses mainly on the United States. Indeed, for more than 20 years, Ifri's Americas Program has provided keys to understanding American society and domestic policy while shedding light on developments in the country's foreign policy, including transatlantic relations and trade issues. 


Since 2023, a specific axis on Latin America structures more actively Ifri's research on this region.


Ifri's Canada program was active in 2015 and 2016.

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Obama's Second Term Foreign Policy Team
Obama's Second Term: The Process of Building Global Leadership, from Ifri by
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Obama's Second Term Foreign Policy Team

Obama's Second Term: The Process of Building Global Leadership