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La fourmilière du général : le commandement opérationnel face aux enjeux de haute intensité

Date de publication
27 June 2019

Operational command structures have always been able to adapt to the strategic context. However, they now face a new challenge: high intensity threats. 

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Macron in Japan: Upgrading the Franco-Japanese Strategic Partnership in the Indo-Pacific

Date de publication
26 June 2019

On June 26, French President Emmanuel Macron will make his first, what is deemed to be a long overdue visit to Japan, a year after his previous travels to Asia led him to China (January 2018), India (March 2018), and Australia (May 2018).

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Assessing Europe's Space Dependency and Its Implications

Date de publication
21 June 2019

It is a classic exercise to imagine what today’s world would be like if all satellites were shut down. The exact consequences of such a scenario, which is not unlikely given the inherent vulnerability of space systems to natural, accidental and deliberate interferences, are however difficult to appreciate, even for specialists. 

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Democracy in Africa: A Long and Winding Road

Date de publication
05 June 2019

The architecture of democracy is complex, coupling a legal framework to a social foundation that allows it to take root.

The Yemeni War: Year Five

Date de publication
05 June 2019

The war in Yemen has entered its fifth year, and the situation is more complex than ever.

"Post-Conflict" Democratization in Central Africa: An Anatomy of Failure

Date de publication
04 June 2019

To create a political shift that draws a line under conflict once and for all, it is not always enough to draft a democratic constitution and call elections. 

The Paradoxical Progression of Democracy in Mauritania

Date de publication
04 June 2019

Mauritania's political system displays certain democratic qualities that go some way to meeting international standards.

Will There Be an Authoritarian Resurgence in Africa?

Date de publication
04 June 2019

Elections are held on a regular basis in various African countries, but democracy is far from flourishing.

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