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Another Story from the "Refugee Crisis". Resettlement in Small Towns and Rural Areas in France

Date de publication
26 July 2019

Since 2015, refugee resettlement programmes have grown significantly in Europe becoming a key component of European asylum strategy. In 2017, Emmanuel Macron committed to resettle in France 10,000 refugees until the end of 2019. Refugees from Syria and Africa are increasingly welcome in small towns and rural areas.

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Regards croisés sur la guerre électronique

Date de publication
17 July 2019

Information dominance through the exploitation of the electromagnetic spectrum has become a cornerstone of military superiority. However, it is now threatened by increasingly advanced electronic warfare capabilities.

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The Strategic Role of Land Forces: A French Perspective

Date de publication
11 July 2019

Although the first and foremost domain in the history of warfare, Land power has been dissociated from the concept of “strategic forces” for some time now, as these generally referred to long-range and/or high-yield strike capabilities, above all nuclear weapons. 

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Offshore Wind Power Floating in its Industrial and Technological Dimension

Date de publication
09 July 2019

Europe has become a frontrunner in fixed offshore wind. Can this success story be replicated with floating offshore wind, a technology that would lift the sea depth constraint and thus open up wider market opportunities? This research study looks at the main success factors for this emerging industry.

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Emirates Airline, Etihad Airways and Qatar Airways: Global Airline Companies Promoting the International Position and Reputation of Dubai, Abu Dhabi and Qatar

Date de publication
08 July 2019

Airports in the Gulf emirates are major transit hubs in global airline networks today. Apart from their “advantageous” geographical location, their development results primarily from the ambitions of political actors seeking to maintain their power. This has led especially to the creation of the “Gulf companies”, namely Emirates Airline (Dubai), Etihad Airways (Abu Dhabi) and Qatar Airways (Doha). However, the three emirates are not following identical strategies. Within the unstable context of the Middle East, it is important to look at the development dynamics of these companies which symbolize the global reach of small but powerful political entities on the international stage.

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Greater Eurasia: The Emperor’s New Clothes or an Idea whose Time Has Come?

Date de publication
03 July 2019

The Greater Eurasia project has emerged as the poster-child of Vladimir Putin’s foreign policy, symbolic of a resurgent and self-confident Russia.

5G and the US-China Tech Rivalry – a Test for Europe’s Future in the Digital Age

Date de publication
28 June 2019

How Can Europe Shift from Back Foot to Front Foot?

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Status of Global Coal Markets and Major Demand Trends in Key Regions

Date de publication
27 June 2019

For the second consecutive year, the coal sector registered good results in 2018. Global coal demand continues to increase (+0.7% in 2018), reversing the trend observed in 2015-16. Coal accounted for 26% of global primary energy consumption, maintaining its position as the second-largest energy source after crude oil, and the first for electricity generation with 38% of global power generation.

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