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Democratization First. The Community Method in CFSP as a Precondition for a European Defense Policy

Date de publication
09 September 2019

The recent calls for the militarization of the EU’s Common Foreign and Security Policy (CFSP) require first a comprehensive democratization of European foreign and security policy.

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La compétition stratégique en Afrique : approches militaires américaine, chinoise et russe

Date de publication
30 August 2019

While it was left behind from power politics for the last decades, Africa is at the core of a renewed attention from global powers.

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RAMSES 2020. A World without a Compass?

Date de publication
27 August 2019

RAMSES 2020. A World without a Compass?, written by Ifri's research team and external experts, offers an in-depth and up-to-date analysis of geopolitics in today’s world.

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International trade - Rekindling interest in a multilateral rules-based approach

Date de publication
23 August 2019

International trade is one of the themes that used to constitute the very raison d’être of the G7, alongside international security and energy policy. 

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Tackling inequalities and vulnerabilities: Why and how G7 development policies could do better

Date de publication
23 August 2019

The G7 has made the fight against inequality a crosscutting issue for the Biarritz Summit. The Development Ministerial will address issues of vulnerability, especially the Sahel Alliance. This focus on inequalities and vulnerabilities is nonetheless inseparable from a general discussion on financing sustainable development.

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A Global Governance That Protects? Global governance and the defence of democracy

Date de publication
23 August 2019

Global governance emerged to deal with the gap between the plurality and diversity of states and the collective and transnational nature of increasingly complex global affairs. 

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Think Tank 7 - Recommendation paper for the G7 Presidency

Date de publication
23 August 2019

The Think Tank 7 (T7) is an engagement group that brings together the leading Think Tanks from the G7 countries in order to analyze and make recommendations on key issues of the G7 presidency. 

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Russian Nuclear Modernization and Putin’s Wonder-Missiles: Real Issues and False Posturing

Date de publication
01 August 2019

The near imminent breakdown of the INF Treaty (1987) has strongly intensified political and public concerns about the failure of traditional arms control and the escalation of a new nuclear arms race.

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