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EU-China relations: De-risking or de-coupling − the future of the EU strategy towards China

Date de publication
26 March 2024

As the European Union (EU) prepares for a new round of parliamentary elections, how should the bloc consider its strategy towards China?

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National Perspectives on Europe's De-risking from China

Date de publication
28 June 2024

The concept of “de-risking” has become a significant focus for the European Union (EU) in managing its relations with China since first proposed by European Commission President Ursula von der Leyen in March 2023. However, the interpretation and policy responses to de-risking vary across Europe, reflecting diverse national perspectives.

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India-Russia Relations in Troubled Times: Steady but Stagnating

Date de publication
07 May 2024

This paper examines the trajectory of India-Russia relations post-February 2022. The war in Ukraine emerged as a significant challenge for bilateral ties, presenting new obstacles to political and diplomatic relations and intensifying the previous difficulties in developing economic cooperation.

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Tailoring Deterrence for the High North: Nuclear Consequences of Sweden’s Accession to NATO

Date de publication
26 March 2024

The Finnish and Swedish accessions to NATO enable the Alliance to play a more active role in the Baltic region.


The South Caucasus: A New Strategic Space?

Date de publication
10 September 2024

The states of the South Caucasus are trying to find their footing in an increasingly fragmented international landscape.

The Military Stakes in the War in Ukraine: An Illusory Stalemate?

Date de publication
08 March 2024

The Ukrainian counter-offensive, which was supposed to result in a major breakthrough in 2023, came up against solid Russian defenses and ended in failure.

Africa, A Mirror for France's Troubles?

Date de publication
08 March 2024

France's setbacks in the Sahel should not lead it to forget the long-standing historical ties that bind it to many African countries. 

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Cross-border Dynamics in Terrorist Mobility and Infiltration along the East African Coastlines

Date de publication
12 March 2024

This paper looks at how terrorism has thrived in the East African region, the evolving nature of criminality and terrorism, and the crime-terror nexus in the coastal and maritime areas of East Africa. The emphasis of the analysis is on the Kenyan coastal regions with a focus on three counties, namely, Kwale, Kilifi, and Lamu.

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