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China/Japan: Redefining Coexistence

Date de publication
07 June 2021

When dealing with China, Japan has assumed a position that protects its economic cooperation with Beijing, ensures Chinese aggressive strategies are deterred and guarantees its overall economic security: security of supply, autonomy in technological development, etc. 

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Commercial Space in Europe: A Balancing Act between Physics, Politics and Profession

Date de publication
03 June 2021

Satellite constellations have become core elements of the digital transition. Over the next decade, several thousand satellites will have to be launched, to build these constellations.  For positioning satellites, preferably in Low Earth Orbit (LEO), reliable and affordable launch services are essential.

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Towards Health for All in Côte d'Ivoire? The Universal Health Coverage as a Means to Redefine the State and to Legitimize the Regime

Date de publication
31 May 2021

Based on a field survey carried out in Côte d'Ivoire as part of the research program “Faire des politiques publiques en Afrique”, the author questions the genesis of Universal Health Coverage (UHC) in the field of global health and its appropriation in the Ivorian context.

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The regional economic order: Four scenarios

Date de publication
28 May 2021

What will the economic order in the Indo-Pacific region look like twenty years from now? What are the major trends shaping it, and how are they likely to evolve in the near future?

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EU-Japan Relations: Moving Forward

Date de publication
25 May 2021

EU-Japan relations have undergone a major uplift over the past 5 years. Bound by the Economic and Strategic Partnership Agreements, as well as the Partnership on Sustainable Connectivity, the two once-distant players have been stepping up efforts to address the many shared security concerns in the Indo-Pacific and beyond. Ahead of the upcoming EU-Japan summit, this Policy Brief takes stock of the current state of play and offers some food for thought on how to move forward with the bilateral relationship.

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Tensions at Sea in East Asia: A Japanese View on Chinese Lawfare Practices

Date de publication
21 May 2021

Tensions at sea are growing and multiplying both in the East and the South China Seas.

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Great Britain and Africa: Boris Johnson's Strategic Reversals

Date de publication
12 May 2021

In 2020-2021, Prime Minister Boris Johnson undertook to fundamentally change the operational mode and strategy of relations between the United Kingdom and the African continent bequeathed by his predecessors since 1997.

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France vs. Turkey in the EastMed: A Geopolitical Rivalry between a “Keeper” of the Old Order and a Challenging Emergent Power

Date de publication
06 May 2021

The Franco-Turkish standoff is first and foremost a geopolitical contest for influence in the EastMed area. It must be understood in light of Turkey’s rise as an emergent power in quest for geostrategic autonomy and France’s unease with Ankara’s growing assertiveness in a region that Paris traditionally views as part of its sphere of influence. 

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