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Towards Geopolitical German Development Cooperation? Recent History, Current Trends, and Future Prospects

Date de publication
20 July 2021

German development cooperation (GDC) in a post-Merkel era can be expected to become more geopolitical. Recently adopted German policy documents like the Indo-Pacific guidelines as well as the support to the geopolitical ambition of the European Commission suggest such a tendency for future German policy making.

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Land Governance in the Outskirts of African Cities. Socio-Economic Challenges of Growing Peri-Urban Land Markets

Date de publication
19 July 2021

Between 2020 and 2050, Africa’s population is expected to double, and the continent will be home to 2.5 billion people. Almost half of this population will be living in urban agglomerations. Metropolitan cities, such as Lagos, Nairobi, Dar es Salaam or Abidjan will host several tens of millions of urban dwellers. Peri-urban areas are most affected by the cities’ expansion and undergo important social, political, and economic transformations. 

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Back to “the Tradition”: Turkey’s Changing Position from a Federal to a Two-State Solution to the Cyprus Conflict

Date de publication
15 July 2021

When it came to power in 2002, the Justice and Development Party (AKP) defended a bicommunal, federal solution for Cyprus, and supported the Annan Plan to reunite the island. 

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Advancing Europe: Green for Danger?

Date de publication
15 July 2021

In France, the prospect of the Greens entering the German government this fall raises both hopes and fears.

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The SPD Between Programmatic Reorientations and Political Continuity?

Date de publication
13 July 2021

Just like most of the European Social-Democratic parties, the Social Democratic Party of Germany (SPD) has been going through a major crisis for several decades. Its centrism that got Gerhard Schröder elected in 1998 and 2002 is seen as a betrayal by the party's traditional electoral base.

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Mexico’s Energy Policies During the Presidency of Andrés Manuel López Obrador: Sovereignty and Security

Date de publication
09 July 2021

In power for three years, President López Obrador leads a National Revolution. The energy sector sees the strengthening of the State and state-owned companies, the Federal Electricity Company and Petróleos Mexicanos, against the liberalization principles implemented in the Energy Reform (2013-2014).

Europe, Power and Finance

Date de publication
09 July 2021

Finance has become an essential attribute of power. Its importance has grown given the substantial investments needed for the energy and digital transitions as well as the need to support economies affected by the COVID-19 pandemic.

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Health Data Governance: Lessons Learned from the COVID-19 Pandemic in Europe, China, and the United States

Date de publication
08 July 2021

The health crisis has triggered a tectonic movement in the recomposition of health data governance and protection models around the world, while accelerating the investment of large digital companies in the field of e-health.

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