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USA/Europe: Seven Digital Challenges

Date de publication
07 July 2021

As a consequence of the positive momentum in Transatlantic relations brought about by the arrival of the Biden administration, significant progress is expected on a range of key digital issues.

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India’s Energy and Climate Policies Post COVID-19: Short Term Slowdown, Longer Term Boom in Renewables

Date de publication
06 July 2021

India has long been a positive and committed partner in global and domestic climate change mitigation efforts. 

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The Importance of the OSCE in German Diplomacy

Date de publication
05 July 2021

As an essential platform for multilateralism, the Organization for Security and Co-operation in Europe (OSCE) has always been important to German diplomacy, although in varying degrees. Historically, Germany’s support for the Conference on Security and Co-operation in Europe (CSCE) process was motivated by the aim of mitigating and ultimately overcoming the division of Germany.

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Xi Jinping’s Conquest of China’s National Security Apparatus

Date de publication
01 July 2021

One indisputable trend of Xi Jinping’s leadership since taking up the reins of government in 2012 has been the reaffirming of the Party’s control over the state, the army, society, and the economy. To this aim, establishing heightened control over the national security apparatus has been his means as much as an end. Xi has thus strengthened the Party’s overall security authority through major institutional and legal reforms.

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Dialogue with Russia. Russia Needs to Reset Relations with the West

Date de publication
28 June 2021

This report analyses Western-Russian relations and proposes a way forward for conducting dialogue with Russia. It offers an analysis of Russia’s relations with NATO and the EU, an overview of the bilateral relations of various Western countries with Russia, a glimpse of China’s role, and an assessment of the main interests and contentious issues in Western-Russian relations.

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Green Recovery for Sub-Saharan Africa: Boosting Sustainable Electrification

Date de publication
25 June 2021

If sub-Saharan Africa followed the same model of economic development as the rest of the world, focused on the growth of carbon intensive industries, cities and infrastructures, it would seal the planet's climate future. Africa’s emissions today are among the lowest per capita in the world: 0.8 tons/capita. 

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The Herculean Task of Decarbonizing the American Power System by 2035

Date de publication
25 June 2021

The Biden Administration has so far taken the focus of the Biden candidate on climate issues seriously, especially the commitment made during the campaign of a net zero power system by 2035.

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The Free Democratic Party (FDP): Liberal Corrective Again After the 2021 Bundestag Election?

Date de publication
21 June 2021

After the regional elections in Rhineland-Palatinate and Baden-Württemberg in March 2021, the FDP is attracting more attention again, mainly because of its traditional role as a coalition party.

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