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A Time of Change for Algeria’s Foreign Policy

Date de publication
01 September 2015

Having been formed in large part by the legacy of the post-independence diplomatic process, by forced withdrawal during the civil war and fixation on a few regional issues, Algerian diplomacy has to redefine itself in a rapidly changing world.

Questioning Algeria's Non-Interventionism

Date de publication
01 September 2015

Given its colonial history, Algeria does not want foreign powers involving themselves in internal affairs.

The Evolution and Limits of the Algiers-Moscow Relationship

Date de publication
01 September 2015

During the Cold War, Algeria was one of the Soviet Union’s favored partners. Ties between the two countries deteriorated during the 1990s before going through a renewal around fifteen years ago. 

Turkey and the Armenian Genocide: from Denial to Recognition?

Date de publication
01 September 2015

At the close of World War I, denial of the Armenian genocide became a central point in Turkey’s official doctrine.

Revisiting Relations 100 Years After the Armenian Genocide

Date de publication
01 September 2015

The 100th anniversary of the Armenian genocide will not mark a great historical moment in Armenian-Turkish relations.

Accommodating Refugees: The Other European Crisis

Date de publication
01 September 2015

The European Union (EU) has been trying to establish a common European asylum system for fifteen years. This project has been stalled by disagreements between states, each looking out for its own national interests.

TISA, TTIP: How Trading is Done on Europe’s Behalf

Date de publication
01 September 2015

The way in which bargaining mandates are granted to the Commission for the purpose of leading the European Union’s commercial negotiations make it a unique negotiator.

The “One Belt, One Road” – Strategic Implications of a Chinese Infrastructure Network in Eurasia

Date de publication
01 September 2015

China’s “One Belt, One Road” project, also known as the “New Silk Road”, aims to create a vast infrastructure network connecting three continents, with China playing the central role.

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